Women's fitness can only be successful by having a solid strength training program. Ladies, it is a common misconception that I deal with quite often with women that building strength is more for guys. This couldn't be further from the truth. By building strength you build lean muscle mass and when you build lean muscle mass you burn body-fat and burn a lot of it!
Women's strength training is a topic that I have felt compelled to address more lately because of the questions I have been getting from the female population on strength training. More often than not I encounter women that are interested in kettlebell training and various other forms of strength training, but have expressed to me that they have been hesitant about starting due to the false belief that strength training (especially kettlebell training) would cause them to bulk up and build muscle like guys. Ladies I'm not saying all of you out there think this way, but I am merely addressing the one's that do. Strength training and kettlebell training for women should be the foundation of your fitness program. The truth is that women will not build big bulky muscles like guys. You ladies don't have the same levels of muscle building hormones, like testosterone, that guys have. The women that do have large muscles are women that are either relatively large individuals anyway, or drastically alter their internal hormonal levels with some artificial chemical enhancements. The harder you workout within the scope of your weight training and kettlebell training programs you will be amazed at the level of progress you will make. Trust me, the only thing that will get those unwanted pounds off of your body is some intense work with some kind of resistance!
I have said it before in one of my other articles, if women want big results in their fitness and strength program then they must train like a man! For my hardcore ladies keep up the good work. Spread this message to the other ladies that need to hear it!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at http://www.efandps.com |
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