Thursday, September 30, 2010

2 Best Strength Training Exercises For Volleyball Players!

Michigan Volleyball: Juliana Paz by gadknowsWomen's beach volleyball on St Kilda beach in Australia by Michael Blamey_

A truly dominant volleyball strength training workout has to involve the ancient kettlebell. By now you probably have heard of this ancient device to know that it has been the tool of choice among the world's greatest athletes and strongmen for over three centuries. Your volleyball game will improve like never before with the ancient art form of kettlebell training. I have included 2 drills here for you to implement into your personal strength and conditioning program to turn you into a champion!

1. The Overhead Kettlebell Swing: This particular drill is as intense as it gets, but is one of the best for helping you to develop superior core strength for your volleyball game! To start this drill you will want a kettlebell of moderate resistance. Pick it up with both arms and stand with your feet at shoulder width distance. From here simply execute a hip snap by constantly and fluently flexing and extending at both your knees and hips to build momentum in order to swing the kettlebell all the way up to above your head. Attempt 20 to 30 of these in a row and watch the "spring" develop in your legs for some serious spiking ability!

2. The Overhead Kettlebell Snatch: This is no doubt the BEST kettlebell exercise in my opinion for developing total explosive power. This drill takes some base kettlebell knowledge before you attempt it. Make sure you understand the technique behind the single arm kettlebell swing and high pull motion before attempting this drill. To give you an explanation the exercise it is done by you performing a one arm swing with the kettlebell while transitioning it into a high pull position just lateral to your head at the top of the movement. 

Once the kettlebell is at this high point then you will want to "punch your palm" vertically to the sky locking out your elbow and securing your shoulder into place. As you "punch" your palm there should be a smooth rollover of the kettlebell around your forearm. At this point the kettlebell should not "bang" or "slap" your forearm. If it does bang your arm either your technique is flawed or the kettlebell is too heavy! Implement this lift and turn your volleyball strength program into an explosive strength training program! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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The Circuit of Pain - The Best Circuit Training Workout on the Planet!

CrossFit Kettlebell Trainings by singapore crossfithub

First of all, the best circuit training exercises have to involve kettlebell training! If you are familiar with the ancient kettlebell then by now you know that this ancient strength and conditioning device has trained and forged the body's of world class strongmen and athletes for over three centuries!

The circuit of pain is a kettlebell circuit that you won't soon forget. This circuit training workout is a bodybuilding breakthrough! The concept is simple. You will use one kettlebell on one side of your body for 5 exercises totaling 5 repetitions. Once you finish the one side of your body then move on to immediately polish off the unworked side of your body. 

To implement the best circuit training workout on the planet start with a kettlebell in one arm. Pick any five exercises you wish to go through for 5 reps. It doesn't matter which kettlebell lifts you want to use, as long as, each lift flows smoothly in transition from one to the next. For instance, you can start with one arm swings and follow up with cleans, squats, presses, and snatches. This circuit flows and allows you to complete the one side before moving on to the other. Once you complete both sides allow yourself about a minute and a half rest before attempting another round. This concludes your high intensity circuit training workout.

If you haven't taken the time to get acquainted with the ancient kettlebell then you are certainly missing out. What are you waiting for? I'll even make it easy on you by encouraging you to access the rest of my articles for free! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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The Jump and Swing - 2 Exercises to Make Up the Best Men's Workout Routine!

1950s Two Men Shirtless Circus Performers Joking Acrobats Funny Humor Briefs Cut Belted Swim Suit by Christian Montone

In order for you to obtain serious results from your workout routines you have got to include kettlebell swings and the jump rope into your plan. In order for any weight lifting routine for men to be successful there has to be a solid element of conditioning. The following 2 exercises provide both elements of strength and conditioning in a sound training plan.

By now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell unless you have been living in a cave somewhere. This ancient device has forged the greatest male bodies the world has ever known. The world's greatest athletes and strongmen have used and proven the effectiveness of this ancient tool for over three centuries. The base lift of the kettlebell is known as the double arm kettlebell swing. 

This is the "Swing" portion of your workout. This single lift incorporates hundreds of your muscles at once along with exerting you to the point of experiencing the best cardiovascular conditioning workout you will ever engage in. The double arm swing is performed by you picking the kettlebell up from between your legs and performing the hip snap in order to swing it from between your legs up to chest height. The hip snap is performed by you having to constantly flex and extend at both your hips and knees in a continuous fashion to create the momentum to swing the bell.

For the swing portion of your routine you will execute a series of 50 double arm kettlebell swings with a moderately heavy bell. Next, perform a series of jump rope for the "Jump" portion of your workout. As you start with the jump rope make sure to time yourself for an interval of 2 minutes. This 2 minutes of jumping following the series of 50 kettlebell swings will get your body into serious shape real quick. Most workout plans for men don't work because they lack the elements of both strength and conditioning. This workout doesn't have that problem my friend. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 Best Basketball Weight and Resistance Training Exercises!

Basketball player by cesardelahoz

A successful basketball strength training program has to involve the following 2 kettlebell exercises. If you are going to be a successful basketball player you must work on developing your speed, quickness, and explosive hip and leg power. All of these traits encompass the definition of what a true athlete is all about. Kettlebell training is the perfect ingredient in helping you to do just that.

1. The Clean And Jerk: This exercise helps you to develop serious core strength and explosive hip and shoulder strength. To do this lift start with a single kettlebell. To execute this weight training exercise properly clean the kettlebell from between your feet up to chest level. Make sure your feet are shoulder width distance apart. From here utilize your hips and knees by flexing and then immediately extending at the joints to create vertical momentum to jerk or press the kettlebell above your head. From here simply lower the bell back to the floor to start the process over again.

2. The Kettlebell Long Cycle: For this basketball strength training drill simply clean the kettlebell to your chest and execute a jerk (or press) above your head. Now the next part is important. As you lower the bell snap or swing the bell between your legs like you would with a swing and allow the upward momentum of the kettlebell to carry it back to your chest again at the clean position. Once here just jerk the bell again and repeat the cycle all over again. If you haven't had time to get acquainted with kettlebell training then you are only hurting your program. I have trained athletes for a long time and I know what works. 

Trust me, kettlebell training is something that your competition still doesn't know about. Get an edge on them starting now. I'll even make it easier on you by encouraging you to access the rest of my articles here for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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The Champion's Strength - The Best Strength Building Workout For Tennis, Period!

tennis, i want to "love" you. by Box of Light

The best strength building workout for your tennis game is kettlebell training! That's right, I said kettlebell training my friend. Muscular strength for tennis is a MUST if you expect to be competitive in today's game. Fortunately for you there are guys like me to tell you about the best way to get your body in optimal playing shape.

A true strength and conditioning program for tennis should be about athleticism and kettlebell training is perfect for helping you to achieve just that. You may be familiar with the kettlebell by now and understand that this is an ancient strength and conditioning device that has been around for over three centuries. This ancient device has been used and proven by the world's greatest athletes and strongmen. 

Kettlebell training is very dynamic in nature and consists of you developing superior strength and overall performance through resisted movement. This is unlike any other form of resistance training that you have ever encountered. There are many lifts that are great for overall power and specific to tennis that can be done with the kettlebell such as kettlebell swings, jerks, and snatches. All of these lifts train the body's kinetic chain to forge a strong, fit, and athletic performing body that will be sure to outperform your competition!

If you haven't been introduced to kettlebell training until now then this is one introduction that you'll be glad took place. Trust me, if you want to exceed at your tennis game then this ancient art form is just for you. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Fuel Your Endurance - The Best Exercise For Your Endurance Program is Right Here!

ATHLETE Movie Production Photos - Final Stills by ATHLETE Director Dave

If you are looking for a lifting program to improve your muscular endurance then you will like this article. However, I will tell you that the type of lifting that I am going to talk about is significantly more unique than anything you have probably ever tried. I am proud to introduce to you the art form of kettlebell training!

By now you may be familiar with kettlebell training and understand that it is an ancient style of training that has been around for over three centuries. The base strength endurance lift that is widely practiced with the kettlebell is known as the double arm swing. This single exercise is second to almost nothing when it comes down to building muscular endurance. This exercise is performed by you having to swing the kettlebell from between your legs up to chest level in an arc like fashion. 

This is done by performing a technique known as the hip snap which involves you having to constantly and fluently flex and extend at both your hips and knees in order to create momentum to swing the bell. The cool thing is that this single lift can be formatted within your workouts to be the best endurance workout, period! Once you master this particular base lift you can then move on to more challenging and exerting kettlebell lifts. These exercises are top notch for developing some serious cardiovascular endurance.

If you don't introduce this particular ancient style of training into your endurance workout program then you are only cheating yourself. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Male Greek God - The Single Best Workout Method For Men to Build the Perfect Body!

Guys, I have been training athletes and serious fitness junkies for a long time. I have seen many men with varying degrees of athletic performance and strength that represents the true nature of what defines a truly "Fit" man! The best method of training that I have seen to assist in the development of these individuals involves the implementation of kettlebell training!

That's right, I said kettlebell training. By now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell and understand that this strength and conditioning device has been around for over three centuries. This is not some ridiculous fitness fad that will disappear tomorrow. It has been the leading bodybuilding exercise for men for over three centuries and I think it may last three more centuries. This ancient form of strength and conditioning is so dynamic in nature that I consider it to be the best workout routine for men, period. 

The single most basic strength endurance lift that is performed with the kettlebell is known as the double arm kettlebell swing. This single lift incorporates over hundreds of your muscles and is a tremendous exercise for developing six pack abs, is a serious cardio workout for men, and is a top notch exercise for building overall muscle mass! You can't go wrong with kettlebell training. If you have not gotten acquainted with the kettlebell then do it.

If you are serious about obtaining the level of TRUE MALE Greek God status then you have got to incorporate this style of training into your personal program. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Teenage Strength - The Best Workout For Teenage Athletes Going Today!

Senators Throwing Mud (and covered in it) by

As a strength and conditioning specialist that has trained athletes for over 8 years now I know the best way for teenagers to forge a body of rock hard muscle mass and to get them past the challenge of their maturity phase to build muscle naturally. I am glad to introduce to you the ancient art of kettlebell training.

By now you may have heard of kettlebell training unless you have avoided every form of mass media possible. The ancient kettlebell is NOT a ridiculous fitness fad that is going to be here today and gone tomorrow. This ancient device has been used by world strongmen and athletes for over three centuries! Strength training with kettlebells is a very dynamic and hard hitting form of strength and conditioning.

This style of training allows you to develop both optimal strength and unrelenting conditioning by combining forms of resistance through the act of movement. You see kettlebell training is "movement specific" and not "body part" specific. The most basic strength endurance lift of the kettlebell is known as the double arm swing. This single exercise incorporates hundreds of muscles at once by you having to swing the bell back and forth from between your legs up to chest level like a pendulum. This is one piece of strength training equipment that is sure to get your kid's attention. The benefits of strength training with kettlebells are endless.

If you don't get your teenager involved in kettlebell training then you are truly missing out on the BEST opportunity to enhance his or her athleticism. I'll even make it easy on you by inviting you to access all of my other articles here for Free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Superior Tennis Athlete - The Absolute Best Workout For Tennis Players!

I have been training athletes for a long time now and the key to success of all athletes has to be attributed to a smart strength and conditioning program. Strength training exercises for tennis should focus in on power, speed, and quickness. All of these traits can be obtained with the initial implementation of one single hard hitting exercise known as the double arm kettlebell swing!

By now you may be familiar with the kettlebell. This ancient strength training device requires a knowledge of training that is dynamic in nature and will condition your body quicker than just about any other form of strength and conditioning training around. The double arm kettlebell swing is the base strength endurance lift that is performed with the kettlebell. This single lift incorporates hundreds of your muscles and is second to nothing when it comes down to strength training muscles for optimal performance in your tennis game! The swing is performed by you picking the kettlebell up with both arms and performing a technique known as the hip snap.

The hip snap is done by you constantly and fluently flexing and extending at both your hips and knees in order to create the necessary momentum to swing the kettlebell back and forth from between your legs up to chest level. This movement encompasses many muscles and strengthens areas ranging from your hips, glutes, hamstrings, shoulders, back, and core muscles which are all necessary for improving every area of your tennis game.

Take the time to get familiar with the kettlebell swing so you can move on to other more dynamic and challenging lifts with the kettlebell. Like I said, it is an art form. It is well worth the time and the double arm swing can be learned relatively quick. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Workout For Basketball - 2 of the Best Exercises For Improving the Basketball Player's Vertical!

DW Swinger by ReActive Gym by Condition NYC

I have included 2 exercises here to literally take your basketball game to new heights! The following 2 strength training exercises for basketball performance will help you to develop superior leg power and athletic explosiveness! Read carefully and learn the following workout for your basketball game improvement.

1. The Double Arm Overhead Kettlebell Swing: By now you are probably familiar with the ancient kettlebell especially if you have read some of my other articles. The overhead swing is a variation of the more basic double arm swing with the exception of swinging the kettlebell all the way up above your head. To execute this lift you will want to pick up the bell with both arms. Next you will want to execute a technique known as the hip snap. The hip snap is performed by you constantly and fluently flexing and extending at both your hips and knees in order to generate the necessary momentum to swing the kettlebell all the way up above your head. This particular exercise is a tremendous workout for basketball players to develop explosive core strength and hip power. This is an effective way to go about jumping higher for basketball.

2. The Dual Kettlebell Squat Jump: For this particular exercise you will need the availability of a pair of kettlebells of equal weight. You don't need to have a heavy pair of kettlebells to make this drill effective. To begin, simply perform a proper squat to pick up both kettlebells and hold them by your sides. Next perform a squat while holding the bells and explosively jump off of the ground. As you land make sure to land heel to toe and to recoil immediately into another squat to jump again. Make sure that you perform every jump in continuous succession. Maintain control of your body placement and stay efficient. This is a tremendous plyometric and resistance exercise for basketball. If you want to improve your vertical leap and athletic performance for basketball then you must include the kettlebell into your training program. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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A Real Man's Cardio - The Best Cardio Workout For Men Wanting to Get in Shape is With an Iron Ball!

If you are looking for a high intensity cardio workout then you have train with kettlebells! Kettlebell training is a style of cardio guaranteed to burn more calories and burn more fat than any other method you will try. By now you may know that kettlebells are an ancient strength and conditioning device that has been around for over three centuries and used by the world's greatest athletes and strongmen.

This high intensity workout routine is a dynamic form of training that is "movement based" and requires a lot more hard hitting effort than strolling around on a treadmill for 30 minutes. Remember that there are two forms of cardio. There is "aerobic" cardio (with oxygen) and "anaerobic" cardio (without oxygen). Kettlebell training involves the latter. Anaerobic cardio or high intensity cardio exercises burn more calories because you have to work harder to perform the task at hand. 

Kettlebell training combines both elements of strength and conditioning through the task of resisted movement. You see the base strength endurance lift of the kettlebell is known as the double arm kettlebell swing. This single lift involves you having to swing the kettlebell from between your legs up to chest height. By executing this movement of swinging the kettlebell back and forth from between your legs you integrate hundreds of muscles at one time quickly causing you to raise your level of perceived exertion. This in turn provides you with one high intensity workout that will get you results fast.

Remember that a real man trains with a purpose! If you don't include kettlebell training into your personal strength and fitness program then you are cheating yourself and missing out on a whole new world of fitness. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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A Basketball and an Iron Ball - The Best Basketball Strength Training Program is Right Here!

By now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell and know that this strength and conditioning device is a tool that has been around for over three centuries. This ancient device has been field tested and proven for over three centuries by the world's greatest athletes and strongmen. Kettlebell training provides certain traits for basketball including muscular power, strength, explosiveness (for vertical leap), and world class conditioning!

You can see how the kettlebell would be ideal for a truly competitive basketball strength training workout. Kettlebell training is very dynamic in nature and involves you gaining an optimal level of both strength and conditioning through movement and resistance. You see the base lift of the kettlebell is known as the double arm kettlebell swing. The swing involves you picking the bell up and swinging it back and forth from between your legs up to chest level. This back and forth swinging motion involves hundreds of muscles and is a sure basketball power training method. After you attempt this lift for the first time you will quickly see just how challenging it can be on your cardiovascular and muscular system. This is an All Star basketball strength and conditioning workout.

If you are serious about stepping up your basketball weight training program then kettlebell training is the way to go. If you don't include this ancient tool into your personal program then you are cheating yourself. You have to experience the effectiveness for yourself to understand and you will see the benefits come quickly. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Power Serve - The Absolute Best Workout For Tennis Players to Develop Serving Power!

Tennis Photo shoot - serve by andykg09

The best exercises for tennis and the best workout routine for you to improve on your tennis serve and overall playing ability has to involve the implementation of kettlebell training. Strength training exercises for tennis (and other athletic sport) must involve movement. By now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell unless you have been living in a cave somewhere. This ancient strength and conditioning device has been around for over three centuries and has been used by the world's greatest strongmen and athletes of all time.

Kettlebell training is an art form. You see this ancient style of training combines both elements of powerful functional strength, as well as, the best cardio workout for conditioning too. The base strength endurance lift of the kettlebell is known as the kettlebell swing and this single lift integrates hundreds of your muscles at one time to perform the task of swinging the kettlebell back and forth from between your legs like a pendulum. This is tremendous for working your shoulders, back, hips, glutes, hamstrings, arms, and core which are all needed muscles to give you a hard hitting serve that no one could expect to return! 

Kettlebell training is for tennis players that want to dominate the competition. I guarantee you that your competition isn't implementing this form of training because most people still don't know about it. Remember it originated in Russia and has been widely used there, but it is still relatively new here in the U.S.!

If you are serious about stepping up your game then you must get yourself acquainted with this art form. I'll even make it easy for you by asking you to feel free to access my hundreds of other articles on the topic. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart my friend! Give it a try.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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An Iron Body - The Best Way to Build Lean Muscle is Right Here!

There is no arguing that in order to build lean muscle you have to lose body fat. The key is doing this simultaneously. You certainly have to diet to build lean muscle, but you must include the best exercises to build lean muscle in order to be effective.

I am glad to introduce to you the art of kettlebell training. Kettlebell training is an ancient form of strength and conditioning that has been around for over three centuries. This ancient style of training is a sure way for you to get thrown right into a lean muscle routine! You see this ancient form of strength and conditioning combines both elements of strength and cardiovascular conditioning through the art of resisted movement. This is how you get an iron body my friends. This bodybuilding lean muscle style of training goes beyond training single muscle groups. This is about training your body through "movements" and not "body parts."

The base lift that is performed with the kettlebell is known as the double arm kettlebell swing and this single lift integrates hundreds of your muscles at one time to quickly raise your level of perceived exertion. By doing this you get your body's metabolism burning at an absolutely crazy rate causing your body fat and unwanted waistline to shrink away! 
You have to take the time to get acquainted with the kettlebell swing and then move on to all of the other iron bodybuilding lifts that you can perform through kettlebell training.
If you are serious about building muscles fast and even developing a set of six pack abs then you have got to introduce kettlebell training into your iron body routine. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Push and a Pull - A 2 Part Workout That is the Best Workout For Men to Build Serious Muscle!

The best cardio workout for men, the best true bodybuilding exercises for men, and the surest way for guys to build lean muscle have to involve kettlebell training. Thats right guys, I said kettlebell training. By now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell, but if not I will quickly fill you in.

The ancient kettlebell is a strength and conditioning device that resembles a cannonball with a handle attached to it. This strength and conditioning device has been around for over three centuries and has been used by the world's greatest strongmen and athletes to forge the world's greatest bodies. This is no stupid fitness fad that is here today and gone tomorrow. This style of training is an art form and has withstood the test of time for good reason! The base lift that is performed with the kettlebell is the double arm swing. This single lift incorporates hundreds of your muscles and is executed by you swinging the kettlebell back and forth from between your legs like a pendulum. Now knowing this here is a simple 2 part workout that you can use with this ancient device.

Part 1: The Push: You see every movement that the human body can perform is either a push or a pull. This particular exercise is going to incorporate a push. All you need is a single kettlebell of moderate resistance. Bring the kettlebell to your chest by properly performing the clean lift. Next, you will essentially perform 2 push movements within one exercise. Properly perform a front squat with the kettlebell. Make sure that you try get low enough within the depth of your squat by allowing your elbow to touch the inside of your knee. As you come back up out of the squat lock out your hips and knees. Once you do this then simply press the kettlebell overhead locking out your elbow and shoulder. Lower the kettlebell back in front of you to the proper clean rack position at your chest with your arm at rest against your body. Perform 5 of these on each arm and then immediately move on to part 2 of the workout.

Part 2: The Pull: So I've established the push portion of the workout so what do you think comes next? Thats right, the pull. Remember the kettlebell swing that I spoke about at the beginning of this article. Well this is going to be your pulling movement. To begin, place the bell right between your feet. Make sure your feet are about shoulder width apart. Next, squat to pick the bell up with both arms. Next you will need to perform the hip snap. The hip snap is performed by you constantly and fluently flexing and extending at both your hips and knees in order to build up the necessary momentum for you to swing the kettlebell from between your legs up to chest level. Attempt a good 50 swings immediately after part 1 of your workout. Once you complete this you will have concluded round 1 of your workout. Allow yourself about 3 minutes rest and repeat this for 2 more rounds. Guys this is one of the best workout routines for men period! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart! Give it a try.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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The Secret to Women's Fitness - The Absolute Best Workout For Women to Build the Ideal Body!

Ladies if you are serious about getting fit and want to know the best workout for women then you have arrived at the right place. The best fat burning exercises for women, the best exercises for women to lose weight, the best cardio workout for women, and the best high intensity interval training workouts all have to include kettlebell training if you are serious about getting REAL results!

Thats right, I said kettlebell training. Ladies by now you may be familiar with the ancient kettlebell unless you have not looked at a TV, newspaper, or the internet in the last couple of years. To give you a quick history about the kettlebell it originated in Russia. This ancient strength and conditioning device has been used and has built some of the best bodies throughout history over the course of the last three centuries! Thats right, this ancient device is really ancient. The world's greatest athletes and strongmen have utilized kettlebell training to build ultimate fitness, to build the best looking athletic bodies, and to increase performance more than just about any other fitness and strength tool around. 

The base lift that is widely used with kettlebell training is known as the double arm kettlebell swing. The swing is performed by you picking the bell up with both arms and executing an important technique known as the hip snap in order to swing the bell back and forth like a pendulum. This single lift trains hundreds of your muscles at one time allowing you to burn an unbelievable amount of calories, therefore causing you to melt away inches and pounds at a more rapid rate than just about any other workout you can do. 

This is no fad ladies. This is not some ridiculous piece of in-home equipment that is going to take up a lot of space in your home and cost you a ton of money. This single device is simple, yet unique in it's design. Because of this you will soon learn that there are literally hundreds of different exercises that you can perform with it to give you a better workout than a fully furnished gym!

For an investment to build the ideal body kettlebell training should be at the top of your list! If you don't get acquainted with kettlebell training then you are missing out. I'll even make it easier on you to learn more about by asking you to access the rest of my articles. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Iron Goddess - The Absolute Best Kettlebell Workout For Women to Get Super Fit!

If you are a woman looking for the best kettlebell workout then look no further! Do you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness? Do you want to know what kettlebell exercises are optimal for fat loss? Are you a beginner looking for an effective kettlebell workout? If you want answers to these questions then you will get them right here!

For starters, if you are a woman serious about sculpting a top notch body then kettlebell training is definitely a great way to start. To begin, whether you want to learn the basics or you want to achieve a serious set of six pack abs you can incorporate the base strength endurance lift of the kettlebell known as the double arm swing to achieve both. The great thing about kettlebell training is that if you are a beginner then you have to know this lift anyway, but if you are more advanced you can still use this particular lift and just intensify it to help you reach your desired results.

I want to talk about swinging for time! That's right ladies, I said swinging for time and not reps. For my beginners, the kettlebell swing is executed by you grabbing the kettlebell with both hands and swinging it from between your legs up to chest level. This is done by implementing a technique known as the hip snap. The hip snap is initiated by you having to constantly and fluently flex and extend at both your knees and hips to create the much needed momentum for you to swing the kettlebell back and forth in an arc like motion. 

For my advanced ladies you already knew this, but for you I am going to ask that you take the swing on up to above your head. So the workout consist of 3 two minute rounds! The beginners will swing the bell for 2 straight minutes and so will my advanced women. However, my more advanced ladies have to execute the full range swing by bringing the bell all the way up to above your head. Give yourself about 2 minutes rest between sets.

If you are serious about being an Iron Goddess then this workout is for you. This kettlebell swing workout is going to totally reshape your body. Remember ladies that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Superman Cardio - The Best Cardio Workout For Endurance, Period!

S is for Superman by Xurble

For superior endurance and to achieve superman cardio you have to raise your level of perceived exertion. This workout is designed to do just that. I have included a workout here to seriously boost your cardiovascular fitness for top notch performance.

I am glad to be the one to introduce to you the kettlebell swing and gasser combo! So what is the kettlebell swing and what is a gasser? Well, the kettlebell swing is the base strength endurance lift performed with the ancient strength and conditioning device that includes you picking it up with both arms and swinging it back and forth from between your legs up to chest level. A gasser is basically a sprint exercise that is performed for conditioning. I am here to tell you how to combine the two for some serious cardiovascular activity!

To begin the kettlebell gasser combination you will need the availability of a kettlebell of moderate resistance and about 50 yards of running room on a flat field. Next, perform the kettlebell swing by allowing the bell to hang between your legs where you can start performing a hip snap to swing it like a pendulum back and forth from between your legs up to chest level. The hip snap is executed by you having to constantly and fluently flex and extend at both your hips and knees to create the necessary momentum to swing the kettlebell in an arc like motion. As soon as you complete 50 solid swings with the kettlebell set it on the ground and sprint the 50 yard distance for your gasser. Allow yourself about a minute and a half rest before repeating the process.

This type of cardiovascular exercise is guaranteed to improve your cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness. You are getting the benefit of muscular endurance combined with the benefit of significant cardiovascular conditioning. If you don't included the kettlebell into your personal program you are only holding back your own progress! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the champions train smart.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Kettlebell Muscle - The 2 Best Exercises to Build Super Fit Muscle!

Kettlebell at the Y by ymcapdx

If you are looking for some exercises to gain muscle then you have arrived at the best place possible! Kettlebell training is a style of training for guys and girls that want to build bodies to stand out in a crowd. If you are serious about your fitness and you don't mind turning some heads then the following 2 exercises are just for you.

1. Dual Kettlebell Man Makers: Now ladies don't let the name of this exercise turn you off because it is great for you too. This is a serious exercise to burn fat and build muscle for you better than anything. To execute this drill you will need a pair of kettlebells of equal weight. Place the bells between your feet. To start the lift properly clean both kettlebells to your chest and then immediately set them back on the ground about shoulder width apart in length. Now the next part is very important. Make sure that you don't remove your grip from the bells. As soon as you set them back on the ground perform a squat thrust while stabilizing your body on the kettlebells. Kick your feet back behind you placing your body into an upright push up position on the kettlebells and then immediately thrust your feet back up underneath you to stand up and clean the bells to your chest once again. Continue this process for about 10 reps with a pair of moderately heavy bells.

2. Dual Kettlebell Seesaw Presses: For this exercise you will once again need a pair of kettlebells of equal weight. To start properly clean the bells to your chest. Next, hold one bell at the rack position and press the other one overhead. Now as soon as you start to lower the first bell began pressing the second bell before the first bell is racked at the resting position. You are essentially pressing both kettlebells here up and down in continuous motion, hence the name seesaw press. This is a sure workout to build lean muscle and strengthen your shoulders as good as anything. If you want to optimize your workout to help you lose fat and gain muscle more quickly then combine this drill with the first drill mentioned in this article. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Basketball Conditioning - The Absolute Best Basketball Conditioning Workout Period!

Night Basketball by cebuphotographerSwing & Burp III by ReActive Gym

If you are looking to play basketball with a level of conditioning that your competition will never match then you will like this basketball conditioning drill. I am pleased to introduce to you the kettlebell swing and sprint combo! Get ready for a serious muscle and sprint conditioning workout!

To begin this basketball conditioning exercise you must have the availability of a single kettlebell of moderately heavy resistance and your basketball court. If a court is not available then an open flat field marked off at 25 yards will do just fine. Begin the drill by executing a series of 50 double arm kettlebell swings at one end of the court or field. To execute the swings, initiate the hip snap movement by fluently and constantly flexing and extending at both your knees and hips.
This creates the much needed momentum to help you swing the kettlebell back and forth from between your legs up to chest level like a pendulum. As soon as you complete the 50 swings immediately set the bell down and sprint to the other end of the court (or 25 yard marked field) and back. Allow yourself a rest interval of about a minute and a half before repeating the process. Attempt to execute 10 rounds of this and watch your newly introduced basketball conditioning drill elevate your game like never before!

I have been training athletes and top notch fitness enthusiast for a long time my friend and I promise that if you don't include the kettlebell into your own personal series of basketball strength and conditioning workouts then you are only cheating yourself. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Basketball Strength and Conditioning - The Best Workout For Basketball Players in One Exercise!

Teknik Basketball by Kinoz

Slam dunks, vertical leap, and cardiovascular fitness should all be the result of a smart of basketball conditioning workout. The good news is that I have a single exercise here that will help you out with achieving all 3 of these athletic characteristics!

I am proud to introduce to you the kettlebell swing. By now you may know that the kettlebell is an ancient strength and conditioning device that is at the top of the food chain when it comes down to building an athletic body. Athletes and strongmen have used and proven the effectiveness of this device for over three centuries. That is a testimony if I have ever heard one my friend. If you want a killer workout for basketball then you have got to incorporate the double arm kettlebell swing. The swing is performed by you swinging the kettlebell back and forth like a pendulum from between your legs up to chest level.

This single exercise involves hundreds of your muscles and challenges your cardiovascular system more than any suicide that you will ever run at practice! The swing is performed by you having to initiate a movement known as the hip snap. The hip snap is executed by you having to constantly and fluently flex and extend at both your hips and knees in order to generate the necessary force to swing the bell in an arc like motion. This single lift should be the top exercise for basketball players wanting to get a hard hitting workout in a single exercise. This lift will no doubt improve your vertical leap and enhance your conditioning for the upcoming season.
If you don't include the kettlebell swing into your arsenal of basketball strength training workouts then you are only cheating yourself. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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