Friday, January 8, 2010

Strength Training For Golfers - The Importance of Letting Go of Past Misconceptions on Working Out!

Golfer by dave_vangolfer by CappiT

Say goodbye, to the "old school" mindset of yesteryear! Today the truth is that the fitter, stronger, and better conditioned you are, the better you are going to be in your sport irregardless of what your sport is. You have to forget about how working out will inhibit your performance by limiting your range of motion. If you get stiff from training your body then you have a poorly planned training program in the first place.

Specificity of training is the key to improving athletic performance. You have to have a well-structured meaningful plan in order to truly gain the benefit you desire. Don't be illogical. Its just like starting to play golf. Do you tell a person that is about to swing at a golf ball for the first time to just grab the club and swing? Of course not, there is a process to it. A certain set of skills have to be learned before one can hit the ball well. Your strength and conditioning program is no different. You have to learn a set of lifts and movements and obtain an understanding of the human body before blindly attempting to train. Golf fitness and strength training is more important today than ever before. My favorite example of how fitness and strength training is so beneficial for today's golfer can be summed up in one single example, Tiger Woods! He is no question the most successful golfer on the circuit and one of the best of all time, but he is also the fittest.

Strength training is one of the most commonly overlooked variables I see in golfers. Take the time to get better. Even if you just leisurely enjoy playing the game, kill two birds with one stone and get involved with a strength and conditioning program to improve both your game and your health.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Combination Lifts - 2 Spectacular Lifts Combining Multiple Movements to Achieve Big Strength Gains!

MBody at OC Marathon Expo 2009 by mbodystrength

I have had many years of experience and education when it comes to training the human body. The one thing that I have to remind people of is that our bodies are basically nature's best built machine. This machine that we refer to as our body is very complex, but I can say that mechanically it is made up of nothing more than a series of levers and pulleys that create the amazing feat we like to refer to as movement! My whole approach in obtaining optimal strength and fitness is to incorporate this movement into a form of resistance training to achieve supreme fitness and strength. Allow yourself a minute to learn and incorporate the following 2 lifts into your personal program.

1. The Kettlebell Squat and Press: This is a really good combination lift for one to perform to work on core strength, stability, leg strength, and upper-body strength. For this particular lift I am referring to using a single kettlebell. This lift involves a lot of movement which further adds to the conditioning component of the exercise. To start, you will want to clean the bell to your chest. From here simply execute a form squat maintaining good balance and not compromising your form with the bell being loaded at the front of your body. Essentially you are performing a front squat with the bell. From here finish the squat and once your body is extended then press the bell and lock it out straight overhead! I would recommend starting with a moderately heavy bell relative to your strength. Execute 6 to 8 on each side.

2. Dumbbell Squat Curls: This particular exercise is a very intense movement and is quick to wear one out when it is performed. All you need is a set of moderately heavy dumbbells relative to your strength. I am a professional and I personally use a pair of 50 lb dumbbells. To begin, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. You should be holding the dumbbells in your hands and by your sides. From here you will want to execute a good deep squat. As you descend in the squat you will want to simultaneously curl the dumbbells bringing the ends of the bells together in front of you at the bottom of the squat. From here as you ascend to lock out back at a standing position return the dumbbells back to your sides in a controlled fashion. Attempt to execute 6 to 8 in a single set.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Training For True Strength!

strength by Karl's...give me strength (CDL) by notnA

If you want to obtain true strength then you have to practice to be stronger! Strength is about progression. This means that you have to gradually intensify and practice whatever feat of strength you want to improve on over time in order to obtain huge gains in strength. The key to getting stronger involves you being consistent, unrelenting, and progressive in your purpose and approach.

For instance, if you want to improve on the number of pull-ups that you can do then you need to practice doing pull-ups frequently. When I say frequently I mean throughout the day and everyday if possible. The key is to not train your muscle to absolute failure. You want to tension the muscle over time in order to get it conditioned for movement. Your fitness training program can be catered for you to obtain real muscular power and core strength by attempting whatever task you want with consistent practice and variation. If you are trying to get better at something like the pull-ups and master doing 10 or so with your own body-weight then practice doing 3 to 5 with added weight. Once you master the newly added weight and can do 10 or so reps then add more weight. You see the way I'm going with this, right?

Take the time to improve on your lift or task of choice. Make sure that you maintain the tension of your body by practicing often. This is what will get you to levels that will ultimately impress you once you implement this strategy over time!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Isolateral Power - 2 Very Unusual Lifts to Get You Big Strength Gains!

IMG_6706 by CrossFitVirtuosity

If you are looking to make some serious gains in your total-body strength then you need to look into incorporating isolateral exercise into your program. This can be done in a variety of different ways, but the following 2 lifts that I am going to introduce and challenge you with are in a strength building category of their own.

1. The One-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press: This is a pretty self explanatory lift, but is highly effective when it comes to developing tremendous upper-body strength. All you need for this lift is a flat bench and a single dumbbell. To execute the lift simply pick up the dumbbell in the hand that will be doing the lift and lay flat on the bench. Place your free arm across your abdomen and press the dumbbell from your chest like you normally would. You will quickly find out just how much more intense this lift is because of the additional body control that is required to balance and stabilize the weight. You will develop much more core strength and upper-body power by performing this lift.

2. The One-Arm Barbell Deadlift: That's right, I said the one-arm barbell deadlift. This exercise is right out of the pages of old time strongmen! For starters, I'm going to assume you know what I am referring to when I talk about the traditional barbell deadlift. If you are familiar with the traditional barbell deadlift then you know that the one-arm version is a very intense version of that lift. To execute this lift simply set up the barbell like you normally would. You will certainly being using a lighter load though. From here simply execute a normal deadlift with the exception that you will only be using a single arm. Make sure your grip is centered on the bar. You will quickly find that if it isn't the bar will see-saw with you. You will also find that your grip will be challenged unlike anything else you have tried.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

The Intensity of Training With Your Own Body-Weight!

Too many times I have seen people try to lift weights or complain about their lack of weight-loss and all the while they can't even handle and control their own body-weight in a structured workout. To me you have no business working out with free- weights unless you are capable of effectively handling your own body-weight in exercises such as push-ups and squats. Your own body-weight can serve as a highly effective form of resistance when you properly apply structure and logic to the strength program that you are participating in.

The one variable that will get you results in any structured exercise and fitness program is intensity! If you don't intensify the weight or resistance of the load you are trying to move or lift then you can't optimally tension your body. So you are probably asking how you can do this by only using your own body-weight. Well for starters, if you are not used to moving and manipulating your own body-weight then get used to that first. After getting used to exercises such as basic push-ups and squats then change the dynamic of these exercises in order to intensify them through the varying distribution of your own weight. This is what is going to get you big time fitness, more rapid weight-loss, and ultimate strength gains.

Just remember that you can obtain a significant amount of mobility, core strength, and conditioning from the use of effective movement with your own body. Take the time to master your own weight before trying to add an additional load like free-weights. This is what will get you your desired results!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Athletic Fitness - 3 Ways to Construct an Athletically Fit and Functional Body!

Athletic Practice by ammersmifJenny in Red classic pose by BdK Fotografie Shoots

I had a friend the other day that was just starting back into working out and he asked me "what is the best thing for me to do to get back into shape?" He is an ex-athlete like myself and I asked him if he remembered how hard his workouts were in college. He, of course, said yes and I proceeded to tell him that he needs to start training like an athlete again. Why, he asked? I followed up by asking him at what point in his life was he in the greatest shape and he replied "when I was doing preseason workouts for football in college." I rest my case. Most of the time people don't want to revert to doing what they used to because they have forgotten how, they are lazy, or maybe they have never had an effective training regimen in their life.

Step 1: The first step in building the ultimate Greek-god or goddess-like body is to implement Olympic Lifting into your strength training program. The three main lifts that people are familiar with in Olympic lifting are the snatch, clean, and jerk. All three lifts are incredible in developing explosive power, strength, and animal-like resiliency. By including these lifts and variations of them into your strength program you will find that you will get a much quicker workout because of the intensity of the lifts. Also, these lifts can be structured into your workouts as a primary lift which can be readily combined with the remaining lift and workout strategies I will explain in Steps 2 and 3.

Step 2: The second step in your journey for elite fitness status involves the inclusion of Kettlebells. Yes, kettlebells are a tremendous way to supplement your Olympic Lifts that you might execute with barbells and bumper plates, but with kettlebells, certain Olympic lifts can be executed as well. Because of its shape and size many different lifts with different objectives can be executed readily with the bell. This allows you to bypass a normal training obstacle that occurs frequently with other free weights like having to slow down to change around weights, racking plates, and having to move to a different area for another lift. In other words, there is no interruption of your workout, therefore your intensity level stays in HIGH GEAR! The bell can be used for heavy explosive type lifts, conditioning-oriented lifts, and slower lifts that create tremendous muscular tension! All are effective for constructing your body and getting to Greek-god status.

Step 3: The third step in getting ridiculously quick results in your program is making sure to add in Plyometrics. Plyometrics involve completing intense quick explosive movements that stretch and shorten the muscles rapidly. They stimulate the nervous system causing the muscles to react quicker so athletic movements like sprinting, jumping, and agility can be effectively executed. This is also a great way to gain tremendous conditioning and to reduce the risk of injury by stressing the body in this manner.

Remember that none of these three steps should be included into your program unless you are 100% confident in your technique. Don't be a knucklehead and do something that would injure you and put you out of commission. However, you should take the time to study, research, and flawlessly practice these steps. Once you do your INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT will be completed way before anyone else's deadline!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

A Weight-Loss, Fat-Loss, and Fitness Plan of Action For Women!

2008 IFBB Pro Womans Fit by Fresh PhotographyBody Building Competition - Pre 2002 Gay Games by ~.Rick.~

Ladies, for this article I have included an absolute weight-loss, fat-loss, and fitness plan of action for you to follow in order to get in the best shape possible! Now to be up front I am not going to give you a "workout plan," but rather give you an outline of rules to follow and apply to the structure of your exercise program.

Remember that to be effective is to not waste time. In order to achieve an optimal level of fitness and to knock off those love handles you have got to be efficient in your training. One way to ensure this is to keep moving during your workout. In order to keep moving during your workout make sure to incorporate super-sets. A super-set is where you complete a set or timed round of one exercise and then immediately without rest transition into a different exercise. An example of this would be to complete a set of push-ups and then immediately jump to your feet to complete a set of squats!

Another effective rule to consider for speeding up your fat-loss campaign is to engage in multi-joint lifts or exercises rather than single-joint lifts. An example of a single-joint lift would be a leg extension. The only joint moving during this exercise is the knee joint. Because of this the quadriceps (your thighs) are more isolated and are restricted from having to incorporate other muscles in your legs such as your glutes (butt) and hamstrings (muscles that run from your butt to the back of your knee). Instead of engaging in lifts such as a leg extension to strengthen your legs perform lifts such as kettlebell swings, squats, or deadlifts. These are multi-joint lifts (with both the hip and knee performing the action) and gets those other muscles that I mentioned as being neglected in the leg extension performing in this movement. This will help you to achieve a greater level of strength and get you into a fat-burning stage a lot quicker! Train hard ladies and enjoy.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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