Monday, September 28, 2009

The Tire and Sledgehammer - 2 Ways to Create a Superior Core With a Sledgehammer and a Tire!

jermain workout2 by ninjapoodles

I can honestly tell you that one of the best workouts that I have ever had involved a sledgehammer and an old truck tire. I don't know if you are like me or not, but when I am in the training mindset I like to blow off steam and workout with an attitude of fury! I'm the first one to say that there is not quite anything like throwing weight around in the gym or slinging a kettlebell around, but swinging a sledgehammer hard enough to hit a tire the way Tiger Woods would smash a golf ball is pretty close.

The Sledgehammer: The cool thing about fitness is that you can get truly creative about getting a hard-hitting workout when you put your mind to it. If you have the resources and the imagination your own personal "dungeon" of fat destruction can be created in minutes without the waste of money on fuel and monthly dues for a gym membership! To start, you can simply take a stroll into your dad's garage and take a look around. Look for a sledgehammer and if you don't have stakes to drive into the ground then try to get your hands on an old truck or tractor tire with a somewhat smooth outer surface. Now all you have to do is stand to one side of the tire and swing away! This is one challenging core muscle exercise. The tire should recoil the sledgehammer with every fierce blow. Try to knock the tire to Mars. Change positions an angles to target different areas of your body.

The Tire: When you are done hammering on the tire pick it up and throw it like a discuss across the yard! Alternate sides. Throw from your left and then throw it from your right side. Just make sure there are no wire sticking out from it. Don't be stupid, use common sense. All in all, work hard and have fun.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

The Sprinter's Powerhouse - The Glute-Hamstring Combination!

100 Meters by TexasEagle.

Can you run fast? Do you want to run faster? I want to explain the importance of glute and hamstring development as it pertains to SPEED!

When you think about the muscles that are involved in running we obviously think about the legs, but which specific muscles in the legs really have to "fire" to get us up to a blazing pace? The answer to this question that the muscles for sprinting are in the butt (glutes) and hamstrings (back of the legs b/w the knees and glutes).

These muscles are a powerful combination when it comes to driving and propelling the body forward in a series of quick plyometric bounds we call sprinting. These muscles are literally pulling the body forward during a sprint just like a race horse powering down the track at the Kentucky Derby. The quads (thighs) extend the leg forward for the foot to make immediate contact to the ground while the glutes and hamstrings power the pull-back or pawing-type motion to execute every stride. These muscles are developed most effectively through strength training exercises in the "pulling phase" of what I describe in my push/pull methodology of training. The development of these muscles are important for everyone whether or not you are a competitive athlete or just a serious workout junky. Most lifts that have to be executed for the development of these particular muscles generate tremendous leg power and total-back strength.

Go and work on developing your powerhouse. Competitive sprinter or not keep your edge. If you do you'll live longer and look better as you get older!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Kettlebells - 2 Exercises Women Can Execute to Get a Beach-Worthy Body!

Rotating landscape by autoliconIMG_6455 by pullsh_activeFernanda at sunrise near Praia Mole by Jeremiah Thompson

Ladies summer is here, but it isn't too late to start getting your body into shape for the beach either for this summer or next! Kettlebells are a hard-hitting tool that can be used for you to annihilate body-fat and get you into the greatest shape of your life. Check out the following 2 exercises that I have included here to help you kick your fitness into high gear!

1. The Double-Arm Kettlebell Swing: This is a wonderful kettlebell training drill for women. If you want to develop a tight set of glutes (tight butt) and legs that look slick and athletic along with a hard flat stomach then you will like the results that you get from this challenging exercise. To begin, simply squat to pick up the bell from between your legs. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width apart in length. Next, you will want to perform the hip snap movement to create momentum to swing the bell from between your legs up to your chest level. To do this simply flex and extend at both your knees and hips back and forth in a constant motion. Make sure you keep your shoulders retracted and your arms straight. Perform 30 to 50 of these in a row with a moderately heavy bell and you will know exactly what I am talking about when I say "beach body!"

2. The Kettlebell Squat: This is a simpler exercise than the swing but is very effective for helping you to develop lean hard muscle in your hips, glutes, low back, and hamstrings. This kettlebell exercise is performed by setting the bell right between your feet. Make sure your stance is about shoulder width or slightly wider than shoulder width apart in length. Perform a perfect form squat and reach down with both arms to pick the bell up. Make sure you properly flex at your hips and knees to perform the squat. Once you ascend lock out both your hips and knees at the top of the movement. Perform every rep by picking the bell up and setting it back down. Do this continuously for about 30 to 50 reps in a row! This will certainly speed up your fat-loss progress.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

How to Build the Ultimate Body!

fight club by VodkaMusings 

So what is the ultimate body? That is the question you need to ask yourself before reading any further into this article. You've heard the old saying that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." I often wonder about what some people consider beautiful, however I guess that is why this interesting saying exist. Anyway, ask yourself the question that I posed. Now do you want to build that body? Now I am going to tell you that you can't do it! At least not exactly.

Now that I have your attention you are probably wondering what in the hell I am talking about. Lets think about this example of the ultimate body in a logical fashion. Lets say that you think Arnold Schwarzenegger has the ultimate body. Now if you want to look at this realistically you more than likely are not going to look like the Governator! This is true for many reasons. Reasons like genetics, training, diet and general looks all pose as too many true differences that serve as to the reason why you won't be able to look like Arnold. Now having said that it doesn't mean that you can't resemble him by building your body to have common physical traits.

Another example would be that if you think that the ultimate body is more of the Men's Health kind of look like someone resembling Brad Pitt, then this is even more different than the Arnold look. Chances are you don't look like Brad Pitt either, but you can cater your training to forge your body to resemble the look. This is the key to trying to find your "ultimate body." You have to structure your strength and condition program to fit the goal you want to achieve. If you are going for the Arnold look you need to train your body for muscular size characteristics, but if you want to train for the Brad Pitt look then you should train more for strength and hardcore fitness.

The bottom line is that whatever your ultimate body is remember that it is YOUR body and not the guy on the cover of Men's Health or Muscle and Fitness. Forge your body to be what you want it to be. Hammer away at it the way a blacksmith would hammer out a hot chunk of iron to forge the ultimate weapon for combat!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Squat Technique - 2 Exercises to Help You Master Proper Squat Form!

BodyBuilding_01 by Mark MalijanKettlebells by karenopp

The squat is a wonderful exercise that is great for developing leg strength, core stability, and overall fitness. If you are looking to either learn how to properly perform a squat or if you just want to improve your own technique then you need to give the following 2 drills a try. Remember that practice is the key, but you must practice with flawless technique!

1. Wall Squats with a Kettlebell: For this particular squat exercise you are going to need a wall and a kettlebell. Now normally when you think of wall squats you think of doing them with your back to the wall. However, for this particular drill we are going to perform it by facing the wall! The kettlebell's role here is to be used primarily as a marker. To begin, you want to be facing a wall with your feet about shoulder width distance apart.

The kettlebell should be right in the middle of your feet. Your feet should only be about 3 to 5 inches away from the wall. The next thing you want to do is to begin the descent of the squat. You must do so in a controlled manner or you will bump your knees or your head against the wall. Obviously this is what you will want to avoid doing. You will find that your back will be quick to tense up along your spine. This is normal and is the way for correct form squats. Its muscular tension. You want to progressively go lower and lower until you are able to touch the handle of the kettlebell and eventually even be able to pick it up. Don't frog your knees. Keep everything parallel.

2. Chair or Box Squats: For this drill you will need the use of either a chair or a box. You will want to align your feet right in front of the chair or box with your feet about shoulder width distance in length. From here it is simple. Make sure that you sit your rear back and bend at the hips and knees. Descend until your rear just touches the chair or box and then stand back up. You can eventually execute more challenging squats with this exercise by adding weight, using a lower box or chair, or by doing both. This is a sure way to improve and learn proper squat form.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Lose the Inches Now - 2 Exercises to Help You Shrink Your Waistline!

Topless brunette with fit body on the floor by junxiuSexy fit woman by

Are you tired of getting out of breath or getting lightheaded when you bend over to tie your shoes? Do you want to lose some inches off of your waistline? If so then you need to implement the following 2 drills into your personal program.

1. Kettlebell Bear Crawls: This is a very intense kettlebell training exercise that is sure to get you into fat burn mode. To execute this drill you will need the availability of a set of kettlebells of equal weight and an open flat field. Mark off a distance of about 10 to 20 yards depending on your desired work intensity. Next, get into an upright push-up position with a kettlebell in each hand and with your body stabilized with the bells. From here move forward by crawling with your arms by lifting the bells off of the ground moving forward placing one in front of the other. Keep your legs straight and only torque your hips back and forth to help your progress. This kettlebell workout routine will terminate your waistline!

2. Walking Lunge Jumps: For this lower body exercise you will also need the availability of a flat open field. Once again mark off a distance of about 20 yards. From here you just want to execute a typical walking lunge. Now the only difference is that once you step forward with the lead leg for the walking lunge come out of it and explosively jump off of the lead leg and land with both feet in front of you. Make sure that you land by squatting to absorb the impact and that you land heel to toe. Both feet should be shoulder width distance apart upon landing. From here simply start with the opposite leg for the next repetition. This is one of the best lower body workouts you can do.

You will find that both of these drills will promote a significant amount of fat-loss and will melt the inches off of your waistline. Practice the drills often and flawlessly in order to build your strength to get the most out of the movement!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Outstanding Cardio in Your Garage - 2 Great Cardio-Blasting Drills You Can Do Right in Your Garage!

00281-00112-00 by Paolo'sDSC_0250 by Ironwear Fitness
Most of us stay so busy with family and work that we don't have the time or the motivation to pack a bag and drive to the gym. Well the good news is that to get into great shape you don't have to be. Allow yourself a minute to read and learn about how you can achieve amazing cardiovascular fitness by going no further than moving your car out of the garage and engaging in these cardio routines.

1. Military Style Jumping Jacks: That's right, I said jumping jacks! Now you may think you know how to do jumping jacks, but the only way I know is military style. The difference in this style of jumping jacks and everyone else's style is the count. To begin this great cardio blasting drill stand straight with your feet together and your hands by your side. From here jump to spread your feet wider than shoulder width while simultaneously raising your arms overhead. Immediately return to the original position to start all over again for the next one. The key here though is that with the military style jumping jack you do at least 3 in a row before that can count as a single rep! My challenge to you to gain superior cardiovascular conditioning is to knock off 100 of these bad boys without stopping!

2. Jump Rope: The jumping rope cardio workout is another fabulous way to get a great workout and to develop hand/eye coordination at the same time. Its all about keeping the right pace. Feel free to include the jump rope into your cardio program along with the jumping jacks. The beauty is that both of these drills can be done independently, used as interval bouts, or can be involved in a total conditioning circuit! My challenge for you with the rope is to jump for 3 minutes nonstop, rest for a minute and do another 3 minutes! Be strict with your rest time and complete 3 rounds of 3 minute jumping intervals. If you want superior cardiovascular conditioning and to promote some serious weight-loss then these 2 drills are just for you!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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