Friday, July 30, 2010

The Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift - A Real Butt and Thigh Blaster!

If you want to develop a truly hard and fit body you have to incorporate whole-body movements in order to increase your level of perceived exertion. Any successful weight-loss and fat-loss campaign has to be structured and planned in order to make good sense! Progression should ALWAYS be a priority, because without progression how do you know if you are getting better. A simple way to implement this "whole body" idea is by implementing lifts and exercises that you can do on your own two feet. Besides, we function on our feet everyday, so why should we train any different?

A good example of a lift or exercise that you can implement for great development in your hips and glutes is the kettlebell suitcase deadlift. This is a highly effective lift that can be done anywhere. All you need is a single kettlebell. A pair of bells would be great, but are by no means necessary. To execute the lift simply stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Place the bell beside one of your feet (on the outside of your leg). From here simply perform a proper squat and reach down to pick up the kettlebell the way you would a suitcase. Make sure that you fight against the sensation to lean to the weighted side of your body if you are only using a single bell.

This particular strength training movement can also be performed with 2 bells. The lift is performed in the same exact way with 2 bells as it would be with one. The only difference is that doing it with 2 bells gives you more balance in the lift itself. No worries here though because what you don't have to worry so much in stability by performing the lift with 2 bells you make up for with intensity for the additional weight that is having to be lifted. Permit yourself time to learn this great technique for you to include into your own personal program. Remember that this kettlebell and strength training drill is much better to perform by you having to execute the lift on your own 2 feet!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Get Up and Move - 2 Activities For the Beginner to Take in Order to Get in Shape!

If you currently live a rather sedentary lifestyle then you need to immediately take steps to change that. Whether it is your job or your family that keeps you in a relatively inactive state of physical activity you need to take the necessary steps to change your way of life. You don't immediately have to start a full force strength and conditioning program, although this would be most beneficial, but you can make some helpful changes. The easiest way to get started is to simply get up and move around. Take a look at the following activities that would serve as great ideas to get on the right track.

1. Coach an Athletic Team: This is both a constructive and great way for you to start getting active. You can coach a youth baseball, football, or basketball team and use this as an opportunity to be both a good mentor and to get yourself a little exercise without thinking of it as "exercise." Whether you are walking or running at least you are doing a little of both when taking the time to teach the sport during practice. There is no better way to get some physical activity than to do it through some sort of sport.

2. Take up a Sport: This is certainly a bit higher up on the activity scale because it takes some base level of conditioning to get involved in an organized sport. However, you can quickly work to better yourself within the sport and step up your performance by structuring an exercise and training program around the specific sport you are involved in. You can pick from an array of community organized sport activities such as cycling, rowing, running, or team events like football, softball, and hockey. The key is to get out and move. Fitness and cardio can be obtained through any of these events. Get involved.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at

To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

How to Lose Weight and Enjoy the Outdoors!

If you want to lose weight and you like being outside then you need to listen up. For starters, whether you are a beginner or an experienced person in exercise that has gotten off track then you need to get back on track! I mean literally you need to get back on a track and walk, run, jog, cycle, or climb. These are all obvious things that we can do outdoors and you don't have to go very far to participate in these actions. Running trails can be walking trails and walking trails can be running trails. Look for an open outdoor environment and start moving yourself away from civilization. If you walk far enough away from you house or car then you absolutely know one thing. You know that you eventually have to go back. You can't stay stranded so it forces you to get your exercise.

The key to being physically fit is to be physically active. Now yes there are effectively planned and structured workouts that are intelligently thought out for specific purposes, but if you just want to lose weight then you need to actually start! Get outdoors with a friend and either walk, jog, play golf, or cycle. Another great thing to do is to carry a weight while you are out moving around. You can carry and lift a kettlebell and stop at intervals to execute certain lifts if you are that experienced. If you are not that experienced then find a hill to climb or do a series of push-ups. The bottom line is that you must do what works outdoors. The good news is that being outdoors offers many physical challenges that make your workouts easy as far as the planning. Nature will plan your workout session for you. Take the time to discover this and you will no doubt reap the benefits.

Enjoy the outdoors, but while you are at it get something from it. Work at getting active. Don't miss out on life!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Live Fitness and Kettlebell Tele-Seminar Interview With Me!

Hey guys, I am going to be interviewed by a friend of mine tomorrow night (7-28-10) from 7 to 8:00 p.m. The interview will involve general questions about kettlebells, my training philosophy, strength and conditioning, and addressing general problems with today's fitness industry in general. The call is live, but will be recorded for you to listen at a later date if you miss out on this live. You will be able to interact during the interview if I'm not mistaken.

If you want to get the detailed information in person to help your strength and fitness program then this is a great opportunity for you. For all of you trainers and strength specialist it will be great to have you join too! If you haven't already signed up for the seminar then I will leave the link for you here below. The whole thing will only last for an hour and I believe the maximum number allowed to register is 200. All the details will be on the other side of this link below! Keep training smart my friends.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So You Want To Train With Me? Brandon Richey's Kettlebell And Fitness Program!

Come And Train With Me Today!

Here Is What To Expect!

If you want to train with me then be prepared to get the most hard hitting, best, safest, and fully functional workout of your life. My program will help you to incinerate body fat, build a lean strong body, and get you not only looking like you are in the best shape of your life, but having you feel it too! Most of my client base consists of small groups and couples, but I do offer 1 on 1 for those folks that are truly serious and committed to getting in shape.

My Kettlebell Strength And Fitness Program!

My training program is designed to teach you how to properly move and strengthen your body irregardless of your age, gender, or ability. You will absolutely learn how to utilize your own body resistance, as well as, other forms of resistance such as dumbells, barbells, and of course the ancient kettlebell! My program is designed to teach you how to implement the proper techniques and strategies associated with proper functional movement in order to help you minimize the onset of physical ailments and avoid the possibility of chronic long term injury. You will flat out develop a strong, powerful, good looking body during this process.

Where Do I Train You?

My business is set up for me to come to the client so I can come to you based on whether or not I am running a clinic, speaking engagement, boot camp, or training you directly! My business is set up as an on-site or in home training service. Don't worry if you lack equipment, because it is not necessary. Equipment is simply an accessory for me not a necessity. I have my own bells if you don't have your own kettlebells, and I also have other tools to help with the workout.

What Areas Do I Cover And Train In Regularly?

I offer my personal training, kettlebell training, and strength and conditioning services throughout the Metro-Atlanta area. I train and cover Buford, Johns Creek, Alpharetta, Suwanee, Sugar Hill, Duluth, and other surrounding locations within this coverage area! I do offer both private and CEU provided kettlebell clinics all over upon request and scheduling. I also work with all levels of athletic programs for consulting and program design upon scheduling and request.

What Are My Rates?

First of all my first meeting with you is complimentary. My rates are determined by the package that the consumer wants to commit to, as well as, the length of the commitment. If you are doing 1 on 1 or semi-private training (1 to 3 persons) then the rate will range from $80-$120 per session and there is always a minimum 10 session commitment. This is the average, but rates can go lower depending on the number of session commitment and location of the client.

With large groups (4-10 persons) the rates range out between $30 and $35 per person per session. So groups of 4 would be between $120-$140 per session for a 10 session commitment. Once again under special circumstances (logistics, level of commitment, etc.) these rates can go lower! The programs are simple. No matter the numbers I just have to pay for my hour of work. This allows you (the consumer) to dictate the rates, type of training groups, and size of training groups! The bigger the numbers the better. It is awesome to have teammates involved in this process so that you have someone to sweat and bleed with. That was a joke, blood creates too much of a mess! Anyways, another great way for doing this is looking at a corporate fitness program with me. This is done the same way and better health and fitness promotes a better work environment, healthier employees, and less absences.

Schedule Your Complimentary Orientation Today!

Schedule your appointment and complimentary orientation today by contacting me at:
Phone: (706) 491-4259
For additional information on my other products and services visit my site at:
Remember if you want to achieve body of a Greek God you have got to start training smart!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Isolateral Circuit - A 3 Lift Isolateral Circuit to Chisel and Strengthen Your Body!

I want to begin by saying that the following circuit is geared toward slightly more advanced fitness enthusiast, however that doesn't mean that the novice can't read to learn and eventually try to tackle this beast of a workout. Take a moment to breath deep and focus my friends because this workout even makes me tired reading about it. It had that much of an effect on me! Enjoy.

To begin, you will essentially need a kettlebell of your matched ability to perform the task outlined in this circuit. I personally did this with a 24kg (53 lbs) bell! I am assuming that you are familiar with the bell and have an understanding of how to execute the following lifts that I will be explaining in the article. First, you want to make sure you have a sufficient amount of space and that you can utilize the bell freely without worrying about knocking someone in the head with the iron ball of fury. Next, you want to start with one of the most intense lifts with the bell. The single-arm overhead kettlebell snatch. For the sake of the article lets assume you start with your right arm. Blast out 15 of these snatches in a row. Then without rest immediately get into a ONE-ARM push-up position and execute 5 of these evil push-ups. Finally, and without rest grab the kettlebell again and execute at least 3 one-arm Turkish Get-ups! All 3 of these lifts are performed like this without rest and with the right arm. After the Turkish Get-ups, the good news is that you have completed the right arm, but now you've got to do the same 3 body crushing drills with the left arm! This entire isolateral circuit will give you extraordinary strength, endurance, and promote fat-loss like nothing you've tried.

I have always joked that it takes a big man to cry, but that it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man! Well, I assure you I was not laughing on this day friends. I hope you enjoy.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Training For Efficiency!

I get approached by people all of the time wondering how many days of the week I workout. When I give them the answer they are usually shocked! The truth is that I only workout 3 days a week maybe 4 at the most. Each workout session on last about 45 to 55 minutes at the most. Training frequency is an important variable in one's program. As a strength and conditioning specialist I will tell you that frequency does not matter as much, as long as, you properly manage your intensity.

When I talk about managing your intensity I mean that you don't want to train the same muscle group at the same high level of intensity and volume everyday. Now I'm not saying that you can't train the same muscle group most everyday, because the truth is that the fitter you get you can train the same muscle group most all days of the week. The key is to not fatigue your nervous system.

If you have read some of my other articles then you know that all the kettlebell training and olympic lifting that train my clients in are all for stimulating the nervous system. This is how you produce a high level of both strength and total-body conditioning. I have often been told by some people that they workout 5 or 6 days a week, however they cannot perform a kettlebell snatch, barbell power clean, or one-arm turkish get-up with a kettlebell. Its because they are lacking the proper element of training intensity and overall knowledge. If they included the same program that I implement for my clients and athletes there would be no way that they would have enough juice left to squeeze out a full 6 days a week of training! I'm just making the point that your results are all about training EFFICIENTLY, not how many days a week you walk into the gym.

If you want to learn more about my training program feel free to check out the rest of my articles for free. I'm all about hitting it hard, but remember that getting in shape also means recovery after the intensity!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at: I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brandon's Kettlebell Madness Clinic!

The Event: Brandon's Kettlebell Madness Clinic! This is an introductory kettlebell clinic for both strength and fitness professionals and serious fitness junkies wanting to learn more about how to effectively use the ancient kettlebell for optimal fitness for both recreation and sport.

The Date: Early registration ends on July 21st. The clinic is scheduled on July 24th and runs from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Walk in registrations are from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and the party starts at 9:00 a.m. after the walk ins!

The Location: Brandon's Kettlebell Madness will be held here:

Kettlebell Madness will be held at Xtreme Fitness

1071 Jamestown Blvd. S Watkinsville Ga., 30677

To get yourself registered just click on the link below. All you have to do is print off the flyer with the attached form, fill it out, and mail it in with your payment. Its that easy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why a Simple Training Plan Can Be the Best Plan!

I have been training people to be at their best for a long time. The one thing that I have found to be consistent with training anyone for the first time is simplicity. You see it doesn't make sense to try to overwhelm anyone with an array of different exercises within any given time of a training session. As a professional I understand this, but I know there are a lot of people who probably don't realize this. They think they are getting the most out of their workouts, but in fact they are not.

You see even with an advanced athlete the proper program isn't designed based on how many different exercises the strength coaches can throw at the athlete. It is gauged on the intensity and focus of getting the athlete fitter and stronger! Why should your goals be any different? This is the key to getting the most out of your training sessions. To promote fat-loss or weight-loss you can easily design a workout around a couple of simple exercises with good volume and good intensity to squeeze the MOST effort out of the workout. Doing something as simple as squats and walking stairs in a round combination is enough to wear out most people in a 45 minute time limit. This is nothing elaborate and doesn't require the usage of some shiny new piece of equipment and a costly gym membership.

The key to your success is in the simplicity and intensity of what you are doing. If you are a novice just pick a couple of total-body exercises that you can repetitively do with good form and technique to start out. Once you master these then worry about fine-tuning your program.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Your Health - Invest the Time!

I have spent the better part of my life studying the functions, abilities, and performance of the human body. It is the most dynamic and amazing machine on this big beautiful planet of ours. This is the good news, but the bad news for you if you are not taking care of yourself is that you are only issued one body, as far as I know. Its just like I told my client the other day. I told him "That your body and health is like having a single shot left in the gun. The shot can do a lot of damage and go a long ways, but you've only got one shot so make it count!"

To make your "shot" count then you need to put a lot of time into it so it is not wasted! To many times I see people that wait in life and take a more REACTIVE approach to their health rather than a more PROACTIVE approach. You shouldn't want to wait until there is a problem before doing something about it. You need to invest the time in your health. You always hear about the importance and benefits of exercise and how it is so beneficial for your health. Yet, I see a lot of people that either don't engage in physical activity or don't know how to effectively achieve the benefits of a healthy and fit lifestyle. Even in this day and age with all of the information available to us on TV, in the newspapers, and on the internet people seem to be more confused now than ever when it comes to health and fitness. A healthy lifestyle takes time and effort. You must put the time into anything that has value.

Remember that you only get one shot! Invest the time now instead of later. It will save you a lot of physical, emotional, and mental pain.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Nutrition - Tailor Your Nutrition to Achieve Your Fitness Goals!

Costa Rica Nutrition, Costa Rica Health, Costa Rica Nutritionist by costaricanwellnessMega Hamburger Four - The Leaning Tower of Bacon by Marshall Astor - Food Pornographer

I have an aggressive approach when it comes to achieving results. Now when I say this I don't want to come across as arrogant, but rather come across as logical. For example, I know that its easier to walk with comfortable shoes and its certainly easier to fly from my home here in Atlanta to New York instead of driving. These examples may seem silly to you, yet many people don't use this logic when trying to prepare for an athletic event or when trying to accomplish certain physical goals.

I want to address the importance of nutrition. First, when competing in athletic related events or just trying to be in the best shape of your life nutrition is 90% of the total program. If you look at certain athletes and events this is obvious when you actually take the time to think about it. If you have seriously competed in any event in the past then you know how true this really is. Nutrition goes beyond just eating healthy even though healthy eating is a good start. You must have an understanding of nutrition and how it relates to you and your specific program.

For instance, if you are a competitive cyclist you certainly have to make sure that you get a sufficient amount of calories before competition. Though here the key is not just eating everything in sight. If you are an endurance athlete like a cyclist or runner you want the extra calories, but you want to make sure you take in many complex carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, potatoes, and breads. These will provide sufficient energy for you that will last you for an extended amount of time because of the time it takes the body to break these nutrients down. Conversely the individual trying to lose weight wants to try to limit these in their diet.

The bottom line is to make sure that you are informed and that you are being logical about the fuel you put into your body. This is the secret to your physical success!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:

I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Powerful Fitness - A Correlation of the Cumulative Effect of Training and Obtaining Ultimate Fitness

What is powerful fitness? Well, I think you know that it probably means a powerfully fit individual. Now to further define what a powerfully fit individual is I need to define fitness. Fitness means that one is in a state of good condition or good health. Now it is my belief that to truly and accurately define fitness I have to look at a broad spectrum of characteristics that make up fitness.

Now to look at defining powerful fitness I will say that there are many parts of fitness that make up the whole thing. For instance, a truly fit person or powerfully fit person should focus on achieving all of the parts of fitness to make up the whole. So what are these parts? Well when I think of being fit I should want to achieve all characteristics such as strength, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, stamina, resiliency, power, endurance, and overall optimal performance. These are the many parts that I consider that make up what we refer to as being fit. I am a firm believer that if you stress these from one workout to the next then you are going to cumulatively build up each one of these variables over time. You cannot accomplish a single one in any one single training session. It has to be a consistent and compounding effort to include exercises of variety over time that will build on one another to ultimately allow you to achieve powerful fitness!

Remember that the cumulative effect of working out consistently, and over time is what will breed your big time results! Stay on track and train smart!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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