Sunday, August 8, 2010

Women's Fitness - Getting a Tight Stomach Doesn't Mean Doing Crunches!

HM3G6375 (Medium)BuffMother! Michelle Berger in Billabong pink polka dot bikini by thebuffmother

Obviously there is a two-prong attack to get rid of any body-fat anywhere on your body and that has to do with your nutrition and the structure of your exercise program. Now for the sake of this article I am addressing the latter, or at least a specific part of the latter that concerns losing your stomach.

For starters, you CANNOT do a specific exercise to get a specific area of your body shaped and lean. So how does this apply to your abs? Well, to be specific doing a thousand crunches WILL NOT get you a six-pack. To be even more specific engaging in any spinal flexion movement such as crunches isn't an effective way to develop a shapely and well-defined core and set of abs. So what does work? Well, the truth is that you must engage in high intensity multi-joint exercises that really get your heart pumping and your body sweating!

I am talking about breathing hard and feeling little pain from physical exertion, not injury! If you participate in these multi-joint based exercises that stimulate and engage your core such as push-ups, planks, and squat thrusts you will achieve a much greater result from your workouts. These movements are also much more effective because they do rev up your metabolism thereby causing your body to obtain a greater level of fat-loss and weight-loss.

The key to losing your stomach is changing your mindset on how to go about doing it! Women's fitness is polluted with old mindsets and I am trying to help you ladies out who are open to discovering the truth and getting real concrete results! By the way, the men's fitness arena has a lot of problems with ineffective and poor methodologies in fitness as well. I just wanted you ladies to know that I'm not letting them off the hook either. I just wanted to be a gentlemen and write this article for you first. Ladies first, right? Now train hard and get your results!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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