Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Kettlebell - My First Experience With This Tool of Fat Destruction and Muscle Construction

I have about as much of a qualified past as anyone when it comes to me lending my two-cents about anything that pertains to fitness or strength training. I am an ex-athlete and have always been very active in terms of training my body to pass the "eyeball test" ,as well as, being able to perform. I had the fortunate opportunity to serve on the football strength and conditioning staff at UGA under an outstanding program with great overall leadership. No, that is not a dig at other programs outside of UGA, but it is the truth.

With my athletic background I have always considered myself to be fairly fit and strong, but that was all quickly progressed even further when I got introduced to the kettlebell. The first one that I ever purchased was a 20kg (44lbs). I quickly learned how to execute the infamous "swing." I have always been able to execute Olympic style lifts but with the bell I had to continue to use my hips to snap and generate momentum to keep the bell moving. I quickly realized how exhausting this single lift was in my first attempt. From here it was all big progress!

I quickly moved on to the 24kg (53lbs) and further executed more intense lifts like the single-arm overhead snatch. My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest after executing 20-30 reps of these at one time. The conditioning was almost overwhelming and so was my excitement. I got even more fired up when I started doing one-arm push-ups and eventually one-arm one-legged push-ups! Now like athletes my body has a lot to do with my work, but I had not done things like this since I was in high school. Even being a strength specialist I still got impressed with this device quicker than anything else I have ever included in my personal programs.

Just like you it was all new to me at one time. I really wished that I could have had access to this gruesome tool when I was a teenager.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Kettlebell Women - 2 Great Kettlebell Lifts Women Can Use to Develop Amazing Glutes, Abs, and Legs!

Kettlebells are just now really starting to become well known. If you have been reading and paying attention to what really works in the confusing world of fitness then you know how much of an impact the bell can have on your fitness and strength program. With a kettlebell you can literally punish the body-fat to go away and to stay gone!

1. The Double-Arm Swing: If you want to burn fat away from your body fast without playing around then you need to up your intensity. The kettlebell double-arm swing is the lift for you. Many women want to lose weight and body-fat fast and this is the best way that I can recommend. To start the lift place the kettlebell on the ground between your feet. Your feet should be shoulder width distance apart. Perform a squat and pick the bell up with both arms. From here simply execute a quarter squat by sitting your rear back flexing both your hips and knees. Keep your arms straight throughout the movement and allow the bell to swing between your legs. From here immediately extend the hips and knees building momentum with the bell creating an arc that elevates the bell to chest level. Execute 20 to 40 reps at one time for a set. If you really want to challenge your cardio then swing for time instead of reps!

2. The Single-Arm Swing: Just like the double-arm swing the single-arm swing is executed in the same way. The only difference, of course, is that you are swinging with only one arm. Make sure you grip the bell with the handle crossing the mid part of your palm instead of gripping it with your fingers. This will assure that you don't lose your grip on the weight. Upon the descent of the bell going between your legs allow your forearm to corkscrew a bit with your thumb pointing down. As you ascend in the arc of the swing allow your hand to rotate back to where your palm is face down. Execute a desired number of reps like I specified with the double-arm swing.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Incredible Plyometrics - 2 Plyometric Drills to Perform on a Single 18 Inch Box!

78/365 Dead Tired by The Vigilante PhotographerBox Jump by Luis Albuquerque

Did you know that you can develop tremendously explosive leg power by including an effective plyometric program into your strength and conditioning regimen. For starters, if you don't include these athletic performance based drills you are doing yourself a disservice. Allow yourself a moment to look at these 2 simple drills that I guarantee will add to your vertical jump, speed, quickness, and overall fitness. The beauty of it is that they both can be done on a simple 18 inch box.

1. Standard Box Jumps: For this particular drill all you will need to do is stand about a foot in front of the plyometric box. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width distance apart. From here you will want to execute a perfect form squat jump. Make sure you do this by initiating a counter-movement with your arms by swinging your arms back at the same time you bend at the hips and knees. Next, you will want to immediately extend at your hips and knees explosively jumping off of the ground. You should land on top of the box still with your feet shoulder width apart and squatting to absorb the landing on the box. You want to land heel to toe! Simply step off of the box and get back into position to start all over again.

2. Step Single-Leg Box Jumps: For this drill you will want to stand to one side of the box. For the description lets assume it is your right leg. So begin by standing beside the box with your right foot placed up on top of the box with your left foot still placed on the ground. From here explosively utilize your arms to assist you in a vertical jump while thrusting off of the box with the right leg. You are primarily exploding up with your right leg off of the box and you will land on both feet on the ground beside the box. Remember to land with your feet shoulder width apart and to squat to absorb the impact.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Kettlebell Strength - 2 Lifts to Execute With Kettlebells For Great Overall Body Strength!

If you want to improve your flexibility, strength, power, and fitness then you will have to include the following 2 lifts into your kettlebell strength training program. Permit yourself a minute to read and study the following 2 lifts.

1. Clean, Squat, and Press: This particular lift is wonderful because you are implementing both the push and pull movements in the lift. To begin, you place the bell between your feet. Make sure your feet are slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Execute a squat and grab the bell with your hand (Note: for this particular exercise we are doing a single bell lift). Next perform a clean movement bringing the bell to rest at your chest level. Your arm with the bell should be at rest just outside your midline and against your torso. From here execute another squat. Upon ascending in the squat press the bell above your head. Properly lower the bell to the floor and repeat for subsequent reps. Note, the intensity of this exercise can be adjusted by adding another bell and doing 2 kettlebells or by increasing the weight.

2. Single-Arm Overhead Squat: Now this is one intense drill that you can perform to really work on building superior core strength, balance, and overall stability. Here you want to start the same way as the clean, squat, and press drill. Execute a squat to grab the bell to clean to your chest. Next, press the bell overhead. Now the next part is important. Make sure that your shoulder is locked into the socket and that you keep your elbow locked in place. This locking allows you to support a heavier load for the movement. From here you want to squat keeping the bell overhead the entire time. This drill is great for developing amazing shoulder stability, core strength, and overall fitness. This should be practiced regularly in your kettlebell training program.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Ultimate Strength and Conditioning For Volleyball Players!

Marquette volleyball player JoAnn Fischer blocks volleyball at net, 1990 by Marquette University ArchivesVolleyball by bacchus96Ethel Arjona (FRA) by Danny VB

For you volleyball players that are serious about beating up on the competition and want to take your game to a whole new level then kettlebell training for volleyball is right up your alley! For the following 2 drills all you will need is a couple of relatively heavy bells of equal weight. Apply the following 2 kettlebell drills to your personal program for optimal performance and an increase in your vertical jump!

1. Dual Kettlebell Man Makers: For this drill you will simply start by standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Make sure you perform this on flat ground. This is an awesome drill for the volleyball player to perform to help with digs and getting on and off of the ground as fast as possible! Begin by setting the bells between your feet. From here simply clean the bells to your chest. Next, when you lower the kettlebells back to the ground simply place them about shoulder width apart and perform a burpee while still holding the handles of the kettlebells. Perform the burpee off of the kettlebells, keep a grip on them, and stand up to clean them back to your chest. Repeat the process for every following rep.

2. Kettlebell Renegade Rows: For this kettlebell workout routine simply get back into the push-up position holding on to the handles of the kettlebells. From here make sure that you have a stable base with your feet holding them about shoulder width apart. Next, perform a push-up off of the kettlebells and when you ascend to the top of the push-up simply row a kettlebell to your rib cage. Lower back to the ground to perform another push-up and then row the kettlebell on the opposite side. Each side counts as a single repetition. Perform 5 of these on each side to start. This is a great kettlebell exercise for your abs and core. Give it a try!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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Kettlebells - 2 Exercises Women Can Execute to Get a Beach-Worthy Body!

Girl at the beach, Mozambique, Africa. by E. B. Sylvestersurf soul by Paula AnDDrade

Ladies summer is here, but it isn't too late to start getting your body into shape for the beach either for this summer or next! Kettlebells are a hard-hitting tool that can be used for you to annihilate body-fat and get you into the greatest shape of your life. Check out the following 2 exercises that I have included here to help you kick your fitness into high gear!

1. The Double-Arm Kettlebell Swing: This is a wonderful kettlebell training drill for women. If you want to develop a tight set of glutes (tight butt) and legs that look slick and athletic along with a hard flat stomach then you will like the results that you get from this challenging exercise. To begin, simply squat to pick up the bell from between your legs. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width apart in length. Next, you will want to perform the hip snap movement to create momentum to swing the bell from between your legs up to your chest level. To do this simply flex and extend at both your knees and hips back and forth in a constant motion. Make sure you keep your shoulders retracted and your arms straight. Perform 30 to 50 of these in a row with a moderately heavy bell and you will know exactly what I am talking about when I say "beach body!"

2. The Kettlebell Squat: This is a simpler exercise than the swing but is very effective for helping you to develop lean hard muscle in your hips, glutes, low back, and hamstrings. This kettlebell exercise is performed by setting the bell right between your feet. Make sure your stance is about shoulder width or slightly wider than shoulder width apart in length. Perform a perfect form squat and reach down with both arms to pick the bell up. Make sure you properly flex at your hips and knees to perform the squat. Once you ascend lock out both your hips and knees at the top of the movement. Perform every rep by picking the bell up and setting it back down. Do this continuously for about 30 to 50 reps in a row! This will certainly speed up your fat-loss progress.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

How to Build the Ultimate Body!

So what is the ultimate body? That is the question you need to ask yourself before reading any further into this article. You've heard the old saying that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I often wonder about what some people consider beautiful, however I guess that is why this interesting saying exist. Anyway, ask yourself the question that I posed. Now do you want to build that body? Now I am going to tell you that you can't do it! At least not exactly.

Now that I have your attention you are probably wondering what in the hell I am talking about. Lets think about this example of the ultimate body in a logical fashion. Lets say that you think Arnold Schwarzenegger has the ultimate body. Now if you want to look at this realistically you more than likely are not going to look like the Governator! This is true for many reasons. Reasons like genetics, training, diet and general looks all pose as too many true differences that serve as to the reason why you won't be able to look like Arnold. Now having said that it doesn't mean that you can't resemble him by building your body to have common physical traits.

Another example would be that if you think that the ultimate body is more of the Men's Health kind of look like someone resembling Brad Pitt, then this is even more different than the Arnold look. Chances are you don't look like Brad Pitt either, but you can cater your training to forge your body to resemble the look. This is the key to trying to find your "ultimate body." You have to structure your strength and condition program to fit the goal you want to achieve. If you are going for the Arnold look you need to train your body for muscular size characteristics, but if you want to train for the Brad Pitt look then you should train more for strength and hardcore fitness.

The bottom line is that whatever your ultimate body is remember that it is YOUR body and not the guy on the cover of Men's Health or Muscle and Fitness. Forge your body to be what you want it to be. Hammer away at it the way a blacksmith would hammer out a hot chunk of iron to forge the ultimate weapon for combat!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Squat Technique - 2 Exercises to Help You Master Proper Squat Form!

Squats by Hoan Kiem Lake by eujintaySquat Exercise by vbrady

The squat is a wonderful exercise that is great for developing leg strength, core stability, and overall fitness. If you are looking to either learn how to properly perform a squat or if you just want to improve your own technique then you need to give the following 2 drills a try. Remember that practice is the key, but you must practice with flawless technique!

1. Wall Squats with a Kettlebell: For this particular squat exercise you are going to need a wall and a kettlebell. Now normally when you think of wall squats you think of doing them with your back to the wall. However, for this particular drill we are going to perform it by facing the wall! The kettlebell's role here is to be used primarily as a marker. To begin, you want to be facing a wall with your feet about shoulder width distance apart.

The kettlebell should be right in the middle of your feet. Your feet should only be about 3 to 5 inches away from the wall. The next thing you want to do is to begin the descent of the squat. You must do so in a controlled manner or you will bump your knees or your head against the wall. Obviously this is what you will want to avoid doing. You will find that your back will be quick to tense up along your spine. This is normal and is the way for correct form squats. Its muscular tension. You want to progressively go lower and lower until you are able to touch the handle of the kettlebell and eventually even be able to pick it up. Don't frog your knees. Keep everything parallel.

2. Chair or Box Squats: For this drill you will need the use of either a chair or a box. You will want to align your feet right in front of the chair or box with your feet about shoulder width distance in length. From here it is simple. Make sure that you sit your rear back and bend at the hips and knees. Descend until your rear just touches the chair or box and then stand back up. You can eventually execute more challenging squats with this exercise by adding weight, using a lower box or chair, or by doing both. This is a sure way to improve and learn proper squat form.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lose the Inches Now - 2 Exercises to Help You Shrink Your Waistline!

Kettlebell Strength Circuit Workout #1 by mbodystrength

Are you tired of getting out of breath or getting lightheaded when you bend over to tie your shoes? Do you want to lose some inches off of your waistline? If so then you need to implement the following 2 drills into your personal program.

1. Kettlebell Bear Crawls: This is a very intense kettlebell training exercise that is sure to get you into fat burn mode. To execute this drill you will need the availability of a set of kettlebells of equal weight and an open flat field. Mark off a distance of about 10 to 20 yards depending on your desired work intensity. Next, get into an upright push-up position with a kettlebell in each hand and with your body stabilized with the bells. From here move forward by crawling with your arms by lifting the bells off of the ground moving forward placing one in front of the other. Keep your legs straight and only torque your hips back and forth to help your progress. This kettlebell workout routine will terminate your waistline!

2. Walking Lunge Jumps: For this lower body exercise you will also need the availability of a flat open field. Once again mark off a distance of about 20 yards. From here you just want to execute a typical walking lunge. Now the only difference is that once you step forward with the lead leg for the walking lunge come out of it and explosively jump off of the lead leg and land with both feet in front of you. Make sure that you land by squatting to absorb the impact and that you land heel to toe. Both feet should be shoulder width distance apart upon landing. From here simply start with the opposite leg for the next repetition. This is one of the best lower body workouts you can do.

You will find that both of these drills will promote a significant amount of fat-loss and will melt the inches off of your waistline. Practice the drills often and flawlessly in order to build your strength to get the most out of the movement!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Outstanding Cardio in Your Garage - 2 Great Cardio-Blasting Drills You Can Do Right in Your Garage!

Most of us stay so busy with family and work that we don't have the time or the motivation to pack a bag and drive to the gym. Well the good news is that to get into great shape you don't have to be. Allow yourself a minute to read and learn about how you can achieve amazing cardiovascular fitness by going no further than moving your car out of the garage and engaging in these cardio routines.

1. Military Style Jumping Jacks: That's right, I said jumping jacks! Now you may think you know how to do jumping jacks, but the only way I know is military style. The difference in this style of jumping jacks and everyone else's style is the count. To begin this great cardio blasting drill stand straight with your feet together and your hands by your side. From here jump to spread your feet wider than shoulder width while simultaneously raising your arms overhead. Immediately return to the original position to start all over again for the next one. The key here though is that with the military style jumping jack you do at least 3 in a row before that can count as a single rep! My challenge to you to gain superior cardiovascular conditioning is to knock off 100 of these bad boys without stopping!

2. Jump Rope: The jumping rope cardio workout is another fabulous way to get a great workout and to develop hand/eye coordination at the same time. Its all about keeping the right pace. Feel free to include the jump rope into your cardio program along with the jumping jacks. The beauty is that both of these drills can be done independently, used as interval bouts, or can be involved in a total conditioning circuit! My challenge for you with the rope is to jump for 3 minutes nonstop, rest for a minute and do another 3 minutes! Be strict with your rest time and complete 3 rounds of 3 minute jumping intervals. If you want superior cardiovascular conditioning and to promote some serious weight-loss then these 2 drills are just for you!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

One Set of Dumbells, No Problem - 2 Exercises You Can Do With a Single Set of Dumbells!

Push ups using the exercise ball by *pele*DB Squat curl to press 2of by Coach B Meyer

So you want to know how you can get into great shape with little or no equipment? The fact is that you can create an exceptional workout with only a single dumbell, but for the sake of this article I'm going to give you 2 great exercises that you can combine with both for a body-blasting workout! Since most dumbells have hex shaped heads on the ends I am going to assume that yours do too. Check out the following intense dumbell workout exercises.

1. Man-Makers (aka. Push-Up Rows): This is an intense exercise that you can use with the dumbells to gain tremendous upper-body and core strength. Basically, you want to get into an upright push-up position holding yourself up by balancing on each dumbell. Next, you want to execute a push-up and then stabilize your body while doing a row with one of the bells while you balance yourself with the other one on the ground. From here just execute another push-up and do the same thing on the other side.

2. Squat Curls: This a fantastic movement that challenges many muscles at one time and should be at the top of the list of your dumbell exercises. It involves a lot of mobility therefore giving you a tremendous conditioning effect, as well as, the benefit from the resistance. To start, just stand with your feet about shoulder width distance apart. You should be holding the dumbells by your sides. Next, execute a dumbell squat and simultaneously curl the dumbells up in front of your body. You will find that by curling the weight in front the natural motion will force your hips and rear to sit back forcing you into a deeper squat. This is hugely beneficial! This dumbell fitness program will speed up your progress to gain core strength and lose excess body-fat. Trust me, it is much harder than an ordinary set of dumbell squats.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Building a Strong Heart - 2 Drills That Will Build You a Heart Laced With Steel!

Exhaustion by alreiff

So if you are looking to build a heart that is strong and that will give you amazing conditioning then you need to check out the following 2 drills. To build up your cardiovascular conditioning the following 2 exercises are designed in an interval type of format based on work and recovery. The key is learning how to manipulate your recovery time in order to improve it, thereby improving your overall cardiovascular conditioning and promoting ultimate weight-loss and fat-loss! Note: The following 2 exercises are designed for more moderately fit to advanced fit individuals. Beginners should work on lower intense exercises before progressing to the following 2 drills.

1. 20 Yards Of Jumps: This is a basic drill that is sure to get your blood pumping fast! To begin this drill you will want to mark off a distance of about 20 yards in an open flat field. Start at one end of your mark and perform a squat long jump. Jump as high and far as you can with each jump. Make sure you land heel to toe and explode into each jump with continuous effort. Give yourself about 45 seconds rest between each 20 yard completion of the jumps.

2. 20 Yards Of Lunge Jumps: To begin this drill you will want to start on one end of the marked line. From here take a lunge step and then explosively jump off of the lead leg. Once you are in the air bring the other leg up and make sure that you land heel to toe on both feet. Once you have landed then alternate legs and repeat the same thing on the opposite side. Propel yourself the full 20 yards making sure that each jump is as far and as high as you can go. You need to try and limit your rest time to 45 seconds between each of the 20 yards of jumps. This interval style of work time to rest time is what will give you a tremendous amount of cardiovascular conditioning!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Killer Abs - 2 Body-Blasting Exercises to Terminate Your Fat Stomach!

How To Get Ripped Abs by truehealthyproductIMG_2426 by Jack T.

If you don't know the secret for how to lose stomach fat and get a flat six pack then here it is. One, you have to eat as healthy as possible. Two, you have to train with intensity and consistency. The good news is that both are very possible without you having to sacrifice your precious TIME! Take a look at these 2 body-blasting exercises to lose belly fat.

1. Rolling Squat Jumps: This is a funny exercise that isn't so funny when you are doing it! This will blast your body into shape fast. All you need to do is get a flat spacious area to execute this ab-blasting drill. You can either execute this in your yard on the soft grass or in your living room as long as you have a relatively soft mat to fall back on and a high enough ceiling! From here stand with your back to the mat or area that you are going to be working in. Next, if you have the mat behind you then simply squat and lower your rear all the way to the ground. Once you have lowered yourself sit back on your butt and roll backwards onto your shoulders. Now in one explosive movement roll forward and plant your feet back on the ground and spring up. Note, that you can use your arms to assist you in the upward phase of rolling back to your feet. The final move is to explosively add the jump into the movement. All of this must occur at once with no pause or hesitation. Execute the desired number of these all in succession!

2. Rolling Squat Jumps Into a Squat Thrust: Now this is one killer lean muscle builder. This drill starts exactly like the one mentioned above. You want to do a rolling squat jump, but instead of hitting the ground to go into another rolling squat jump you land from the jump place your hands on the ground and execute a squat thrust. This is a 3 step movement where your feet are shoulder width distance apart to start. Step one, you squat down to place your hands on the ground in front of you. Step two, you kick your feet out behind you placing you in an upright push-up position. Step 3, you simply kick your feet back up underneath you and stand back up. After this you immediately execute another rolling squat jump and start all over again. This will help you build the killer abs you have always wanted!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Stability Ball Power - 2 Great Exercises to Build Strong Glutes and Hamstrings!

2-Leg-Bridge-Fitness-Ball-Training-Tennis by Austin Trainer

Ok, if you are not serious about working out then stop reading this article right now. If you are serious then pay close attention because this workout is the best way to get a tight butt. It may seem easy when reading it on this monitor, but once you try it you will see how it is capable of developing you a tremendous glute and hamstring muscle! Check out the following 2 drills that I consider stability ball power exercises.

1. Bent Knee Hip Thrusts: This drill looks about as silly as doing a hand stand, but the benefits are huge. All you need to do is find an open floor space and your stability ball. From here you want to lie down on your back with your arms slightly angled out to the side and flat on the ground. Place your feet on the ball with your heels pushing down on the ball. Your knees should be bent at a 90 degree angle with your rear just barely touching the floor. Make sure that your feet are flexed with your toes pointing up, and not extended like you would if you were pressing the gas pedal in your car. From here all you need to do is perform a hip thrust extending your hips so your rear lifts off of the floor until it aligns your body from your shoulders to your knees. This requires strong glutes. Continue to flex and extend your hips allowing your rear to barely touch the ground for each repetition. Try to do 30 of these in a row!

2. Hamstring Ball Rolling; Flexion and Extension: The setup for this exercise is exactly the same as the first with the exception that your legs are extended when you begin. Here you start with your body fully extended in a straight line. With your rear off of the ground and the ball just above your ankles flex your knees and roll the ball towards your rear and then extend it back for one repetition. Keep your rear off of the ground throughout the entire set and execute 30 of these in a row! When you are finished feel free to email to tell me how easy they were.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kettlebells - 2 Great Lifts to Increase Your Lat Strength!

The kettlebell as you may or may not know is the ultimate hand held gym. You can use this fitness tool to manipulate your body in many ways to get specific results that you desire. For instance, you can develop superhuman lat-strength with this device with the following 2 kettlebell routines.

1. High-Load Windmills-You may be familiar with the traditional stretch of windmills to target flexibility of the shoulders, hips, glutes, lower back, and hamstrings. To do this correctly proper technique must first be learned, but the same stretch can be intensified with the kettlebell in the hand that is above the head while you are basically bent over to one side. The normal windmill is executed by starting with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Next, for the sake of argument, we'll assume you are doing the right side. The bell is pressed with the right arm above the head with your left arm tucked behind your back. Then you angle both feet diagonally with your toes pointing left or away from your right. Keep the right arm with the bell locked throughout the entire movement. Next you push your hips back favored towards the right and lower your torso to the left keeping your right leg straight. The movement should go down with a great stretch in the right side of your body before coming up. As you ascend in the movement you will feel the lats engage with the weight of the bell. Regularly implement this kettlebell training drill for great lat strength.

2. Loaded Lat-Press-The benefits of kettlebell training continue with this lift. It is performed exactly as the windmill is described above with the exception of you starting the bend of the torso with the bell being held in the "clean" position. As you bend allow the bell in your right hand to somewhat retract your shoulder-blade. You want to simultaneously press the bell as you are descending in the movement. Once the shoulder is locked out then simply stand back into it as you did with the windmill exercise. You will develop tremendous lat-strength by including this in your fitness training program.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Kettlebells - The Frankenstein of Fitness, Bringing Your Dead Workouts to Life!

I like to refer to the kettlebell as the "Frankenstein of Fitness" because it will bring your dead workouts to life! You are probably wondering what is a kettlebell? Well, a kettlebell is a strength training device that resembles a cannonball with a handle attached to it. It originated in Russia and has been around for centuries. This is my fitness tool of choice when it comes to down right hard-body results because the benefits of kettlebell training are endless. The good news is that now they are becoming more popular here in the U.S. and I am here to say that it is a tool that will transform your workouts and your body forever.

FRANKENSTEIN by popartdksKettlebells by robinslomkowski

To begin, kettlebell exercises are a very dynamic and different way to train your body. There are many different types of kettlebell lifts that can be executed with the kettlebell to strengthen the body as a whole. When working out with this tool you can pretty much throw the isolated or single-joint movements out the window. For me this is why this gruesome fat destroying weapon is so effective in building total-body strength and fitness. It can be utilized to integrate push and pull type movements which are the basis of human function.

For the sake of time I want to discuss two basic lifts that cover the push and pull dynamic. I'll start with the big pull movement. The first of these are the double-arm kettlebell swings. This is a movement that basically involves picking the bell up from the floor from between your legs. After you pick up the bell your feet should be about slightly wider than shoulder width with complete extension of your knees and hips. The bell should be hanging in front of you slightly below your hips and in front of your groin area. From this point you want to sit your hips back with about a quarter-squat and have a slight bend of the knees. At this stage you should have a slight bend of both the knees and hips. In a continuous back and forth movement you want to extend the knees and hips allowing the kettlebell to build momentum as it swings back and forth between your legs. Make sure you are continuing to flex and extend the knees and hips to build the swinging momentum of the bell. When finished you want to utilize a proper squat to lower the kettlebell back to the ground between your feet from where you started.

The second lift I want to discuss involves a push exercise of the kettlebell. The lift to which I am going refer is the overhead static press and walk. To begin this exercise you must first execute a proper clean lift to get the bell from the floor to chest level. The "Clean" is a term that weightlifters use that means to lift the weight from the floor to chest level in one single "Clean" movement. This is done by starting with the bell on the floor in the same manner as the swing lift. You must then execute a proper squat and grab the bell using one arm. From the floor then lift the kettlebell using your hips. Simultaneously pulling it up and corkscrewing your arm to allow the bell to come to a rest on the outside of your forearm. From this standing position with your arm and kettlebell resting in front and against your body then press the bell overhead. Once you lock your shoulder and elbow into place with the bell straight overhead then simply walk on a flat surface at a desired distance. When you are done then follow the steps in reverse from lifting the bell to putting it safely back on the floor. From here just switch arms and repeat the lift.

To put it mildly your workouts have been dead until now! Learn how to utilize the power of this tool of muscle construction to kickstart your workouts. Remember that the kettlebell is a different way to train and you shouldn't try anything unless you are confident in your technique. From here watch your results explode from the intense kettlebell!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Vertical Explosion - 2 Exercises For You to Adopt to Add Significant Inches to Your Vertical!

Vertical......Leap by lookin4Vertical leap by jonn alex gonzalez

In order to increase your vertical, truthfully there are several variables that have to be included into your training in order for this to occur. However, the following 2 drills are a great start for you to certainly add some inches to your vertical leap. Read about the following 2 drills and properly apply them to your personal strength and conditioning program.

1. Dumbell Squat Jumps: This is an excellent plyometric exercise for you to implement in order to gain tremendous core, leg, and hip explosion. All you need in order to do this drill is the proper flooring and a set of dumbells. I am going to assume you are an athlete and are in good standing athletic condition when I recommend the following exercise. You can start by using a set of dumbells ranging in weight from 15 lbs each up to 35 lbs. each depending on what level you think is appropriate for your ability. Start by standing with your feet about shoulder width distance apart holding the dumbells in each hand by your hips. From here execute a squat jump while keeping the dumbells by your side the entire time. Perform 10 to 15 reps in a row. Make sure the squat jumps are done in continuous succession. This is a tremendous drill for developing a superior vertical and overall athletic conditioning.

2. Keg Tosses: This is a page right out of the world's strongest man handbook! This is a drill that is wonderful for developing a superior core and explosive hip and upper-body power that can certainly add to the increase of your vertical leap. To execute this exercise you will need some wide open space (preferably with no one else around) and an empty beer keg. You have probably seen this particular drill performed by world strongmen on TV, but it has huge benefits. To begin, stand over the keg with the drum laying on it's side. From here rapidly squat and grab the ends of the drum. Next, explosively extend your body to throw the keg straight overhead. Now don't be stupid and try to catch it. Simply get out of the way of it and let it fall to the ground. As soon as it does, get into position to throw it again. By implementing such an entertaining drill you can add significant inches to your vertical jump. Both of these drills provide a great workout to improve vertical leap.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pull-Ups - 2 Types That Are Almost Mutant-Like and Will Get You Ultimate Lat Strength!

Assisted band Pull-up by ReActive GymPull Ups Mar 18 2008 51/366 by noxsoma

I will simply say that just when you think your strength and conditioning program is top notch there is always room for improvement. I want to teach you how to boost your pulling ability to a level that you would have never imagined. The following 2 pull up exercises will teach you how to achieve a status of "power pulling" that will seem like that of some kind of animal or mutant!

The Staggered "V" Pull-Up: This pull-up is a variation of a normal style with a slight twist on the movement that is involved. First, lets picture a normal style pull-up. You start by positioning your body by jumping up to grab the bar. Hanging from the bar you simply pull yourself up until your chin is slightly above it. The Staggered "V" pull-up is essentially the same except when you go to pull yourself up you shift your weight to stagger the midline of your body over to one side. So you are basically shifting and loading your weight more over to one arm. From here you control your descent and transition to the other side. You are forming a "V" when moving from left to right. When executing each side you have completed a single rep! This is one powerful muscle workout routine guaranteed to give you a super strong back.

Around The World Pull-Up: This pulling motion is merely a variation of the Staggered "V" and is certainly not your ordinary style of chin ups. From here you want to start by hanging from the bar and shift your weight like with the "V" to one side. From this point instead of descending you now want to shift your weight while still ascended to the other arm and then descend. You repeat this motion going the same direction. Either a clockwise or counter-clockwise motion. Here, you want to make sure that you complete the movement in each direction for it to be considered a rep!

As you start to implement these into your routine you will find a lot of people staring in curiosity at your "mutant-like" strength! Practice often and flawlessly to master this feat.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Cutting Body-Fat - 2 Drills to Help You Cut the Body-Fat Faster Than Anything!

Her Abs by the awful  din (Ben Wester)Elaine Young by hbhealthylife

If you want to cut your body-fat then you need to read and apply the kettlebell exercises that are given to you in this article. First of all, in order to cut any weight or body-fat you must clean up your lifestyle. It doesn't matter what kind of diet you go on or what kind of program you participate in, you must consistently eat healthy and live healthy. Now having said that with the inclusion of a highly effective training system you can obtain mega results! You can start with the following 2 drills in order to develop spectacular cardiovascular conditioning and serious core strength!

1. Kettlebell Double-Arm Swings: For superior cardio and a mega fat-burn you have to include this awesome kettlebell fat loss lift into your personal regimen. The double-arm kettlebell swing is a single exercise that utilizes 75 to 80% of your entire body and over hundreds of muscles in order to execute the lift. It quickly raises your level of perceived exertion giving you a major calorie and fat-burn. You basically will want to start with a moderately heavy bell and a sound understanding of the technique involved with the lift. Attempt to swing the bell for time in order to gain a high level of cardiovascular conditioning. Maybe try to execute constant double-arm swings for 2 minutes to start and eventually work your way up to 5 minutes!

2. Kettlebell Single-Arm Swings: Once you get used to the intensity of the double-arm kettlebell swing then you can step up your game a notch by transitioning to doing single-arm kettlebell swings! This is another great kettlebell routine for you to gain further cardiovascular conditioning and a solid level of strength from the isolateral movement that is involved from training off of the one loaded side of your body! Attempt to swing for time here as well. This is a great drill to further enhance your kettlebell fitness and to burn fat faster!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Your Stomach - 2 Exercises to Get Rid of It!

052/366: if i squeeze really hard... by bodyntrainingHard Curves by Jared Leib

I never like putting on those few extra pounds during the year around the holidays. Who does, right? The one thing that I know I can rely on is my consistency with training and the effectiveness of it with my kettlebell workouts. I have to always be conscious of my appearance being in the business I'm in and the following 2 drills certainly make it easier for me to stay as lean as possible. I hope you enjoy it as well. Remember that pain is temporary, but pride is forever!

1. Kettlebell Stair Walks: This is a great kettlebell routine for you to perform. All you need is a good set of stairs or bleachers along with a set of moderately heavy kettlebells. To execute this drill all you need to do is start at the base of the bleachers or stairs and walk to the top. Of course, as you are walking to the top of the stairway or stadium you will be holding a moderately heavy kettlebell in each hand. This exercise really intense and gets your heart pumping faster than anything. If you want to get rid of the stomach fat this drill is going to be your best friend. Give it a try and gauge your intensity based on the number and height of stairs you are using.

2. Kettlebell Overhead Press and Walks: For this drill you will need a couple of kettlebells like in the drill above. You will also need a flat open space preferably on grass (like a park or football field). Before you start this drill mark off a designated distance of about 30 yards. To begin, clean and press both bells above your head. Lock out your arms and make sure that your shoulders are sucked into the sockets. From here simply walk the designated 30 yards. Execute 5 or 6 of these walks to begin and you will see just how quickly this kettlebell training fat loss routine can work!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Your Personal Gym - The Living Room - 2 Body-Blasting Exercises to Perform Right in Your Living Room

The key to getting in optimal shape does not depend on whether or not you have a gym membership. As a matter of fact I would save my money and invest more time and energy into valuable information that will get you results like this particular article. If you have read my articles you know how I believe in being efficient when it comes to working out. You are better to hit a more intense workout that is short rather than dragging it out leisurely over an hour! Take a look at the following body weight workout that you can do right in the comfort of your living room.

1. Prone Hip Thrusts: Now this is a bodyweight exercise routine that is a sure thing to eliminate your midsection. To promote fat-loss and weight-loss you must intensify your current regimen. This is the perfect exercise to perform in order to do just that. To begin, get into a normal upright push-up position (prone to the ground). Make your body firm and rigid. Your hands should be right at about shoulder width distance apart. Next you will want to thrust both of your knees up to your chest while keeping your hands firm to the ground. Once you thrust your knees up to your chest then immediately extend them (or thrust them) back into the extended position. Continue to fluently and rapidly thrust your knees back and forth for the desired number of reps. You will quickly see what kind of intensity I am talking about after you do 15 or 20 of these in a row!

2. Push-Ups With Alternating Knee Thrusts: This body strength fitness drill begins just like the prone hip thrust. Get into the same exact starting position. From here you will want to execute a normal push-up. Once you go to the ground and come back up you will thrust one leg up to your chest and immediately extend it back to where you are in the upright push-up position. Immediately execute a subsequent push-up and do the same thing with the opposite leg. Your core and upper-body will be under constant tension when performing this dynamic push-up. Attempt 5 to 10 on each side!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Push-Up Success - 2 Styles of Push-Ups to Get Your Upper-Body Jacked!

I have found that many people have the mindset that they can't get into shape without the use of a fully equipped gym. This couldn't be further from the truth. As a matter of fact you can probably make bigger gains in terms of fitness by learning how to manipulate your own body-weight in an effectively structured push up workout. If you aren't used to doing exercises such as push-ups and squats then when you give these movements a try you tend to find out just how challenging they can be. Give the following 2 push-up variations a try and I guarantee you'll know what I'm talking about!

1. Staggered Kettlebell Push-Ups: To execute this drill you will only need the use of a single kettlebell. If you don't have a kettlebell then any object of similar height and sturdiness that you can comfortably place your hand on will do. To begin this drill simply place the kettlebell with the handle laying down on the ground pointing towards your feet. Place one hand on the rounded portion of the bell and one hand on the ground. Make sure your hands are about shoulder width distance apart. Next, all you have to do is perform the desired number of push-ups. Attempt to do 10 on that one side and then switch hands. You will see real quick just how difficult these can be.

2. Elevated Leg Push-Up: This is a simple style of push-up that requires nothing more than your own body-weight. To start, get into a standard upright push-up position. Next, simply raise one foot off of the ground. Do not cross it over the leg that is still on the floor, just simply raise it up. Now all you have to do is execute the desired number of push-ups with that one leg raised. This is way more intense than your standard style because of the extra distribution of weight over to the side that is still stationary to the floor. Make sure you don't arch your back. Maintain proper technique throughout the exercise. Perform 10 to 15 on each side for a single set. Practice these killer push ups and watch your upper-body gains explode!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Deep Squats - 2 Methods to Teach You How to Execute Deep Squats!

In order to get the most out of developing superior muscle mass and the strength to match one must learn how to increase their range of motion. This is where one of the best exercises for building lean muscle mass like the squat is no different. You must teach yourself to increase your strength, flexibility, and range of motion by practicing. You must implement techniques that enable you to progress and to eventually accomplish these very tasks. Take a look at these 2 particular methods that you can implement in order for you to achieve blasting out deep squats.

1. Raise the toes: This is an interesting method one can put in place to modify their strength training program as it pertains to their squats. If you normally do variations of squats (front squats,overhead squats, back squats, dumbell squats) then you know the proper foot placement and technique you have to take to do the squat correctly. Normally you probably only execute parallel squats. The next time you squat make one simple adjustment in your squats to immediately increase your range of motion. Simply get a board or a couple of small 2 1/2 or 5 lb plates to place under the balls of your feet with your heels still on the ground. This will immediately start training your body to increase in the range of motion throughout the exercise further increasing the motion of your deep squat or full squat technique.

2. Adjustable Bench or Box Squats: This is something you have probably used in the past in order to mark the depth of your squats. You probably got a lot from it and developed more lower body strength as well. This is a great little method that you can use in order to be conscious of your total squat depth. As you build leg strength at a certain depth keep lowering the bench or box to go deeper. This will help you to develop the necessary muscles to stabilize and hold your body throughout the movement.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Intense Push-Ups - 2 Styles of Push-Ups That Will Change Your Body!

Push ups in a wedding dress? by *Caity*push ups by sun dazed

Push-ups can be a great exercise when one decides to use it in an exercise program. Most of us tend to stick to the weight training when it comes to getting our resistance training. There is certainly nothing wrong with lifting weights, but I do think there is an overwhelming number of people who don't properly learn how to utilize their own body-weight first before moving on to adding that additional load. Check out these 2 types of push-ups that are sure to challenge you as much as any weight.

1. Rotational Push-Ups: This is a funny name for a style of push-up, but I promise you won't be laughing while you are doing them my friend. To start this push up variation get into the normal upright push-up position. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width distance apart. Next, execute a standard push-up. You will descend to the ground and ascend back up to the upright position. Once you ascend to the upright position lift one arm off of the ground and rotate your body (at the torso) around and point the finger of the hand you lift to the ceiling. Your body should maintain a straight line as you turn to look upward. Once you have rotated up then simply rotate back place your hand on the ground to execute a push-up and rotate again on the opposite side. Attempt to do 10 of these on each side and try to tell me it is easy!

2. Plyometric Push-Ups: This is a fun and intense plyometric exercise to perform and is also a fantastic chest workout. The technique is just like a normal push-up with one difference. When you ascend in the push-up movement you will want to forcefully push yourself up hard enough for your hands to elevate off of the ground. You want to execute these all in succession for optimal strength gains. You will develop tremendous upper-body explosiveness and overall core strength from this movement.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Overhead Squat - The Benefits of This Extraordinary Lift!

Overhead Squat by CrossFit Atlantaoverhead squat by zorbsOverhead squat: 95lb by verymiao

If you don't know what an overhead squat is then you need to learn how to execute this lift flawlessly. This particular exercise poses many benefits to your overall fitness and strength program. The overhead squat is an exercise, like any other, that has many variations. For this article I'm going to discuss the overhead barbell squat.

To begin, if you have never seen this particular lift executed it requires a decent amount of upper-body and lower-body strength and a reasonable amount of shoulder and hip flexor flexibility. The great thing is that even practicing to do this lift one can promote all of these variables in their personal program. To complete the lift one presses the barbell overhead with the arms locked out. With the bar overhead you then squat to at least parallel depth with the load overhead. Now this sounds easy, but be warned that you will find out that your shoulders must have enough flexibility and range of motion in order to keep the bar straight overhead otherwise it will drift forward pulling you in that direction. You can gain tremendous shoulder flexibility and stability from the overhead barbell squat lift. It is also a great precursor as a warm up for the traditional barbell back squats. You will also find that it can help you to develop a powerful upper back and a substantial amount of core strength therefore increasing your power in many other lifts. If you want to start to practice get the motion down by using a simple broom handle before moving on to the weighted bar.

This is a great strength training squat to develop tremendous upper-body stability and flexibility. This is a great exercise to add to your personal fitness program to beat the results out of you!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Squats - 2 Types of Squats to Give You Beach-Body Worthy Legs and Glutes!

Bikini Bodies 2007 4.jpg by novellsteelBikini Bodies 2007 36.jpg by novellsteel

If you want to be quick on your way to having that "beach-body" you need to participate in trying to master squats. This exercise has many benefits that all contribute to nothing less than obtaining total-body fitness. There are many variations of squats, but this article will give you 2 types that will surely give you the foundation that you are looking for.

1. Rhythm Squats: This exercise is a lower-body blast that will give you tremendous definition in your leg muscles and are also great for conditioning purposes. You can do these either free-standing or with an added load. Begin by standing with your feet about shoulder-width distance like a normal squat position. Next execute 10 normal squats. Immediately after you do the 10 normal squats execute 10 more squats, but this time pop-up onto your toes after the squat. You should execute each squat by starting flat footed as usual only coming up on the balls of the feet at the end of each squat and returning to a flat-footed position. Alternate the normal with the popping-up on the balls of your feet back and forth 10 reps at a time until you do 50 total reps! These are definite squats for fat-loss and athletic performance.

2. Rhythm Squats with a Vertical Jump: Just like the ones described above these are even more effective and slightly more advanced. Here you want to start just like I described above. Execute the 10 normal squats immediately doing 10 pop-ups on the balls of the feet, and thirdly complete a squat jump for the final 10 repetitions. Alternate each type of squat every 10 reps until you get to 60 full repetitions! All squat jumps should be done in nonstop succession. This is a seriously effective movement for developing superior fitness and enhancing your vertical jump muscles.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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