Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Kettlebell and Plyometrics - A Combination For a Rock Hard Body!

plyometrics by doesp90xworkAwet-Plyometrics by lhaverim33

Kettlebells are one of the most intense forms of training that I have ever done. The other intense form of training that can almost be as challenging is plyometrics. Together when both of these elements are combined the result of your body transformation is mind-blowing!

To begin, I am going to talk about a cool workout that is structured to combine both elements of kettlebell training and plyometric training. This workout can be performed in your back yard, at a local park, or at your local recreational fields. Just make sure that the surface that you are going to work on is flat and spacious! To begin, you will need to use a relatively heavy bell (I would recommend one you could swing for at least 30 repetitions). Start by performing at least 30 double-arm swings with the kettlebell.

Once you are finished then simply put the bell down and then execute 20 body-weight squat jumps. Make sure your squat jumps are done with perfect form and in rapid succession. This combination totals 50 body-blasting reps! As you start this program try to execute 6 rounds (300 reps) of this intense regimen. Work to get better by changing your kettlebell drill or plyometric drill for variations in intensity.

You will quickly see just how effective this little program can be once you have done it on a regular basis. After about 4 to 6 weeks of this you will see a drastic change in your body. Just make sure that you stay consistent and maintain a high level of intensity in order to optimize your overall fitness!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
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I'm Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds brutal! I'm going to try that soon. Should be a great way to increase power endurance and burn fat.


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