Friday, April 30, 2010

The Prison Workout!

Prison Break by Marspeople+Jail Workout by artistpete

What is the Prison Workout? Well, this is a funny thought that I like to share with my clients and friends from time to time. The origin of this so-called "prison workout" comes from me trying to get people to use their minds and creativity to structure their workouts. I posed the question of how would you train if you had limited resources and equipment, or like if you were locked up in prison? It does cause one to think.

Now I understand that most of you would fire back with the fact that prison's have recreational areas stocked full of free-weights. I'm making the assumption that you would be all on your own. Just you, the four walls, and the concrete floor. How would you train in this environment? The truth is that there is a lot that you can do with even this little bit of space. You would obviously have to utilize your own body resistance and get real creative. The truth is that your fitness and strength training program should be a creative venture anyway. This hypothetical concept is just meant to get you thinking on a different plane.

I would personally engage in an array of push-ups. I would start every workout by engaging in 5 different types of push-ups. Dive-bomber push-ups, traditional push-ups, one-arm push-ups, plyometric push-ups, and elevated leg push-ups are just a few to start out with when engaging in such a program. I would also incorporate the same concept with squats. Variation and variety are all qualifiers that make up the "prison workout!"

In order to achieve optimal strength, cardiovascular fitness, and total-body power you must engage in different variations of traditional exercises. Start with the basics and progress from there!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Superior Cardiovascular Conditioning - 2 Drills For You to Develop Ultimate Cardiovascular Fitness!

One variable in training that ALL serious athletes have to have is superior cardiovascular conditioning. When I talk about cardio I am referring to training your body to the point of a sweat drenched shirt and along with having the strength of a lion at the same time. Permit yourself a minute to read about how you can accomplish this very feat by applying the following 2 drills!

1. Kettlebell Snatch: This is a lift that will get your heart pumping harder and quicker than any workout, bike ride, or long distance run you have ever attempted. The overhead snatch is a lift executed with the kettlebell that is somewhat of a hybrid type of lift in it's nature due to the fact that it is both an Olympic style and endurance style lift. It involves a technique of swinging the bell from between your legs and punching the palm of your hand vertically to lock out the kettlebell overhead.

At the end of the movement your shoulder is locked into the socket, your elbows are locked, and your body is systemically challenged to the limit! You integrate hundreds of muscles and your cardiovascular fitness will soar by executing this particular lift. Try a 100 of these in less than 5 minutes with a moderately heavy bell and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about!

2. Kettlebell Squat and Press: If you are an endurance athlete and you don't prioritize your training to include the strength and conditioning element then you are doing yourself a disservice. This particular lift is a great lift to accomplish both elements of developing total-body strength by incorporating the push movement, and total conditioning by the particular amount of work volume that you can add to this lift. This lift involves you first cleaning the bell to your chest, then performing a squat, and finally pressing the bell above your head at the top of the squat movement. This kettlebell training lift is a sure way for you to develop a superior amount of endurance for your competitive event.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Total Fat Annihilation - 2 Exercises to Harden Your Body!

I have the answer for you concerning your fat-loss. Weight-loss in and of itself is useless unless you are losing it healthy by losing the fat and building a hard body packed with lean muscle. You see to achieve total fat annihilation you must build lean muscle mass. Building this lean muscle mass is what speeds up your metabolism. Once your metabolic rate has been sped up then your muscle will torch the fat away from your body. You see lean muscle and fat cannot exist in the same world. Here are 2 drills to help you create that world for your body!

1. Kettlebell Clean and Squat: This is an awesome total body drill. For starters, you can execute this particular drill with a pair of bells or with a single bell. For the sake of this article I am going to talk about using a single kettlebell. To begin, simply straddle the bell with it between your feet. Perform a proper squat and pick up the bell by cleaning it to your chest. Once you have properly cleaned the bell to your chest simply perform a perfect form squat. Now when you do this you will see that this particular drill is basically a front-loaded squat because the bell is in front of your body. Fight against the sensation to lean forward and to lean to the side of your body in which you are lifting the bell. This is how you will obtain tremendous strength and you can optimally tension your body in order to get into awesome shape!

2. Kettlebell High-Pull: This drill is much more dynamic. It is great for strengthening your shoulders, upper-back, glutes, hamstrings, and about a 100 or so other muscles. To start this drill you must be familiar with the proper technique that is necessary to perform a single-arm swing. Once you are ready to start this drill simply execute a single-arm swing with the bell in order to allow it to build some momentum. Once you are in this motion then simply allow the bell to elevate up to a lateral position to your head at the top of the arc of the swing. Now here you obviously want to be careful not to knock yourself out! The motion that you want to mimic when the bell is lateral to your head should be like "pulling back the string on a bow before you shoot the arrow!" Its an almost "raring back of your elbow" type of motion! From this position simply allow the bell to fall back into the natural arc of motion to repeat the movement again. This is kettlebell training for real fat-loss! Train flawlessly and train hard.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Powerful Plyometrics For Volleyball

Powerful plyometrics is a very smart way for the serious volleyball players to enhance their game! Volleyball requires explosive core strength and leg power in order to be effective. The one sure way for a volleyball player to develop these kind of physical traits are through plyometric training. I have included a couple of drills for you to implement into your personal performance program to enhance your athleticism!

1. Box Jumps: For this drill you will need at least a single plyometric box with about a height of 24 inches. Start by standing in front of the box. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width distance apart. From here initiate a counter-movement with your arms by swinging them backwards as you drop your rear in the descent of the squat. As soon as you descend immediately extend both your hips and knees explosively jumping off of the ground to land on top of the 24 inch box. Make sure that you land heel to toe and slightly flex both your hips and knees for a controlled landing. Once you land on top simply step off of the box and repeat the process. Attempt to execute 30 reps the first time.

2. Kettlebell Squat Jumps: For this drill you will need a pair of relatively light to moderate kettlebells of equal weight. Volleyball players must have a powerful vertical jump and this drill is great for helping just that. For this drill start by holding each kettlebell by your side. Next, explosively perform a squat jump elevating your body off of the ground as much as possible. Make sure to land heel to toe each time and make sure to perform each powerful plyometric squat jump in continuous succession. Attempt to execute 15 of these in a row!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Tear the Pounds Off With Kettlebell Swings!

Weight-loss doesn't have to be a struggle for you anymore. As a true professional I can tell you that the way to really achieve success in your weight-loss and fat-loss campaign is putting forth the effort in 2 areas. The first area is all about making smart choices about what goes into your body. I'll save nutrition for another article, but as for the second area you need to have a smart fitness and exercise program for getting in shape!

There is a single exercise for you to implement in order to get huge results in your effort to lose weight. I would like to introduce to you the kettlebell! Kettlebell training is a hell of a way for you to significantly boost your metabolism and tear those unwanted pounds right off of your body. The base lift of the kettlebell known as the kettlebell swing is a single exercise that you can implement with the iron ball in order to get in shape fast.

Although there are several lifts and variations to implement with the kettlebell you can achieve a tremendous amount of weight-loss from executing the base movement of the swing. When executing the double-arm kettlebell swing you train hundreds of muscles in your body and develop superior cardiovascular conditioning that is second to nothing! You drastically speed up your metabolism when training with this iron cannonball because of the high level of physical exertion that you experience through the dynamic movement of the lift. It is the perfect combination of both strength and cardiovascular conditioning in one single hard-hitting lift!

If you are battling with weight-loss and are truly frustrated with the lack of results then you must take the time to purchase your own bell and master the double-arm kettlebell swing. It doesn't matter if you are a guy or girl the iron cannonball is not sexist! It will beat the pounds right off of your body irregardless of who you are! Train hard and give it a try my friends.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Sand and the Kettlebell - A Hard-Hitting Combo For the Beach Volleyball Player

As a strength and conditioning specialist I understand the challenge of moving in sand. I have used sand as the very tool to train some of the world's greatest athletes to help build speed. As a beach volleyball player I don't have to tell you how challenging the sand is. However, you may not know how challenging the kettlebell can be! Read on and learn how you can combine the two to achieve an optimal level of athletic performance.

Kettlebells are an ancient strength training device that strongmen and athletes have used for centuries. The iron bell basically resembles a cannonball with a metal handle attached to it. This device can be used for explosive lifts in order for an individual to develop speed, power, and overall peak physical conditioning. When you combine a tool like this with the already challenging obstacle of moving through the sand you can transform your volleyball game into a win-win situation for both yourself and your team.

To start, the base lift that you can perform with the kettlebell is known as the double-arm swing. This is done by you flexing and extending your hips and knees constantly and in smooth fashion back and forth to create momentum in order to swing this ancient device back and forth from between your legs up to your chest level. This movement may sound simple, but if you attempt 30 to 50 form strict swings with a moderately heavy bell you will quickly see just how challenging this iron ball can be!

As a volleyball player you can implement this very lift into your sandbox and combine it with some vertical jumps in the sand. Even performing a simple movement like a farmer's walk with a couple kettlebells back and forth across the sand court can help you to develop tremendous leg power, conditioning, and give you additional height on your vertical! These all sound like helpful traits to have when it comes to playing the game of beach volleyball, right?

Strength training for volleyball is hugely effective with the kettlebell. Give it a try and you'll see just how much of a difference it will make in your game!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

A Madman's Cardio - A 2-Part Workout That Will Cause Others to Question Your Sanity!

If you want to achieve astounding cardiovascular fitness then you have to train like a madman! That's right, I mean you have to have an attitude that you'll either succeed in gaining big results or die trying. There is no gray area! The following 2-part workout that I have included below certainly "fits the mold, and oozes with that attitude!"

Part 1: The Overhead Kettlebell Swing: For this drill you will have to have a moderately heavy kettlebell to kickstart your madman cardiovascular training. To start the drill simply squat to pick up the bell. Perform a normal kettlebell swing by flexing and extending your hips and knees in a continuous snapping motion. This will allow you to swing the kettlebell from between your legs all the way up to above your head in a wide arc. This drill is much more intense than the traditional chest level swing. To build mad cardiovascular endurance execute 50 repetitions of these in the first part of your madman 2-part workout! When finished immediately transition to part 2.

Part 2: Kettlebell Squat Jumps: For this part of your madman training you will need 2 relatively light kettlebells of equal weight. Stand on flat ground and pick the bells up holding one in each hand. Next, you will want to perform squat jumps while holding the bells in each hand on each side of your body. Make sure that you perform a perfect form squat every time and explosively elevate your body off of the ground. Every repetition should be performed in rapid succession. Start out by executing 15 to 20 repetitions immediately following part-1 of your madman cardio workout. When finished give yourself about 3 minutes rest and repeat the process 2 more times! Train hard and enjoy.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Kettlebell Fat-Blaster - 2 Exercises For Women to Execute With Kettlebells to Blast Away the Fat!

Ladies you know by now that kettlebells are a serious workout. I am going to include 2 more excellent drills to help you to further boost your metabolism and get it burning like a jet engine! Take the time to read and implement the following drills into your own program and your fat-loss and weight-loss campaign will continue to be a success!

1. Kettlebell Clean and Squat: For this drill you certainly have to have a proper knowledge of how to clean the kettlebell to your chest. To do this simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart with the kettlebell directly between your feet. For the purpose of this article I am referring to cleaning and squatting a single bell. Next, squat down and grab the bell with one hand. Stand up and simultaneously pull the weight up and perform a smooth quick corkscrew motion with your arm allowing the bell to rotate around the outside of your wrist. As you do this you should finish with your arm resting up against your body just off-center of the midline of your body. Now you have lifted the bell from the ground to your chest in one clean motion! From here simply execute a proper squat or series of squats.

2. Staggered Kettlebell Push-Ups: To begin this drill you will simply just need a single kettlebell. Get into an upright push-up position with one hand on the ground and one hand on the kettlebell. You should be in a normal push-up position here with the height of your hands obviously being staggered with the kettlebell. Next, just execute a series of about 10 push-ups on each side. If you don't think this is difficult then just try it and you'll see how much this simple drill will help you to get in shape. Take your kettlebell training serious ladies. Keep pushing and you will see your results continue to grow!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Body Explosion - 2 Exercise Drills That Will Blow Up Your Fitness!

Now I am here to tell you that if you are serious about blowing up your fitness with real results that you can be proud of then you need to have a good start. The key to true fitness and strength is intensity. The following 2 drills are a great combination of intense movements that will surely take your exercise program to new heights!

1. Full Range Kettlebell Swings: This is a more intense variation of the traditional double-arm kettlebell swings. For this drill you will begin by executing a proper squat to pick up the kettlebell. Your body should be fully erect and the bell should be hanging at your groin with you holding it with both hands. From here you will execute the proper hip snap motion thereby creating momentum for the bell to swing back and forth between your legs in an arc-type motion. As the bell builds momentum you want to create enough force to allow the bell to swing all the way up above your head! This is the full range portion of the swing.

2. The Full Range Kettlebell Swing & Burpee Combo: This drill is actually a combination of both the full range kettlebell swings and burpees. A burpee is basically a type of total-body calisthenic that is greatly used within the military as a conditioning drill. To execute the burpee you want to start with both feet about shoulder width distance apart. From here squat down and place your hands on the ground. From here you will want to kick your feet back and extend your body into an upright push-up position. Next, execute a normal push-up. Finally, after executing the push-up kick your feet back up underneath your torso and stand up back into the position at which you started. All of these movements combine to equate a single burpee! For a killer workout execute about 30 full range kettlebell swings and then immediately execute 30 burpees!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

The Kettlebell - What Should You Look For Before Making Your Kettlebell Purchase?

I get many questions about kettlebells on a day to day basis. I guess I'm making a little noise with teaching people about the benefits of training with this ancient device. I will address some of these questions in this article. Please permit yourself to read on and learn exactly what you need to know before getting your own kettlebell.

Question: I have seen those adjustable kettlebells on TV and was wondering if I should get one of those so I have the choice of multiple resistances, is this a good choice for me?

Answer: I know that there are several types of adjustable kettlebells on the market, however as a professional I personally wouldn't feel comfortable executing some of the more basic lifts with the kettlebell such as swings and snatches with the risk of adjustable parts flying off through the air. You also run the risk of losing parts that have the potential to come apart. This is why nothing beats the cast-iron bell.

Question: I have seen other smaller weight bells in stores such as Target and Wal-Mart, are they ok to use?

Answer: I have seen bells in other stores too and they vary in the type of material they are made of. Most all of them also max out at about 44 or 45 lbs as well, and this is as heavy as you are going to get in one of these places. I have also noticed that some of them are made of less durable material and will charge you close to the same amount of money, so if you are going to invest why take the risk of paying the same for something that may or may not be as durable as the traditional cast-iron mold? You also have total freedom in purchasing a bell of every possible weight ranging from 4kg's all the way to 48kg's with the cast-iron type.

Question: What weight should I start with when purchasing a kettlebell?

Answer: These are my recommendations for you when purchasing your first kettlebell:
Beginning Kettlebell Weight

To Start!
For Women:

The Beginner-12kg (26.4 lbs)
The Above Average Strong & Active Lady-16kg (35.2 lbs)
The Greek Goddess Strong Lady-20kg (44lbs)

For Men:

The Beginner-16kg (35.2 lbs)
The Above Average Strong & Active Guy-20kg (44 lbs)
The Greek God Strong Guy-24kg (53 lbs)

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Shed the Pounds - 2 Drills to Get Rid of Your Waistline!

In order to shed the pounds you must do more than just exercise, you must exercise effectively! Weight-loss or fat-loss can only occur if you are burning more calories than you are taking in. This is done by you speeding up your metabolism. The only way to speed up your metabolism is to have a well structured nutrition and exercise plan! Here are 2 drills that you can implement in order to achieve the fitness level and body you desire!

Squat and Jump: This basically consist of a combined couple of movements that are designed to wake your body up! In other words, if you want to lose the weight the best way to do it through your exercise is to perform movements that consist of short burst of intense movements. With this particular drill you are going to properly perform a squat and a jump in combination.

Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Perform a proper squat and allow your arms to swing back as your butt and hips sit back. Go to a squat depth to where your thighs are parallel to the ground. From here immediately come out of your squat and immediately squat again making sure that again your arms swing back with your hips. This time when you come out of the squat execute a vertical jump by triple extending at your ankles, knees, and hips! Basically you are squatting first and then immediately performing a squat jump. Repeat this process over and over in rapid succession until you complete your set.

Squat and Push-Up Combination: From here you will simply perform proper body-weight squats as explained in the first drill. Attempt to execute the squats in rapid succession and with good form. Perform 50 of these in a row. As soon as you are finished immediately drop down into an upright push-up position and once again attempt to reel off 50 form perfect push-ups! This is a sure way to help you get in shape fast.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Questions And Answers On My "Better Than Steroids" Ebook!

So I've been steadily getting more and more questions about my "Better Than Steroids" Ebook? The fact is that the content is straight forward and very effective. I wrote down some common questions that I have gotten from a few people and my general responses to them. Take a minute to go over them for yourself and if you want a nice training resource to help you to get into shape for the summer then get your own copy. I have also "pulled back the curtain" to give you a small glimpse of how some of the information from the ebook is applied to my own client base by embedding the promotional video below!

Q: Is the BTS ebook good for women?
A: Absolutely. I wrote the ebook to be a truly informative resource on how you can build a very lean fit body that is good for helping you to achieve any goal. No matter your gender, age, race, or fitness level the principles in this ebook can be applied to your own personal training program. The idea is for me to help you to understand the essence behind training and to help you to do it by utilizing the ancient kettlebell, your own body weight, and other tactics that you can apply on your own.

Q: Does BTS ebook include specific workouts?
A: I wouldn't say that BTS includes whole specific workouts, but I do include samples of certain drills and exercises that help you to understand the essence of training so that you can apply the methods on your own.

Q: How Do I know if BTS is an ebook with a lot of content?
A: Well, the biggest thing about this ebook is that I give you the word count. This particular document is a 20,000 plus word document. The reason I give you the word count is because this is a more accurate measure of how much content is actually in it. A lot of ebooks are out there that give you a page count. Just be aware that a page count can be manipulated to make the document look larger than it actually is by manipulating the font, spacing, and images.

Q: What is the biggest lesson in BTS ebook?
A: I am quick to show you how most people are severely misguided in their approach to getting in shape and what they perceive fitness is all about. I consider myself a straight shooter and this ebook will definitely show you that. In short, you'll learn that there are a lot more ways of getting in rock hard shape rather than doing bench press and arm curls. I pride my reputation on providing you with training information that works! You will get it straight forward with this ebook!

Q: Do I get anything else for purchasing your BTS ebook?
A: Absolutely. With your purchase of BTS you will automatically become one of my Elite members and start receiving more consistent free training information and my kettlebell and fitness newsletter via email. As a customer of BTS I will also send out weekly "specific" training programs that I engage in either myself or with clients that week. The beauty of this is that you may get one workout that I dish out to a softball player and the next week you may see a workout I put on an endurance athlete. The vast differences of clients and goals are different, but the training philosophy still applies to all! You will learn what you are looking to learn.

To order your own copy either click on the link below or to the Better Than Steroids ebook cover on the right tool bar!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Powerful Cardio - 2 Drills That You Can Implement to Achieve Superior Cardiovascular Fitness!

I want to talk about 2 drills here that you can implement without the need for any real heavy duty equipment such as treadmills and elliptical trainers. In order to achieve real cardio you have to intensify the work you are doing. In other words, instead of just walking and only worrying about the resistance of your own body-weight try walking with a weighted backpack. Look to make your work more intense. Check out the following 2 drills that follows this same pattern.

1. Kettlebell Stair Walks: For this drill all you need is the availability of some stairs and a couple of kettlebells. You can use stairs in your home, at the park, or the bleachers at your local high school football field. Simply start at the base of the stairway or bleachers with a bell in each hand. Now your intensified work starts! Simply start climbing the stairs carrying the load of the 2 iron cannonballs with you. You will quickly realize how the inclusion of the 2 bells just made your mediocre walk an intense productive one!

2. Kettlebell Swings Into a Run: For this drill you will only need the availability of an open flat space and a single kettlebell. To intensify a simple jog for this drill you will tax yourself first by executing a set of double-arm kettlebell swings. To begin, mark off a distance of about 100 yards. Set the bell at one end of this marked distance and perform a series of 50 swings with a moderately heavy kettlebell. Once you complete the swings then immediately drop the bell and jog the 100 yards down and back totaling a 200 yard jogging distance! By doing this pre-work before your jog you are drastically improving your endurance, cardiovascular fitness, and stamina. You will achieve Powerful Cardio!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Real Fitness - There is Nothing Like the Real Thing!

I have to continually battle people on a day to day basis about the facts of weight-loss, fitness, and getting in shape. I will say that this country has gotten lazy! People are constantly talking about so-called "miracle diets, miracle procedures, and magical pills" that are all going to solve their fat and weight problems. This irritates me more than anything because I deal with it on every front, even with my own family and friends.

I am not saying this to sound arrogant, but even with an athletic build, athletic background, years of training athletes, and every kind of person from every walk of life, most people just don't get it! I can't speak so much for other countries, but America has gotten soft in this category. We are still the fattest country in the world. We have more health problems today that never even existed 15 or 20 years ago. People have lost the will to be TOUGH!

It's OK to be tough, even for women. Ladies, I'm not saying you have to be a beast of a woman and be able to throw more weight around than most men, but there is nothing wrong with having a little "grit" on the mental side of your attitude! People are too soft. The result of this has spurred all of the so-called "miracle" weight-loss and fat-loss supplements and procedures that I mentioned earlier. There is no immediate fix. If you just do the work and live the lifestyle your results will come quicker than the so-called "quick fixes" I mentioned earlier!

Building lean muscle mass is the key to getting in shape. You can't buy your way into getting results. You must earn it. Once you can get this in your head then you will see it in your body!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Volleyball Spiking Supremacy - 2 Kettlebell Drills to Get the Volleyball Player Spiking Power!

Volleyball Spike by robb3dspike by jaxting

If you are a serious volleyball player you know that there is no move on the court better than the infamous spike! Spiking the ball is like putting the nail in the coffin. You attack the net and blast the ball down on the opposing team leaving no promise of a return volley! However, in order to execute this particular move you have to have a sufficient amount of athleticism to pull it off. If you are interested in helping your own game to develop this sort of spiking supremacy I have included 2 kettlebell drills here that will help you to do just that.

1. Full Range Kettlebell Swings: For this particular drill you will need the availability of a single kettlebell of moderate resistance. The objective is to perform a swinging motion by initiating the hip snap in order to create enough force to swing the kettlebell in a full range arc from between your legs all the way up to above your head! The hip snap is carried out by smoothly and continuously flexing and extending at both your knees and hip. This back and forth motion will allow you to carry out the full motion of the full range swing. This is great for developing superior hip power and leg explosiveness which are necessary traits for attacking the net for an effective spike.

2. The Kettlebell Snatch: For this particular drill you will also need a single bell of moderate resistance. In order to properly perform this drill you have to first be familiar with performing the single-arm kettlebell swing and high pull. Once you are capable of both of these particular kettlebell lifts you will be able to effectively perform the overhead snatch. The snatch is performed by you pulling the bell up from between your legs driving your elbow up and back beside your head. The movement should almost mimic the same motion as pulling back on a bow. Once the bell is elevated to a lateral position next to your head you then vertically punch your palm above your head locking out both your elbow and shoulder. The bell should not "bang" your wrist. It should smoothly transition over your wrist and lay on the back of your forearm. This is a fantastic strength and power drill that radically resembles the movement involved in an actual "spiking motion!" If you get good at these I promise your volleyball game will drastically improve.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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