Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Super Fit Or Super Freaky?

Sweaty Muscle Original - Morph by Ball Gut Photo Guy14291144 by francissullivan
Well there is no doubt you can achieve either one of these training goals above with kettlebells. Now I for one am all about building some muscle, but I prefer to be more like the guys in the photo below than the one's above. However muscle building can be adventure for you irregardless of your goals. Just remember that specificity of training is all it takes. If you train your body for muscle building characteristics it will develop muscle. If you train your body for endurance you will build endurance. If you just want to be fit and healthy well, you guessed it, it will respond accordingly. Anyone of these goals can be achieved with the iron bell. There is nothing too extreme or too impossible with a smart kettlebell strength program!

1 comment:

  1. Well there is no doubt you can achieve either one of these training goals above with kettlebells. Now I for one am all about building some muscle. kettlebell instructor


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