Too many times I have witnessed guys in the gym or working out on the squat rack and only going low enough in the squat to qualify as a partial range of motion. This is a very common thing in most people due in part to a lack of flexibility and mobility. The truth is that as we get older we have to really practice to hold on to our range of motion and flexibility. One of the most common lifts that require this kind of attention is squats. I have included 2 types of squats here that you can use to help you work on increasing and maintaining your range of motion!
1. Duel Kettlebell Front Squats: This particular exercise is great for increasing squat range of motion. To begin, all you will need for this drill is a couple of moderately heavy kettlebells of equal weight. Set the bells on the ground and clean them to your chest. Make sure that your feet are about shoulder width distance apart or slightly wider. From here simply make sure that you keep the bells racked in front of your body throughout the entire squat motion. Don't let the weight pull you forward. As you descend in the squat try to touch your elbows to the insides of your knees at the bottom of the motion. Once you do this then simply ascend to come back to a standing position.
2. Dumbell Squat Curls: For this drill all you will need is a couple of moderately heavy dumbells of equal weight. Once again, stand at a start the way you did with the kettlebell squats. Hold the dumbells down by your sides. For this drill as you squat simply curl the dumbells in front of you simultaneously as you descend in the movement. As you stand back up simply allow the bells to come back by your side. You will find that as you squat down and curl the weight that your hips and butt will naturally force or push back into a deeper more productive squat. As you do this exercise with heavier dumbells and don't comprimise your form you will notice your hips getting lower and lower with every squat. This is a great way to improve your deep squats!
To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at |
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