Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Get Up - A Single Kettlebell Exercise With Monumental Benefits!

Kettlebells are no doubt a strength and conditioning device starting to make a lot of noise here in the U.S. within the fitness industry. The fact is that kettlebell training is an art form, as far as, physical conditioning and development is concerned. You see the difference between kettlebell training and other forms of strength training is that it is "movement based" and not "body part specific." This is why kettlebell training is so different from the most recognized norm in the world of fitness.

One particular lift that is performed with the kettlebell that is tremendous in helping you to obtain overall superior strength and assist in the mobility of your shoulders is the single arm get up (or turkish get up). This particular kettlebell lift involves you starting out on your back holding the kettlebell above your head, but always at an angle with your arm perpendicular to the ground.
Ultimately the objective is to stand all the way up to your feet and return to the ground while maintaining the load of the bell above your head and with your arm at the perpendicular angle to the ground. To do this you must always think SAFETY first! Use common sense and have 110% confidence in your get up lifting ability before attempting this. As you lay on the ground lift the bell up in one arm using both hands. This is important again for safety. As you start up you want to start tightening your abs and core to roll your body onto your side.

As you do this maintain the vertical perpendicular angle of the bell. "Spear Head" the bell with your arm by pointing in the direction of the ceiling and keeping your lat tense throughout the lift. As you roll onto your side simply roll onto your elbow of the arm that is on the ground. From here work on transitioning your weight to the hand of the arm on the ground. As you are doing this the leg opposite of your free arm (arm on the ground) should assist in the pushing and shifting of your body weight.

Once your weight is distributed to the arm of the free hand from here you simply "get up." There are many ways to get up at this point, but how you choose to do so is your business. Just make sure that you are comfortable in which way you choose. Once you stand then simply reverse the process entirely to return to the ground.

By implementing this kettlebell exercise into your workout routine you are stepping up your training by a few notches! Take the time to learn more about kettlebell lifts and this ancient art form. By doing so your workout routines will never be the same. I will even make it easier for you by asking you to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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So You Want to Know How to Get Ready For Basketball Season?

In order to get yourself truly READY for basketball season you have got to have a great strength and conditioning program in place in order to improve on your total physical strength, vertical leap, and overall athletic performance. As a strength and conditioning professional I can think of no better way for you to do this than to implement the use of kettlebell training into your strength and conditioning workouts. If I have your attention then continue to read on.

In order to improve your vertical leap, your core power, and overall strength you must implement lifts and body movements that incorporate multi-joint lifts. By incorporating big core explosive movements you stand to improve on your athleticism thereby enhancing your play on the court. Kettlebell lifts are one of the absolute best ways to do these very things. 

You see kettlebell training focuses in on teaching you how to manipulate bodily movements instead of isolating particular body parts. This is why this style of training translates so well over into the realm of athletic competition. This ancient style of training has been around for over three centuries and is far from being some TV or internet shopping fad. This is a hardcore form of training that has withstood the test of time because it simply works! You see by implementing basic kettlebell lifts such as the swings, snatches, and get ups you stand to increase your vertical jump, speed and quickness, and overall cardiovascular conditioning. This style of training will boost your athleticism to the point that you will notice your opponents frustration all season long. I guarantee you that if you properly implement this for your basketball season workouts you will NOT be outworked or physically dominated by anyone!

Stop wasting time and start forging your body to get ready for the upcoming basketball season. Be the player that out hustles, outworks, and out conditions everyone else on the court. Be dominant in your game by joining the long line of athletes that have used this very tool to physically dominate for over three centuries! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend. Give it a try.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Trim Down Now! The Best Fat Blasting Workout is Here!

Burn belly fat by implementing the use of kettlebell training! That's right, I said kettlebell training. By now you may have seen or heard about this ancient strength and conditioning device known as the kettlebell. This device resembles a cannonball with a handle attached to it. To implement this device you have to move your body and this is where the overwhelming benefits of this tool come into play.

If you want a fat blaster workout to shrink your waistline and boost your health then kettlebell training is where its at. You see the secret to kettlebell training is that it is all movement oriented in nature instead of targeting on specific muscle groups. If you learn how to manipulate body movements through the taming and handling of this round iron tool then you stand to develop superior total body strength, build a rock hard amount of muscle mass, and burn off a ton of unwanted fat pounds! This is what makes kettlebell training uniquely effective. 

You see the mere design of the kettlebell also adds to the effectiveness of it's ability to help you forge the body you desire. Because it is a sphere attached to an extended handle the bell is constantly pulling away from your center of gravity. This constant "pulling away" causes you to have to counter-react to the bell in order to firmly stabilize it. Even doing something as simple as holding it by your side isn't easy. You will find that it will wear away at your body causing you to have to relentlessly pull away in the opposite direction of the bell. This is the very reason as to why you get stronger just by handling the bell through basic movements. Kettlebell lifts can be fancy, but it doesn't take you having to implement fancy lifts in order for this style of training to blast the belly fat off of your waistline.

If you are serious about learning and applying a REAL fat blasting workout then you have got to get acquainted with kettlebell training. I will even make it easy for you by asking you to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Stop wasting time and start getting results today. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Blazing Fast - The Best Strength Workout For Speed is Right Here!

Your workouts should be explosive strength workouts if you are going to develop blazing speed on the field of play. Athleticism is a trait that can only be improved based on the effectiveness of your workouts. As a professional strength and conditioning specialist I can think of no better lift for speed and power than the overhead kettlebell snatch.

You have probably heard of this ancient strength and conditioning tool known as the kettlebell and realize that this device has forged some of the world's greatest athletes. The single arm overhead snatch is a lift that you can perform with this device that is a sure way for you to achieve a body that is reactive and full of explosive energy. This single exercise promotes the strength of your core, elevates your hip power, and gives you the shoulder strength to withstand and dish out most any level of punishment. All of these elements combine to give you overwhelming speed and velocity for any athletic task. 

The overhead snatch is performed by you having to lift the kettlebell from either the floor or between your legs up to a held position above your head. This movement should be smooth and forceful. To to do this successfully you must first understand and implement a technique in kettlebell training known as the hip snap. The hip snap is done by you forcefully flexing and then extending at both your hip and knee joints to generate the necessary force to elevate the kettlebell to a high position lateral to your head. At this high pull position your body must be truly "locked out" and you must lean into the bell as your cock your arm back at the shoulder and elbow. Once the bell is at this "high pull" spot it should be weightless for a fraction of time. At this peak when the bell is weightless you must complete the snatch lift by vertically punching your palm towards the sky extending your elbow and locking your shoulder securely into the socket.

Take the time to properly learn the technique involved in the overhead snatch if you are serious about building blazing fast speed and athleticism. This explosive power workout is sure to change your physical nature forever! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 Best Exercises to Improve Speed!

As a strength and conditioning professional I can think of no better pair of exercises to improve your speed than the overhead kettlebell snatch and double arm swing. These are 2 hard hitting strength endurance lifts to add both power and conditioning to your speed and strength exercises. Read carefully and apply the following 2 lifts to your personal strength and conditioning program for total athletic speed!

1. The Double Arm Kettlebell Swing: This is the basic strength endurance lift that you can perform with the ancient kettlebell. This single lift incorporates hundreds of your muscles and demands total body and muscular control in order to pull it off effectively. The lift is performed by you grabbing the bell with both hands and swinging it like a pendulum back and forth from between your legs up to chest level. This back and forth movement is accomplished by you applying a technique in kettlebell training known as the hip snap. The hip snap is done by you forcefully flexing and then extending at both your hips and knees in order to build the momentum to swing the bell. By doing this you train your body to sustain constant tension and effort for an optimal level of fitness which in turn improves your performance. This is the key to building speed.

2. The Single Arm Overhead Kettlebell Snatch: This is a lift that is sure to enhance your speed development. There is no substitute for power my friend and this lift will give you just that. In order to perform the snatch you must vertically pull the kettlebell from either the ground or from between your legs up to a held position above your head. This is done by implementing the hip snap technique as mentioned in the kettlebell swing exercise above. As you do this you will want to fully lock out your body at your hips and knees and cock the arm holding the kettlebell back at the highest position just lateral to your head. The bell should be weightless at this peak position. 

Once you get the kettlebell to this weightless position then you will want to vertically punch your palm towards the sky to lock your elbow and pull your shoulder into the socket in order to complete the lift. This exercise will no doubt improve your sprinting speed and power my friend. Take the time to implement and involve the kettlebell into your personal strength and conditioning program if you are serious about improving your speed and athletic performance. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Forget the Treadmill - Check Out This Serious Cardio Workout You Can Do at Home!

The best cardio workout you can do at home must involve the implementation of kettlebell swings! As you may know by now the ancient kettlebell is a superior strength and conditioning device that has been around for over three centuries. This iron cannonball with a handle has been used to forge the greatest bodies on the planet.

The best cardio exercise you can easily do at home must involve the kettlebell swing. The swing can be done a number of different ways, but for the sake of this article I am referring to the single bell double arm version. This single lift is sure to crank up your heart rate faster than anything you will ever try. The swing is executed by literally swinging the kettlebell like a pendulum from between your legs up to chest level. By doing this you are integrating hundreds of muscles at once and revving up your heart rate to give you a level of conditioning that is unmatched! This is a great cardio workout my friend. 

To properly swing the kettlebell you must first understand the technique known as the hip snap. The hip snap is a movement that is performed by you forcefully and continuously flexing and extending at both your hips and knees to create the much needed momentum to swing the kettlebell. This motion should be powered by your hips and not your arms. You must also maintain a level of forceful breathing in order to stabilize and tighten your core. This is done to both strengthen and protect your back. By performing just 30 to 40 reps of this exercise with even a moderately heavy bell you will quickly see just how effective this exercise can be for your cardiovascular benefit. This cardio workout blows away any cardio workout you can do in a gym. Tackle your cardio workouts at home with kettlebell swings.

By implementing this style of training you will stand to gain more cardiovascular fitness than you have ever experienced. This is a cardio endurance workout for the ages. Take the time to learn how to properly apply the technique to pull this lift off by accessing the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend! Give it a try.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Absurd Cardio Fitness - The Best Cardio Workout to Turn You Into an Endurance Machine!

If you are looking for a high intensity cardio workout then you have arrived at the right place. For absurd cardiovascular fitness I have come up with a workout that is sure to get you the results you desire. The following workout is comprised of doing intervals of kettlebell swings combined with three different body weight exercises.

The key to this workout is to go through a series of 3 multi-joint body weight oriented exercises while super-setting it with a series of double arm kettlebell swings. The rep count should be 20 on every exercise. The key here is to do this with a moderately heavy bell. To give you an idea of how to structure this workout you can start with a series of push ups. So based on the model I have set before you start by executing 20 push ups. As soon as, you complete the 20 push ups then immediately execute a set of 20 kettlebell swings. This is the first combo of a triple combination interval. 

Once you complete this first combination then you will want to execute a set of maybe 20 burpees immediately doing 20 more swings. Finally, end with a series of 20 dips followed up with the final 20 kettlebell swings. The objective is to go through these combinations as quickly as possible. As you get through the intervals then allow yourself about 4 to 5 minutes of recovery and go through it again. To achieve absurd cardiovascular fitness and a rock hard body try to complete 3 rounds of these combination intervals. This is no doubt a hard hitting bodybuilding cardio workout. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the ancient kettlebell.

By getting acquainted with kettlebells you stand to gain a ton from your future workouts. There is nothing else that compares to kettlebell training when it comes down to your performance and overall fitness. Kettlebell training isn't elitist, but kettlebell men and women are just a little better than everyone else in the fitness community. Take the time to learn more about this by accessing the rest of my articles for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend. Give it a try!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Bell Press - The Single Best Shoulder Exercise For Ultimate Strength!

If you are looking for an exercise that is sure to power up the strength of your shoulders and upper body it involves the overhead kettlebell press. This lift can be done with either a single bell or a pair. To achieve a superior amount of shoulder strength you must learn how to properly execute this lift with the kettlebell.

To begin, you must execute and have a sound clean to properly position the kettlebell at your chest for pressing. From here you must be aware of how to press the kettlebell. I will tell you right now that pressing a kettlebell is completely different from pressing a dumbell. The kettlebell's design makes the mechanics of the press substantially different. Also, even though you are pressing the kettlebell overhead you are not using the shoulder, as much as, you are pressing from your lat. As you stand with the kettlebell at the racked position make sure that your wrist is locked and in a straight line. From here when you press the kettlebell you should do so in a "circular" motion. You will find pressing the bell "straight up" is nearly impossible and is not very natural on the shoulder.

You must learn how to suck your shoulder into the socket. As you press the bell you should round your arm by allowing your bicep to start close to your body from the clean, to circle out away from your body, and then finally to return close to your body at the end of the press with your bicep next to your head. As you press the bell overhead you should lock out your elbow and the handle of the bell should be resting right in the groove of your palm. To ensure you have the correct overhead held position of the bell you should be able to straighten your fingers and even wiggle them while you still have the kettlebell in the overhead pressed position. This is no doubt one of the best shoulder exercises for mass and strength.

If you haven't already included kettlebells into your personal shoulder muscle building exercises then you are missing out. This ancient tool is superior to all when it comes to developing you powerful hips, an unmatched core, and the shoulders of a dominant fighter! Take the time to learn about kettlebells and kettlebell training by accessing the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Destroy Body Fat - The Single Best Workout For Love Handles is Right Here!

If you would rather have defined obliques rather than sagging love handles then you are in the right place. Any successful fitness program has to involve a sufficient level of intensity. As a professional I can think of no better way to do this than by implementing the use of kettlebell training, specifically the kettlebell high load windmill lift for your love handle problems.

First of all, you may be familiar with kettlebell training by now and realize that this ancient style of strength and conditioning is really starting to make some noise here in the states now. Kettlebell training is a dynamic and ancient art form that has been utilized by the world's greatest athletes and strongmen. This ancient device provides you with an overall total body workout that is sure to transform your body for the better. A tremendous lift to improve the strength and development of your midsection and obliques is the kettlebell high load windmill. This is a fairly advanced lift that requires flawless technique and full confidence from the participant in his or her kettlebell lifting ability.

To begin this lift you will only need the use of a single kettlebell. Properly clean and rack the bell to your chest and press it overhead. Take your free arm and move around to behind your back. From here simply angle your feet to about a 45 degree angle away from the side of your body that is lifting the bell. From here simply look up at the bell and descend with your torso by pushing your hip on the loaded side of the kettlebell away from your body. Make sure that your hip and knee stay locked and straight on that side. As you descend with your body strongly contract your lat muscle to support the kettlebell above your head keeping it at a perpendicular angle to the floor. Go down far enough to feel a significant stretch and then come back up to a full standing position. Once you have completed even a single repetition of this lift you will see just how effective it can be at being a hard hitting ab workout that is sure to eliminate your love handles.

By executing this and other kettlebell lifts you will learn how to truly initiate the use of your core muscles to balance and support your body in various dynamic ways. This will ensure that you'll develop the most functional and fit body possible within the scope of your workouts. Trust me, there is no better way to tone love handles. If you haven't already included kettlebells into your workouts then you are missing out. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Football Fitness - A Single Exercise For Top Notch Football Workouts!

To have an elite football fitness workout you have got to include kettlebell snatches into your workout equation. The single arm overhead kettlebell snatch is a very explosive and dynamic lift that is sure to change your performance on the field for the better. Take a minute to continue reading on about this particular lift in order to take your football conditioning to the next level.

Successful football fitness drills have to focus on the development of muscular power, endurance, explosiveness, and overall superior cardiovascular conditioning. By adding the single arm overhead kettlebell snatch to your strength training workouts you are covering all of the areas of focus that I just mentioned. To execute the overhead snatch you must lift the kettlebell from either the ground or from between your legs to a held position above your head. This is done by you initiating a technique known as the hip snap.

The hip snap is performed by you forcefully and smoothly flexing and then extending at both your hip and knee joints to build momentum to elevate the kettlebell to a lateral position to your head. Once the kettlebell is at this lateral position to your head you must then vertically punch your palm towards the sky in order to complete the lift. This lift will help you to build extraordinary core strength and hip power which are much needed traits to be successful in the game of football. The kettlebell is a tool that will forge your body into the perfect physical specimen for any sport!

If you haven't included this ancient style of training into your personal football fitness workouts then you are really missing out! Take the time to learn more about this ancient art form by accessing the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
You will become one of my Free Elite Members if you make your "Better Than Steroids" purchase, but to just become one of my Elite Members and receive my free Newsletter just go to

Friday, November 5, 2010

No 2nd Place Here - The Most Effective Cardiovascular Exercise on the Planet is Right Here!

If you are serious about kicking your cardio workout routine into high gear then you are in the right place. The type of cardio that I am talking about doesn't involve a nice easy jog around the block, a bike ride across the countryside, or even a nice swim. There is nothing nice about this cardio workout. This cardio workout is about competitive will, hard work, and the mental fortitude to keep pushing through the pain of the burn! The cardio workout that I am referring to involves both muscular strength and overall superior endurance and it requires the use of kettlebells!

That's right my friend, the workout that I am referring to requires the use of kettlebell snatches. This single arm overhead lift is one of the most profound lifts that you can implement within the scope of your cardiovascular fitness program. This single lift workout is only going to require you to have a single bell, a stopwatch, and a friend to help you keep count and share in the misery. Before you begin this workout you will want to establish the rules. 

The objective is to see how many single arm overhead snatches you can execute within a 3 minute time limit. Your friend's responsibility is to keep the time and count the reps. Your responsibility is to get lean, mean, and nasty as you explode through every rep trying to beat out your friend and the clock. This is a workout for the ages my friend. This workout will smoke any traditional weight lifting or cardio workout routine you have ever tried. Once you are finished you will quickly see why there is no 2nd place when it comes down to this cardio workout. As soon as you finish and allow yourself time to recover then simply switch off with your friend giving him or her the kettlebell why you take the watch and count the reps. The key is for you to beat out your partner. This workout is sure to transform your training. It will also spark a healthy competitive environment allowing all of the participants to get a great workout. Don't waste anymore time on that stationary bike. Get lean and mean fast. Get a kettlebell and go crazy.

If you haven't already taken the time to learn about this ancient form of training then take the time. I will even make it easier on you by asking you to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
You will become one of my Free Elite Members if you make your "Better Than Steroids" purchase, but to just become one of my Elite Members and receive my free Newsletter just go to

Elite Level Cardio - The Best Cardio Workout For You to Do Right at Home is Here!

Superior cardio exercises at home don't require a lot of equipment, but the following powerful workout will require the use of kettlebell training. As a strength and conditioning specialist I can think of no better way for you to get a powerful cardio workout than by implementing the use of kettlebell circuits! Read on and apply the following workout to your personal program if you are interested in getting real results.

For this workout you will need a pair of moderately heavy kettlebells of equal weight and some flat open space. For safety and practicality you will probably want to do this workout outdoors on grass. Start by placing the bells between your feet. The objective of this kettlebell circuit is to execute a total of 5 repetitions per exercise with both bells for 5 straight exercises in a row. This is a great cardio workout for total strength, conditioning, and overall muscular endurance. 

To begin, perform a proper clean lift bringing the kettlebells to your chest. Once you have the bells at your chest then you are going to perform a push press (or jerk) lift with both bells for the recommended 5 reps. Once you complete these then follow up with a set of dual bell swings for 5 reps. The third exercise needs to involve another push-oriented exercise. For this one you are going to perform a set of see saw alternating overhead presses with the kettlebells. Once you finish these then simply drop the bells back into a swinging motion for 5 more dual bell swings for the fourth exercise of the circuit. As you finish with the swings you are to finish with another push-oriented lift by holding the bells at the rack position of the clean and doing 5 reps of dual kettlebell front squats. This concludes the gruesome kettlebell circuit. 

The key to the circuit is to primarily make sure that you alternate push-oriented lifts with pull-oriented ones. For this particular example I simply made the pull lifts (or swings) the same exercise. Take the time to learn about how to tame the iron kettlebell my friend and you will undoubtedly see why circuits like this will get you harder hitting results than most any other form of training.

If you haven't taken the time to learn about kettlebell training then you truly missing out. Invest the time to learn even the most basic lifts and your workouts will advance tremendously. Remember that anything that is worth its weight in gold takes a bit of learning. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend! Give it a try.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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A Successful Fitness Program Begins With an Open Mind and Total Self Motivation!

As a professional trainer I constantly shock people when I say that certain personality traits have to do with the success of a fitness program more than lifting weights and nutrition. You see the fact is that lifting weights, nutrition, and behavior change only go so far. If the person isn't open to trying new things and filled with plenty of self motivation the success of the program is limited.

I am always honest and up front with new potential clients and trainees when they approach me for my services. They have heard of how hard hitting kettlebell training is and they tell themselves that they want to do it right away, however when they actually start doing it they realize that true fitness comes at a price! If you don't have the mental fortitude to allow the molding process of your body to take place you will never succeed. There is no quick fix, miracle pill, or fad diet to bail you out of your fitness woes. Your body must go through physical hell in order to come out stronger on the other side. 

True fitness and strength training programs succeed only because of the dedication, commitment, consistency, and open mindedness of the participant. Personality trait is everything. The fact is that I have had to tell people that they were uncoachable. Thats right, most people simply don't have what it takes to be truly fit.

Now I don't want to sound arrogant saying that, but the numbers don't lie. The fact is that most gym memberships are only used by about 15-17% of the people that signed up for those memberships. Of those 15-17% that actually attempt to embark on a fitness and strength program only about a half a percent actually know what they are doing. Despite the billions of dollars rolling into the health club industry here in the U.S. this country is still the fattest country in the world. People are not only soft physically, but they are soft mentally. The latter is the real culprit. Diet and workout plans have to be attacked head on. Its all about lifestyle.

So before you decide to embark on your successful journey make sure that you "convince yourself" that it is going to be a success before you start. When you do don't ever give a half effort. Give a full effort. Remember that anyone can train hard temporarily, but only the best train hard and smart indefinitely!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
You will become one of my Free Elite Members if you make your "Better Than Steroids" purchase, but to just become one of my Elite Members and receive my free Newsletter just go to

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gruesome Fitness For Men - Hard Workouts For Men Equate to Productive Workouts For Men!

Dominant men train in a dominant fashion. Everything you do in life to succeed you must have a dominant attitude. In my opinion your fitness routine should be no different. This is a gruesome fitness routine for all men to try and be proud of for attempting!

As a professional strength and conditioning specialist it is my opinion that if you aren't training with kettlebells then you aren't working out! One kettlebell training routine that is guaranteed to get your body's attention is the giant push pull kettlebell circuit. This hard workout routine is difficult to do, but the results are astounding! To complete this workout you have to be somewhat acquainted with basic kettlebell lifting techniques. The structure of this kettlebell workout goes as follows. You are going to have to have the availability of a moderately heavy kettlebell, some flat open space, and a male dominant attitude to work! 

The entire workout is going to consist of 6 different kettlebell lifts all performed in a continuous circuit. The specific lifts involved in the circuit doesn't matter, as long as, the style of lifts are alternated in a push/pull fashion. For instance, your first two exercises of the circuit may be single arm kettlebell swings and push presses (or jerks). The swings are a "pulling" related movement followed by a push press (or jerk) which is "pushing" in nature. The entire circuit should alternate the push and pull combination, be done in isolateral fashion (or single-sided lifts) and consists of 6 total different lifts! For a beginner attempt to execute 5 reps of each lift on each side of your body throughout the duration of the entire circuit. This should total a number of 60 repetitions! This is a hard hitting male workout routine my friend.

Like I said, hard workouts for men equal to productive workouts for men. Take the time to learn and practice the art of kettlebell training so you can have the workouts and results from those workouts that you have always wanted! Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart! Give it a try.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Build Your Pull Up Strength Without Doing Pull Ups!

If you are looking to build your pull up muscles without having to concentrate on just doing pull ups then you have got to learn how to execute the kettlebell high load windmill lift. As a strength and conditioning professional I can tell you with full confidence that you can cater most any kettlebell lift to train your body to succeed at performing any task. Kettlebell training is an ancient art form that has been around for centuries. This very style of training has been used by the world's greatest strongmen and athletes for a long time.

If you are going to improve your pull up strength then you have got to improve both your core strength and overall lat strength. These are the major muscle groups involved in the pull up exercise. Lat pull ups are hard enough to do alone, but they can significantly be improved by learning how to execute the high load windmill with the kettlebell. This lift is a very unique and dynamic exercise performed with the ancient kettlebell that involves a lot of core and lat tension, along with good hip and hamstring flexibility. 

This should only be attempted once you have full confidence in your abilities and skills with the kettlebell. Begin the lift by first pressing the bell overhead with one arm. Place your free arm behind your back. Keep your shoulder sucked into the socket and elbow locked with the arm that is holding the weight overhead. From here your feet should be about shoulder width apart in length. Slightly angle your feet about 45 degrees away from the arm that is loaded. Once you do this now simply kick your hip of the weighted side out (laterally away) from your feet. As you slowly descend keep your weighted leg locked out and maintain focus by looking up at the kettlebell all as you descend down. Go down until you feel a good stretch before coming back up. Make sure to firmly contract your lat muscle throughout the lift to maintain control of the kettlebell.

This is one hard hitting lift for some serious core and lat strength, not to mention the development of hip mobility and flexibility. If you really want to improve your pull up strength then you have got to learn the high load windmill lift. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend! Give it a try.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Rapid Fitness - Build Muscle Fast With This Ingredient!

If you are serious about building lean muscle mass fast then you have got to train with kettlebells my friend. Kettlebell training is a movement based style of training that will strip down your body fat and build you lean muscle mass quicker than just about any other form of resistance training around. If you are really wanting to change your physical appearance then you have got read on and include this into your own workouts. With an open mind and the willingness to learn you will not be disappointed once you implement this style of training for your own fitness and strength program.

You see the secret to kettlebell training is that it is "movement specific" in nature as opposed to "body part specific." By exerting your body in this way you stand to raise your level of perceived exertion quicker than traditional weight lifting type lifts. By doing this you incorporate many more muscles to execute the dynamic kettlebell lifts. The more muscles that are tensioned and exerted the faster you pack on the muscle. By performing base lifts such as swings, snatches, and jerks you utilize hundreds of your muscles at once to generate a ton of effort to burn off a ton of calories. I can think of no other style of resistance training or workout routine that is so effective in building muscle this fast. Many workout plans build muscle, but only a few (when effectively applied) do it in this fashion. Everyone is looking for a quick fix and the truth is that there is no such thing, however this is the closest and most legitimate thing I can think of.

If you haven't already implemented the use of kettlebell training into your personal program then you don't know what you are missing. There is no workout plan to build muscle like this plan. By engaging in kettlebell lifts you not only pack on the lean muscle, but you back it up with strength, power, and function as well. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend. Give it a try!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Strongman Workouts You Can Do Right at Home!

Strongman Championship 2009 by Lee Gonzalez Photography

Now obviously you have to have a lot going for you to be a world strongman. However, if you think you have what it takes then you have got to start somewhere. As a strength and conditioning professional there is no better way to forge a strong body than by implementing the use of kettlebell training! Kettlebell training is the perfect style of training for you to implement right in the comfort of your back yard at home, while assisting you in your world strongman journey.

First of all, if you have ever watched a true strongman event you know that each strongman task demands the elements of both tremendous muscular power and endurance! Strength goes beyond just bench pressing weight off of your chest. It is about functional strength. These awesome athletes have to pull planes, tote 300 lb. stones, and throw beer kegs. None of these events lack the element of functional strength. As a professional there is no better form of training to mimic these events better than kettlebell training. 

Kettlebells have been used by the world's strongest men and athletes for over three centuries. This style of training encompasses the use of functional strength by handling the resistance of an iron cannonball shaped weight. This is surely an ideal ingredient for a world's strongest man workout. By performing even the most basic lifts with the kettlebell such as swings, snatches, jerks, and one arm turkish get ups you will prepare your body better to perform any of the other strongman style feats! The fact is you condition your body to perform movements at the highest intensities against the most challenging resistances with kettlebell training. You have got to make sure to give this a try if you are serious about molding the most powerful body known to man!

If you haven't already included the use of kettlebells into your personal strongman workouts then you are truly missing out. I will even challenge you further by asking you to access the rest of my articles on this ancient style of training for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only champions train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Regain Your Man Chest - Best Exercise to Get Rid of Your Man Boobs!

In order to get rid of your man boobs (or moobs) you have got to implement the use of kettlebell training. By now you may have heard of the ancient kettlebell and realize that this single ancient strength and conditioning device has been around molding some of the world's greatest athletic bodies for over three centuries. This single device is so versatile that it can train your entire body with some very basic movements. I have included a single hard hitting lift that is great for helping you to rev up your metabolism, burn fat, and speed up the process of getting rid of your flabby chest.

Get rid of the flab by building lean muscle mass, period! The overhead kettlebell swing is a single lift that you can use to burn a ton of calories and slim down your body as fast as any exercise you can possibly do. This lift is done by you holding the kettlebell with both arms and letting it hang at your groin. From here your feet should be about shoulder width apart in length. You should initiate a movement called the hip snap in order to swing the bell from between your legs up to above your head. 

The hip snap is done by you having to constantly flex and extend at both your hip and knee joints to swing the bell back and forth like a pendulum. As you gradually build momentum keep increasing the force of the swing by allowing the bell to elevate to above your head. This is a sure way for you to build muscle and burn off any excess body fat that you don't want. You see the key to burning fat is speeding up your metabolism and the key to speeding up your metabolism is building lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you have head to toe the quicker the flab goes away! That's how your body works. Don't let anyone tell you different.

If you haven't already included the kettlebell into your personal strength and fitness program you are missing out. Don't waste anymore time and get started now. I'll even make it easy for you by asking you to access the rest of my articles on the matter for free. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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Razor Sharp Legs - The Single Best Leg Workout For Women is Right Here!

If you want razor sharp legs then you have got to include kettlebell training into your leg workouts. I have included a single kettlebell lift that will drastically improve your leg muscle workouts right here in this article. Allow yourself a minute to read and apply the following kettlebell lift into your personal fitness and strength program to develop the best set of legs possible!

As you may know by now kettlebells are being used to forge some of the greatest bodies on the planet. The fact is that this device has been doing just that for centuries. Today everyone from Hollywood to the Gridiron to the average housewife is using this ancient device as a fat blasting cure for their fitness woes. I have to say that if you are looking to develop a serious set of lean muscular legs you have got to incorporate the dual kettlebell front squat into your training routine. 

This is a lift that requires you to have a pair of moderately heavy bells of equal weight and an open flat space. To execute this hard hitting thigh, butt, and hip exercise you will want to properly clean and rack the kettlebells to your chest. From here simply execute a front squat by descending far enough so that your elbows touch the insides of your knees. This is how you can ensure you have a sufficient squat depth. Make sure not to lean forward or allow the front loaded kettlebells to pull you forward. Keep your feet flat on the floor and execute the lift throughout by using your hips.

After implementing this single lift into your arsenal of thigh exercises it won't be long before your legs start to show the results of a true fitness program. If you haven't already included the kettlebell into your personal strength and fitness program then you are missing out. Take the time to learn the proper technique that you should be using with even the most basic kettlebell lifts. The time you invest will get you a huge return! Remember ladies that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart.

To learn more about how to utilize your body, Kettlebells, and to achieve Mind Blowing fitness get your copy of My "Better Than Steroids Ebook" by clicking here:
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