Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kettlebell Questions Answered - I Have Answered Some Questions Posed to Me Concerning the Iron Gym!

I have included a question and answer format to a few questions that people have brought to me about training with kettlebells. I have been wanting to share my responses with you to these questions because they seem to be fairly common and repetitive in nature.

1. Question: What is that?

Answer: That is a kettlebell. A kettlebell is basically an iron cannonball with a handle attached to it. Its historical roots are embedded in Russia and it is an exceptional strength and conditioning device! It is very versatile and can be used to train every muscle in your body. The benefits and gains from using this tool are mind-blowing.

2. Question: What can you do with it?

Answer: What can you not do with it? This device can be used to mimic pretty much any exercise or movement that you can conjure up between the four walls of a fully stocked weight-room. It is so dynamic that you can use it for both a strength and a conditioning device. It is a learned skill and takes a great deal of mental and physical training to tame. It is great for athletic performance, fat-loss, weight-loss, strength, and conditioning.

3. Question: Should I only train with kettlebells and nothing else?

Answer: No, as great of a fitness device as the kettlebell is for your kettlebell fitness program it is always wiser and much more beneficial to keep variety in your training program. Variety always keeps your body adapting and changing to the undo stress that you put on it. A great percentage of this can be accomplished with the bell, but you should always embrace change when it comes to your fitness and strength program.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Women's Fear of Strength - A Huge Misconception That is Holding Women Back From a Greek-Goddess Body

Fit-Woman-From-Back by stealmyfireFit at the Fountain by Swet!

Ladies, I am here to tell you that you can put your mind to rest along with your fears, when it comes to you not engaging in intense forms of resistance training and weight-lifting because you think you will transform into the Hulk. The truth is that the more intense you train and challenge your body the quicker you will see results. Yes, I said you will see results quicker! I shouldn't have to justify this statement because of my many years of education, certifications, and experience with all people from all walks of life, but to ease your anxiety I will.

To start, when I say strength training I am NOT talking about BODYBUILDING! Bodybuilding is a sport and a type of strength training that specifically targets training the body for muscular size. This type of training involves many variables and the people you see on TV and in the magazines that are bodybuilders are doing this as their full-time job with a lot of help from some form of chemical alteration. When I talk about you strength training I mean you have to tension your body with as many forms of resistance as possible in order for your body to be challenged and become fitter. Engaging in intense exercise and resistance training can mean several different things. Being that there are many forms of resistance training you can engage in exercises that involve free-weights, kettlebells, medicine balls, and just your own body-weight. These are all different forms of resistance training in which you can intensify to lose that stomach and get a nice set of six pack abs. Higher intensity exercise also promotes higher fat-loss and weight-loss than lower intensity exercise.

Just remember that you no longer have to fear strength training. If you have heard that you should fear this throughout your life trust me it is holding you back from getting that Greek Goddess body that I know you want!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Hill Runs - Check Out These 2 Dynamic Ways to Run Hills!

Running hills is a great way to crank up the level of intensity in your cardiovascular fitness. You know that you don't have to waste your time on any long straight runs. If you are like most of us then the steeper the hill is the quicker you want to get to the top! This is why I am a big fan of hill runs. Allow yourself a minute to read and learn these 2 dynamic ways to get to the top.

1. Backwards Runs, Hill Back Pedaling: This is a sure way to intensify your runs and burn your quads more than you can imagine. The concept is simple. After getting properly warmed up and depending on the distance and grade of the hill you simply just turn your back to run backwards up the hill. The key to doing this effectively is to naturally lower your center of gravity the steeper the climb. If you can possibly find a hill that is around a 30-45 degree angle and is about a distance of 20 yards these dimensions would be perfect for sprinting and higher intense runs.

2. Uphill Side Shuffle: This is certainly a unique way to get to the top of the hill. You want to start at the bottom and turn your body to one side. From here you want to rapidly shuffle with decent strides as you climb to the top. For instance, if you are leading up the hill with the right leg then it will be doing most of the pulling motion while you are predominately pushing off of the left leg. This is a great contrast in movement when it comes down to the overall conditioning of the drill. This anaerobic training exercise is great for developing cardiovascular fitness as well as leg power. The key is to make sure that you don't cross over your feet when you are shuffling.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Power Up With Kettlebells!

Kettlebell workshop by mamba909

Kettlebells are a fantastic and unique style of training to add an entirely different dynamic to your personal program that I guarantee you are lacking. Whether you are a powerlifter, competitive athlete, or serious fitness enthusiast the kettlebell is your answer in the attempt for you to achieve real hard-body fitness!

The beauty of training with this ancient device is that it promotes a movement based style of training that will compliment your physical abilities in every way. The key to your training success has to involve a healthy dose of both strength and conditioning related elements. The kettlebell offers both of these elements in the unique style of training that you incorporate with this versatile hand held gym.

The good news is that it is only a single piece of equipment that requires no warranty purchase and is very easy to store away. Trust me, you are more than likely not going to lose it or break it. Its a cast iron ball with a handle attached to it. Its perfect to be either a primary source of your fitness and strength program, or it can certainly be an entirely different part of your own program altogether. Take the time to learn more about this awesome device if you haven't already. Feel free to access all of my articles for free to get all the information that you need.

Just remember that if you want a powerful fitness and strength program then kettlebells should be your first option. This device has nurtured strongmen and athletes for centuries, so there should be no problem here with it adding to your program as well!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Core Power For the Athlete - 2 Exercises the Athlete Can Combine to Generate a Powerful Core!

athlete_casey by House of BenGeorgia Alabama Football by s22dawg

If you are a serious athlete looking to add to your level of athletic performance then you need to tune in. Athletic performance is something of a unique trait when talking about the ability of the human body as it applies to competing in sports. Athletic performance comes in varying degrees depending on the individual and his or her physical condition, genetics, and inner drive. Knowing this though it is true that the human body can be OPTIMALLY built to be at it's best. Check out the following 2 exercises that you can combine in your personal program to optimally build your own ability!

1. Power Cleans: This is a tremendous olympic style lift that should be included in every athletic based program. The power clean is a great lift with the dynamic to increase one's core power, leg power, and even upper-body strength all within a single repetition. There are many variations of cleans, but the power clean is definitely on top of the lifting food chain because of the amount of movement required to pull the barbell and weights from the floor up to your chest. There is also a great conditioning effect that comes with executing this lift.

2. Plyometric Box Jumps: Plyometric box jumps are a great way to add some serious explosive power to your core and leg strength. Within the human dynamic your center of gravity starts at your core. This is why the power cleans are so effective for building your power center and these plyometric box jumps are no different. The real advanced tactic would be to combine the power cleans and plyometric box jumps. This is a sure way for the athlete to optimally develop athletic performance and a powerful dynamic of strength.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

The Kettlebell - A Great Supplemental Tool For the Powerlifter!

Powerlifters are strong, but not the most ripped... by Travis K.Muscle woman by amproshoot

Most of the powerlifters that I have spoken to primarily include 3 big lifts into their program. The usual bench-press, back-squat, and deadlift are all 3 staples of the powerlifting culture. They may include other side or additional lifts like RDL's and pull-ups, but they generally have a fix on the main 3.

If you are a powerlifter and are curious about what a kettlebell is then I will explain. It is basically a cast-iron cannonball with a metal handle attached to it. They come in many sizes ranging from 8.8 lbs. all the way to 105lbs.! The bell is a great tool for building strength due to its unique shape. The shape of the bell causes your body to counter-react to it in order to stabilize the bell because it is always pulling away from your body. This stabilization is quickly amplified when utilizing this tool in certain lifts that really challenge your body causing it to adapt quickly.

The bell can readily be incorporated into your program and the technique of some primary lifts can be learned quickly. Its a very dynamic way to train the body and certain lifts are quicker and more explosive type lifts to execute when using the bell. This is also a benefit because it not only assist you with tremendous strength from stimulating the stabilizer muscles, but it also helps by increasing your range of motion and flexibility! The bell is also very hard to handle because of its shape. You will quickly find that by using the same weight kettlebell at the same weight as you may use a dumbell is completely different. The kettlebell is much harder to handle than the dumbell even at the same weight.

To further enhance your powerlifting program include the kettlebell into your program before your next event. This is a device that will absolutely make the difference in your program. Don't wait, learn and apply!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Power Plyometrics - Transforming Your Body Into a Machine of Explosive Power!

Peter at plyometrics by Simi Valley Boot CampTractor Tire Jumps at Crossfit Pleasanton by ReActive Gym

In order for you to get into shape fast and to have the characteristics of explosive athletic quality then you need to include plyometrics into your program. The key is to be competent on how to properly execute these intense drills. Make sure that you either have the proper knowledge and guidance before attempting these on your own!

1. 12" Hurdle Bounds: For this drill you will need to have six 12" hurdles on hand to execute the drill. Make sure you have a good surface to run and jump on in order to attempt this drill. To begin, line up the hurdles in a straight line with about 12 to 14 inches distance between each hurdle. Next, you are going to bound over each hurdle by continuously transitioning from one over the next. Make sure that each jump is executed in good form and that your knees come up in front of your body with every bound. This will train your body to respond quickly by having to "spring you" through each bound! You will develop tremendous quickness, leg power, and explosive strength by utilizing this drill!

2. 12" Hurdle Lateral Bounds: This drill is set up exactly like the one I mentioned above. The difference here though will required you to have more body control and coordination. For this drill you will simply turn your body so that you are facing perpendicular away from the hurdle. Here you will be bounding (or jumping) the hurdles laterally (sideways) in continuous succession. Once again, make sure that you keep your knees coming up in front of you with each bound and that you keep your feet parallel to one another without allowing them to cross. Crossing your feet will result in you unsuccessfully completing the drill. Once you bound going in one direction simply come back leading your body on the opposite side for symmetry. You will develop some fine body-control and optimal athletic performance from practicing this drill!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

What Kettlebell Training Does For Your Body is Worth the Investment!

Kettlebell training has been around for centuries. The reason that you may not have heard of it though is because it originated in Russia and was really more prevalent among strong men and olympic athletes in that region. The good news is that they are making there way here to the U.S. and spreading like wildfire across the globe. I have implemented this style of training among all of my clientele which ranges from athletes to regular fitness enthusiast ranging in ages from 13 years of age to 60+years old!

So what does this odd device and ancient form of training do for the body? Well, the better question is what does it not do? You see every hope of success in training the human body to be fit and strong requires the act of muscular tension. This tension can be applied through the resistance of your own body-weight or by adding an additional load or weight such as a kettlebell. The beauty of training with the bell is that the style of training that is associated with this device incorporates hundreds of muscles at once with the use of simple and natural body movements!

This in turn results in your body eliminating the unwanted fat while promoting superior weight-loss and helping you to build lean muscle mass. This also drastically improves what I like to call your interior numbers that have to do with your blood pressure, cholesterol, and resting heart rate. Kettlebells also forge your body into being tough and resilient so you can bounce back, recover quicker from an intense workout, and also are more able to withstand a hit or impact! To me this taps into what are bodies are really all about.

If you are considering starting with kettlebells then consider no longer, get started now! All you have to lose is time by waiting around thinking about it. Start now and get the benefits!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Taming the Deadlift - 2 Variations of the Deadlift to Give You a Powerful Back and Pulling Power!

TT Deadlift by ReActive GymKettlebell Suitcase Deadlifts by crossfitftc

To build a rock hard body and build up your tremendous pulling power you need to master the deadlift. The interesting thing is that there are many versions of this particular lift that you can practice in order to strengthen the combination of both your glutes and hamstrings as they work together in pulling the heavy load. Check out these 2 variations that you can learn to achieve optimal power.

1. The Suitcase Deadlift (Staggered Load): This particular deadlift is great at loading one side of the body while you fight to execute the lift. This particular variation of the deadlift can be executed with a kettlebell or by using a normal barbell that can be elevated to control the intensity. The lift is executed like a normal deadlift with the exception of the lift being done from the side of the body as opposed to the usual way with the weight being picked up from the front. You simply squat to pick up the desired weight on one side like you would a suitcase, hence the name.

2. Single Leg RDL (Another Staggered Load): This lift is spectacular in both isolating the glutes and hamstrings while promoting balance and core strength. Again, this particular lift can be executed a number of different ways, but to make it easy to understand I'll discuss the most simple. Begin by grabbing a set of dumbells. Now imagine how you would normally descend in a controlled fashion to execute a normal RDL (Romanian Deadlift). The only difference is that you descend down on one leg. The leg of choice stays on the ground and your hips must be as square as possible throughout the lift. The other leg should raise off of the ground straight behind you as you descend. Keep your body in a straight line. This is a tremendous lift for developing that excellent core strength and overall stability.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Single Lift Workouts! The Creative Way to Structure Your Entire Workout Around a Single Lift

 by mj636

So can you simplify the structure or plan of your workout to be easy to understand and effective at the same time? The answer to this is absolutely yes! The key to doing this is to pick out an effectively intense and multi-joint based lift (Olympic style lifts or kettlebell lifts) to execute over and over. This way you get the benefit of strength, lean muscle development, and conditioning all in one hard-hitting workout.

The key to success in any personal fitness and strength program is to be efficient in basically 2 areas. The first area is to be strict with managing your recovery time. This will keep your exertion level up for the duration of the workout giving you a terrific calorie burn and conditioning effect from the session. The next area is to make sure that you choose an intense multi-joint based lift to challenge your body. This will give you great development in strength and overall resiliency making you fitter. Both of these areas can be covered in single lifts that can make up an entire workout! For instance, a great Olympic lift like power cleans, hang cleans, or kettlebell cleans would all be great lifts to complete for such a workout. This is a perfect example of a multi-joint based lift that can be executed for many sets and reps over and over. It doesn't really matter the amount of volume as long as you are intense and cater it towards your goals. To make it simple I like to use the rule of 10 sometimes. This is where everything is 10. This is where you do something like cleans, deadlifts, or kettlebell swings 10 sets of 10 reps and try to do it in 10 minutes! Thus the rule of 10.

You will no doubt benefit with huge results from a workout that involves only a single lift or exercise! Olympic and kettlebell lifts can be better manipulated in such a program for optimal results because of the total-body exertion you get from these particular movements.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Squatting Range of Motion - A Technique to Practice in Order to Achieve Butt to the Floor Squats!

Wes squat by goCrossFit

If you really want to add tremendous leg strength and total-body power to your current regimen then you need to learn how to do full range squats. Now I am addressing the obvious audience here. If you have some sort of severe joint condition that doesn't allow you to do this then I'm obviously not talking to you. However, for the rest of you check out this simple drill to increase your range of motion.

To start you need to find a sturdy post or pole of some sort either at your gym, home, or at the local park. Make sure that it is secure and sturdy. Next you want to get your feet into the proper position. They should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance apart. From here you want to grip the sides of the post. Once in this position then execute a perfect form squat. You will want to go as deep as you possibly can without compromising your technique. Note that as you descend in the squat you want to walk your hands down the pole at the same time. This will allow you to better stabilize your body as you are squatting lower and lower. The better you get at increasing your range of motion you want to grip the pole less and less until you know longer need it. Practice this frequently until you master the full range of motion.

This drill will give you tremendous mobility for an awesome depth squat. Your strength training program will drastically improve with you mastering this technique. Practice and enjoy my friends!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

The Kettlebell Fat Terminator - The Swing and Push-Up Combination Totalling 400 Reps!

Kettlebell Montage by mbodystrength*Dec 03 - 00:05*Desk email by pullsh_active

You may now be familiar with the very common kettlebell exercise known as the swing. This is the base lift with the kettlebell that involves the pull method in my training philosophy. This is an exercise that targets hundreds of muscles and generates an awesome production of lean muscle mass and terminates fat completely! With this article I'm going to combine a push method of 10 different styles of push-ups totaling 100 reps with 300 reps with the swing to make it a physically mind-blowing workout of 400 reps.

To start, you need to come up with 10 different styles of push-ups. If you can't do that off of the top of your head then I'll make it easy for you. Focus on weight distribution by taking one or more of your limbs out of the movement. For instance, if you are pretty advanced then simply get into an upright push-up position and lift one of your legs off of the ground and do 10 push-ups that way. To come up with another style simply switch legs. This immediately gives you 2 different styles. You can move on to do the same thing with your arms. The key is to come up with 10 different styles to do 10 repetitions with if you can. If you simply can't come up with 10 styles then you can stick to the same old traditional way. To execute the workout you want to complete 30 double-arm swings with the bell and then immediately without rest hit 10 repetitions of one of your styles of push-ups. After each combination only give yourself about 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds rest.

At first, the rest time will seem too long, but you will find out real fast that about 6 to 7 sets into the workout you will wish it was longer. This is one kettlebell strength training workout that is a sure Fat Terminator!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Speed Training - 2 Simple Upper-Body Techniques to Enhance Your Speed!

Speed is something that everyone is born with, but some are naturally born with more speed than others. However, everyone can be trained to fully optimize their individual abilities to become faster. This is the good news because this article will provide you with 2 great adjustments to make with your arms to increase your velocity immediately!

Drill 1: Many problems that inhibit athletes from their full sprinting potential can be related to improper running mechanics. Individuals often generate a lot of wasted motion when it comes to running. For instance, when you think about your arm motion when in a full sprint they are pumping back and forth as quick as your legs. Studies have shown that about 18-20% of your running power comes from the upper-body. This is a big factor when trying to find ways to get faster. The problem with most people is that when they are pumping their arms in the sprint phase, they tend to move them from side to side. This crossing the mid-line of the body is wasting motion and causing your weight to shift side to side instead of in a linear direction. Correct this motion by moving the hands from the pockets (or hips area) to your chin.

Drill 2: So we know that most people waste a lot of motion by moving from side to side, but there is another problem that people are guilty of when trying to generate sprinting power with their arm motion. The next tip is making sure that the angle of your elbows are locked in a 90 degree angle when driving your hands from the pockets to the chins. You also want to make sure that you get your elbows to drive back when the hand is moved to the pockets area. This backward elbow drive with each arm pump is what provides that 18-20% of running power!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Exercise Myths - 2 Misconceptions About Strength Training For Women

90 Second Fitness the vook by Vook tvStrike a Pose / Pole by IJsselstein 

I have always had to break down barriers with women in regards to strength training. There is an old mindset out there that women associate weight-lifting and strength training to building huge bulky muscles! This couldn't be further from the truth. I will cover 2 misconceptions and give an explanation that will inform you on the truth about why women should engage full force in a strength and conditioning program to build the body of every man and woman's dreams!

Myth 1: "If I start lifting heavy weights I will either get hurt or I will look like a bodybuilder." (Truth) You could get hurt talking on the cell phone and driving your car at the same time. The injury excuse is just that to me, an excuse. If you study and seek proper guidance on training you won't likely get injured. Of course, if you blindly walk into something then you are likely to not have a good result. (Truth) Working out with free-weights in an effective strength and conditioning program is the very best way to cut body fat and to speed up overall weight-loss.

Also, this fear of looking like a bodybuilder is absurd. First of all, women don't naturally contain enough of the muscle building hormone in their body that we know as testosterone. The women that are freakish looking are more than likely injecting something like this into their body's , as well as, spending hours and hours a week in the gym. Plus they are training their body's for size characteristics so they are getting that result. You may not like the way they look, but at least they are achieving the desired result, what are you doing?

Myth 2: "I'm just going to run off all of this excess weight." (Truth) Yes, you can run to burn off excess weight, but you can actually burn off excess lean muscle mass as well. Lean muscle mass is the very ingredient that burns off fat! If you are burning away the ingredient that burns away your fat then what? What happens is that you may lose weight but look like what I call a skinny fat person. In other words, your body is smaller but there is no definition, your skin is loose, and you have no muscular defining curves.

You can look at yourself one of two ways. You can be thinner and fitter or thinner and plain. Remember that your body will develop the way you train it. Strength training to increase a lean body is the truthful answer to your questions about these workout myths.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Benefits of Kettlebell Training For Football Players!

110307 UGA_players_kl by Kelly M. LambertExcessive Celebration by s22dawg

I have written about the importance of gaining both optimal strength and conditioning when it comes to athletics and the general population. If you are a serious football player then you truly understand the importance of mental and physical toughness in terms of off-season preparation. If you don't properly prepare yourself then you will get hurt. Its that simple! This article is an explanation of why the inclusion of the iron bell is important in the scope of your off-season preparation.

To begin, the kettlebell is not just a strength tool or just a conditioning tool, it can be both! This is the beauty of this hand held gym. You can structure a program to include a kettlebell to achieve more power, strength, cardiovascular conditioning, and overall performance. It is the most dynamic tool that I know of when it comes to getting the body ready for whatever lies ahead! Bold men make bold statements, so here I go. You and your athletic program are doing YOU a disservice if kettlebell training is not allowed into your regular program. Kettlebell workouts for football strength training fit perfectly into the mold of the football players athletic domain. You can generate huge explosive power, flexibility, resiliency, and overall conditioning to withstand the perils of the long season.

If you don't know about my strength culture, then continue reading my other articles on training and body conditioning. The iron bell will be the edge you need to take your season to the next level!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Question and Answers on Destroying Body-Fat!

rapid_weight_loss by michael.sethLose Weight - Blue Button by iQoncept

The following article is formatted as a question and answer forum. I have included the questions and responses that I generally encounter in frequent meetings with clients and friends. These questions are typical and frequent when it comes to the subject of exercise, weight-loss, fat-loss, and total-body fitness.

I only want to lose fat in my stomach so can I just do exercises to train that area of my body to get the results I want?

Yes you can train the muscles of the stomach, but NO that won't get you the results you are looking for. The only way to get rid of body-fat anywhere on your body is by working on speeding up your metabolism. The only way to speed up your metabolism is to build lean muscle mass. This is only accomplished through an effective and competent training program that is designed to increase your level of perceived exertion. This is what will get you the results you desire!

If I take this supplement will it help me to lose 10 lbs?

No, the supplement alone will not help you to lose the weight. Now that doesn't mean that there are not supplements that are capable of helping with weight-loss, but they are generally not good for you. The bottom line is that there is no good substitute for getting off of your rear and getting to work!

Can I burn fat by only working out for 10 or 15 minutes?

Yes, you can drastically boost your metabolism by training with a high level of intensity. Once again, you are better off training for a shorter period of time more intensely than dragging out a leisure workout for an hour. I find that people fixate on the belief that you have to workout for at least 20 minutes before the body begins to burn fat. This is ridiculous. They are saying this because the body has to work up to this state of calorie burn during a low intense bout of aerobic activity. Don't confuse aerobic activity with anaerobic activity. The latter is what will get you the faster results. You are better off working out like a mad person even if it is only for that 10 or 15 minutes!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Athletic Speed - 2 Drills For the Serious Athlete to Achieve Blazing Speed!

What is the one trait that you wish to have on the competitive field of play that you can do better than your opponent? For me I would have to say speed. With the ability of speed itself, and the conditioning to match, I know that I can not only be faster than my opponent, but I can be faster for the entire duration of the competition. The ability and the conditioning have to be one in the same. After all, what good is speed if it is only temporary? Tune in to the following 2 drills to learn how to obtain total athletic performance.

1. Loaded Bounds Into Sprints: This is one intense drill that is sure to give you the edge you are looking for. This drill is great for developing linear speed, explosive muscular power, and overall dominant athletic performance. To start this drill you will need a couple of things. You will need at least 30 yards of running space and a weighted vest. Weighted vests usually come in a variety of weight, but you can start with a 20 lb vest for this particular drill. To begin, line up on the marked line. Start jumping (double leg bounding) for the first 10 yards and then quickly transition in to a full sprint from the 10 yard marker to the 30 yard marker. You will quickly see how intense this drill can get!

2. Loaded Alternating Leg Bounds Into Sprints: This drill is set up and performed exactly like the drill explained above. The only difference is that with each bound you will alternate bounding off of each leg. Alternate your legs bounding from left to right all the way to the 10 yard marker and then immediately transition into a sprint from the 10 yard marker to the end of the 30 yards. This will certainly help you to develop serious leg power and the overall athletic ability to match!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Kettlebell Performance Training - 2 Kettlebell Drills to Improve Explosive Hip Power!

*Dec 03 - 00:05*Desk email by pullsh_active

I can honestly say that the versatility of the kettlebell and its effects on developing the body go far beyond any specific fitness device that I have ever used. It impacts the body in so many ways that it almost causes immediate physical benefit and change! The following 2 exercises are tremendous for improving one's individual level of fitness and developing extreme athletic explosive power.

1. The Deadlift/Squat Jump Combo: You need 2 kettlebells for this particular lift. If you are reasonably strong and athletic then you might want to start with 2-16kg (35lb) bells. You want to stand over the bells with them between your feet. Your feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width distance. Enough for the bells to set side by side between your feet. The handles of the bell should be angled in the same position as a barbell would be if you were deadlifting it. Next simply squat down to grab the bells simultaneously and execute a perfect form deadlift. When you set the bells back on the ground after the deadlift then immediately execute a squat jump. After the jump immediately execute another deadlift. You see the pattern now.

2. The Full Range Swing: This one is pretty basic. You obviously want to learn the proper technique of the double-arm swing before you intensify this movement to do the full range swing. With the basic double-arm swing you basically are swinging the kettlebell back and forth between your legs using the force and momentum of our hips and glutes. With the basic swing you only swing the bell as high as chest level. When intensifying this drill we can do full range swings where you go 180 degrees with the arc of swinging the bell to all the way overhead! This involves way more explosive hip and core power to generate enough force to get the vertical lift with the bell. This is great for gaining explosive hip power and overall fitness and athletic performance.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Kettlebell-Plyometric Combo - One Evil System of Total-Body Power!

Check out the air - Mark by Simi Valley Boot CampAmber working HARD at hurdles by Simi Valley Boot Camp

I have written many articles on kettlebells and kettlebell training. I have also done as much about plyometrics. This particular article is going to be an informative piece on both awesome training options.

To begin, I want to say that between performing kettlbell lifts and executing plyometric drills an individual with an agenda can transform his or her body into one amazing athletic piece of work! I want to talk about a method of how to combine the two training variables into a hard-hitting workout. This can be done many different ways. I only want to address a couple of methods in which you can take and put your own spin on it, or modify it the way you want it to fit your program.

One way to combine both methods is to superset the two exercises. For this you will want to execute a kettlebell exercise and then immediately without rest execute your plyometric drill. You will find this method to be hugely effective. A second method would be to execute almost a circuit or mini-obstacle course of physical torture. This method could be set up with as many exercises as you like with you alternating between kettlebell and plyometric drills. This way you go from one thing to the next in a continuous circuit. This way you get huge development from lifting with the kettlebell and then explosive movement from hitting the plyometric drill. You will also obtain insane conditioning from this training method!

There is no doubt that your cardiovascular conditioning, strength, and overall fitness will be significantly developed from a plan like this one. Put this into action and quickly learn why it is one evil system of total-body power!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What I Really Like About The Iron Bell!

Kettlebell Training at the Brea Dam by mbodystrengthKettlebell Arch by ReActive Gym

I have been asked on a frequent basis, so Brandon what do you really like about the kettlebell? What about it is any different from engaging in any of these other methods of training such as P90 X, EDT, or the new popular supsension training? Well the truth is that the kettlebell can be used with some of these methods mentioned and even integrated into the scope of these other styles.

I think people often get "caught up" in thinking that you should attempt one type of training and stay with that style and that style only. This is not a real effective mindset to have in terms of developing a sound strength and conditioning program. You see I like to think of all of these methods of training the way I would think of a tool in a toolbox. Imagine a toolbox full of many tools. All are useful, but not all are very versatile. This is how I think of the kettlebell. The iron bell is a tool in the tool box, but it just happens to be one of the most versatile tools in the box. Also by engaging in some of these other styles of training you can get into great shape. The bell will also get you into great shape. The one thing that rings true though is that by engaging in something like kettlebell training and then attempting to do a dynamic style such as the suspension training you will be able to adapt relatively well. You see by practicing with the bell you can get better at doing the suspension training, but by practicing just with the suspension training it won't make you better at handling the kettlebell. This is the distinction.

Don't misconstrue what I am saying. The suspension training is great, but I am just merely making the point about what I like the most about kettlebell training. Many of you have been asking so I felt compelled to put my professional opinion out there. Remember that people can train hard, but only the best train smart! Training smart is kettlebell training and kettlebell training is training smart. Commit that to memory.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Water Resistance - 2 Body Fat Destroying Exercises You Can Do in the Pool!

If you want to try a new workout this Summer in the pool, then this is going to be right down your alley. Water resistance is a great way to exert your body and add a different type of stress than you are used to. The key is to make sure you have access to a pool, of course. Take the time to learn the 2 following drills in order to get a huge workout.

1. High Knee Kicks: For starters you will want to stand in about waist or belly button level water. Start the drill at one end of the pool. To gain optimal benefit you will want to try to have a distance of about 10 yards of the same level of water for the purpose of this exercise. Begin the pool workout by driving a knee forcefully until your leg is partially out of the water. When your leg emerges simply lower it and drive the opposite leg up in the same fashion. As you are doing this you will want to make sure that you are progressing forward to the other side of the pool for the 10 yards. Attempt 5 sets continuously before resting.

2. Squat Jumps: To begin this drill you will want to stand in the same level water as mentioned in the high knee drill. Stand with your feet about shoulder width distance apart or slightly wider. From here you will want to forcefully initiate a counter movement by squatting and simultaneously swinging your arms down and back driving them through the water. Once you are at the bottom of your squat then forcefully explode upward extending your knees and hips until your are jumping and coming up out of the water. You will want to continue to do every rep in succession. You will quickly see the huge amount of exertion this will put on your body and your cardiovascular conditioning as well.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Power Building For the Cyclist - 2 Kettlebell Exercises For the Competitive Cyclist to Utilize!

Clustered Cyclists by MykReevekc urban cyclist project by ©hrisGo

It has been my experience that cyclist don't put a lot of stock in a strength and conditioning program. The truth is that you must be optimally trained in both elements of strength and conditioning in order to be a successful athlete irregardless of what kind of athlete you are. If you are a cyclist that doesn't understand the importance of this then I am politely telling you right now that your training is flawed. One way to ensure that you are at least starting in the right direction of having an effective strength and conditioning program is to include the following 2 kettlebell lifts into your personal program.

1. The Double-Arm Swing: As a strength and conditioning specialist I will tell you that if you don't understand the importance of periodization and training then your training program has holes in it. Basically periodization means that you have to train with a high volume of sets and reps and intensify those elements right up until your competition date. Just before your competition you steadily lower the intensity of training so you go into the competition at your peak level of performance. The double-arm swing is the base lift of the kettlebell and is a tremendous tool to include in your training and to help phase you on and off your times of cycling while still increasing your cardiovascular fitness and individual strength. This is the element of your training that has been missing. Implement the double arm swing for 300 to 400 reps and try to tell me that you are not getting any cardiovascular benefit from it.

2. The Pistol: This is the most impressive exercise I think anyone can perform. This is basically a single leg squat! This particular exercise is performed by lifting one leg off of the ground and squatting all the way to the floor with the other leg. Of course, this particular exercise takes a lot of practice. You can start by performing it off of a bench or chair before attempting to go all the way to the floor. As you get better and better you can add an extra load by holding the kettlebell in front of your body. You will find that it adds significantly more intensity to the squat, but that it surprisingly helps you with the balancing factor. This exercise is great for developing your quads, glutes, and hips which are all necessary for you to pedal fast and climb the tough hills!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Kettlebell Power - 2 Methods to Develop Strong Explosive Muscles With Kettlebells!

Kettlebell Strength Workout Circuit #2 by mbodystrengthKettlebell Training in Huntington Beach by mbodystrength

To begin, I want to make it clear that kettlebells aren't just used for endurance training. Let the truth be known that kettlebells are an awesome tool for building up one's endurance, but you can also obtain some great strength from the use of kettlebells as well. Check out the following 2 methods that you can apply in gaining strength in the handling and manipulation of kettlebells, and how they can also be a great supplemental tool for your strength program.

1. Getting Stronger Lifting Bells: Well one way to get better at building strength, and specifically building strength by handling kettlebells, is to get used to working out with heavier bells. You can progress and document your strength results with kettlebells just like you would with any other lift like bench-press, squats, and cleans. The key is to allow your body to adapt to the heavier load by steadily increasing the weight of the bell to get better at executing the same lift. For instance, if you are doing the overhead snatch then keep the reps low and consistent and steadily go heavier every set with another bell at the same rep count. Eventually you can further challenge yourself by adjusting the weight and reps to do more.

2. The Supplement For Strength And Explosiveness: Strength and explosiveness can be obtained from kettlebells from the first concept that I mentioned, but they can also be great at assisting you to get better with other lifts as well. For example, a lot of strength and conditioning programs use a lot of auxiliary lifts that include the use of smaller muscle groups to transition between the bigger lifts. These could include movements like bent-over rows, bicep curls, and leg extensions. One way to get more bang out of your strength and fitness program is to scrap the smaller auxiliary lifts and substitute them with something like the kettlebell swing or windmills. You will quickly find that gaining more muscular power and strength is easily brought on by the gruesome bell in this fashion!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

The Walk of Pain - 2 Walking Exercises With the Kettlebell That Cause Pain and Big Gains!

30062007(015) by gsfinland

To start, you need a couple of bells and a little experience in handling the weight. This "Walk of Pain" involves 2 different exercises that basically involve walking with the iron bell. Both will allow you to develop core stability, balance, and strength all from a loaded walk.

1. Overhead Press and Walk: This exercise is much harder than you would think. Once again, you need a flat surface that is about 30 yards in length. You want to basically clean and press the kettlebell overhead and walk the full distance of 60 yards. The 30 yard length only counts as one way or half of the set. Clean and press to walk down and back the 30 yard distance equalling 60 yards and then switch arms to do the same thing on the other side. Make sure that you keep the elbow locked into place and suck the shoulder into the socket to secure the bell overhead. Repeat this pattern 3 times on each side to start.

2. Farmer's Walk: This is the second half of the "Walk of Pain." This is the drill that will involve both bells even though it can be executed with one bell. Using the same 30 yard flat distance of surface as before you want to squat to pick up both kettlebells. With a bell in each hand you simply just want to walk the full distance of 60 yards. This a round trip of the marked off distance. These walks will intensify your kettlebell fitness program and rocket you to new fitness heights! This redefines walking exercise.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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